FRIDAY SHIFT 02/05/2021



4 Rounds

10 DB Hang Power Snatch, Right
5 Unweighted 1/4 Get Ups, Right
5 Unweighted 1/4 Get Ups, Left
10 DB Hang Power Snatch, Left

Rest 30 seconds between Rounds!

**Unweighted 1/4 Get Ups are a new movement for SHIFT so be sure to read the description and watch the demo video!

Suggested Weight Range Men: 20-40# DB/KB
Suggested Weight Range Women: 12-30# DB/KB

Score: Time

Goal: 12 Min or Less

For this one, you'll perform 10 hang snatches on your right arm, then 5 unweighted 1/4 get ups on your right arm, followed by 5 unweighted 1/4 gets up on your left arm, then you'll finished the round with 10 hang snatches on your left arm and 30 seconds of rest!

For the DB Hang Snatches you will bring the dumbbell to the waist. Hinge forward slightly while keeping the chest up and belly tight. Keep the heels down and knees out - arm straight. Stand up hard and fast - shrug the shoulder - punch the working elbow out to the side to keep the dumbbell close to the body as it travels UP! From here you will either punch to lockout or punch to lockout WHILE punching yourself UNDER slightly. Get the bicep by the ear and stand completely with it still there to complete the rep!

Lower back to the waist and repeat until 10 reps are done. You will then switch to the other arm and do the same thing.

If you're struggling with this movement, you can do more of a hang clean and press or even an eye-level DB/KB swing!

Start on your back with your right arm extended straight up in the air. Bend your right knee so your right foot is flat on the floor.

Bring your left arm out to the side about 45°. Keep your right arm vertical for the entire movement. Roll onto your left forearm. Don't allow the left side of your torso to sink toward the ground. Then, return with control onto your back.

Complete all 5 reps with the same arm extended then switch sides.

If you're struggling with these, you can swap with sit ups or even band-assisted sit ups!

No sit ups or crunching right now? You may try a dead bug or unweighted windmill!


DB SNATCH - You can always choose a lighter weight or go from the hang position. If you're not comfortable going overhead right now or find that you are coning during the movement sub KB SWINGS.

TURKISH GET UPS - You can try doing an unweighted version of this or shortening the range of motion to 1/2 or 1/4 get up. A DB Windmill or unweighted windmill would be a great customization for pregnancy or postpartum. You could also modify to Functional Progression 2, the Rolling Transition from FP1 to FP 2, or a Shin Box to Lunge