MONDAY SHIFT 01/11/2021

Welcome to Vault 2021 - Road to Olympus!

This is the workout of the day for Monday - but also the SECOND workout in the Street Parking Vault Challenge! Perform ANY VERSION (including SHIFT) of this workout and record your score before 2pm PST on Thursday - January 14 to receive credit towards the Vault!

Collect a score in the weekly time window for all 25 and get access to the exclusive Vault shop!
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2021 Vault: SHIFT GAIA

Part 1:

(As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 7 Minutes)

15 Air Squats
12 DB/KB Deadlifts
9 Push Ups

Rest 1 Minute Before Part 2

Part 2:

(As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 5 Min)

12 Goblet Squats
9 DB/KB Hang Power Cleans
6 Overhead Presses

Suggested Weight Range Men: 20-40# Single DB/KB - or - pair of lighter dumbbells
Suggested Weight Range Women: 12-30# Single DB/KB - or - pair of lighter dumbbells

Total Completed Rounds from BOTH AMRAPS + any Additional Reps

7 Total Rounds + (4-5 in first AMRAP / 3+ in AMRAP #2)

The way this one works is you’ll cycle through 15 air squats, 12 deadlifts, and 9 push ups for 7 (SEVEN) minutes, completing as many rounds and reps as you can. Then you’ll rest for 1 minute. After your rest, you’ll cycle through 12 goblet squats, 9 hang power cleans, and 6 presses for 5 (FIVE) minutes!

For the air squats, you will have the feet shoulder width apart with the heels down. Lift the chest and tighten the belly. Reach the butt back and down as you drive the knees out. Ideally, you will get your butt lower than your knees at the bottom with the chest up and belly still tight! Drive through the heels and drive the knees out to stand completely.

If you have a tendency to collapse at the bottom, you may try using a counter balance. If you have pain or issue in the bottom from current or past injury or issue - you may choose to squat to a slightly higher target. Still focus on heels down, knees out, chest up!

For the deadlifts you will either have a single KB/DB between the feet or a pair of lighter dumbbells on the outsides of the feet. Feet are under the hips. Heels are down. Hips and knees are bent. Arms are straight. Chest is up. Belly tight. Back flat! To lift the DB(s) drive your heels into the ground and lift your chest. Keep arms straight, chest up and belly tight as you stand all the way up at the top.

To lower - send your butt back. Keep your chest lifted and belly tight. Keep those heels down. Once the DB(s) goes below your knees, re-bend them and bring the DB(s) back to the starting position under control.


KB/DB DEADLIFT - If you’re pregnant and the shape of your belly is making reaching the floor difficult or if you're postpartum and managing core rehab through practice of proper posture, sub: Sumo Stance KB/DB Deadlift or elevate the DBs/KB so it’s not so low to the ground when you pick it up. If you are working on healing any pelvic floor dysfunction make sure you are able to breathe properly throughout the entire range of motion and that you are not bracing or bearing down.

AIR SQUAT/DB SQUAT - If you have a hard time maintaining control and a stable midline in the bottom of the squat or if you find yourself bearing down to get out of the bottom, try subbing a target or assisted squat to shorten the range of motion. A box squat is always a great idea especially during pregnancy to strengthen the posterior chain and balance out the growing belly.

PUSH UPS - If you notice coning/doming in the plank position or if you find yourself straining to breathe or bearing down forcefully into your belly or pelvic floor, sub an elevated push up with hands on box, bench, wall, table, etc. or sub floor press, or bench press.

POWER CLEAN - You could try less weight, going from the hang position or starting with the dumbbells between your feet. For pregnant mamas with bellies that interrupt the most efficient path of the bar, be sure to sub DBs for the bar so you are not training inefficient movement patterns.