How it works?
Upon signing up you will be asked a series of questions that will direct you to the correct template to purchase no matter what your goal is.
What If I don't want to lose weight?
If you are someone that would like to maintain your current body weight or if you are an athlete that trains for more than 2 hours in a day we have our performance template options for you. These templates will be more food to help sustain your current body weight or provide enough food to help you recover from your long training sessions.
Is this for me?
Weighing and measuring can seem very intimidating and time consuming. In the past we have incorporated macros and saw huge success with our members. But, our goal is to try and simplify tracking your food and provide you with an easy cheat sheet with what foods to eat and how much you should eat. The measurements in these templates provide you with all that you need to see results - without having to do a bunch of math or log into an app each time.
What will my food options be?
We will have a range of foods for you to pick from for each meal. You will select a protein, complex carb, veggie and fat from our recommended foods list. Here are SOME of the recommended food items you can expect to see.
Protein- Chicken, Turkey Breast, Fish, Egg Whites, and other meats 90% of leaner.
Veggies- Broccoli, Spinach, Asparagus, Brussels Sprouts, Green Beans, Zucchini, Cauliflower and more!
Carbs- Potatoes, Oatmeal, Rice, Fruit etc.
Fats- Some cooking oils, raw nut butter, avocados, raw nuts etc.
Post workout : We will be incorporating some whey protein for post workout only.
We will not be consuming dairy for the most part.
- Please note there will be more details with exact foods and servings when you sign up and receive your template! We have even provided a favorable and unfavorable foods list. That way you can add a FEW of your favorites and know how much you can have and make it work!
What If I Like The Way I Eat?
We support you all in anything you want to do. If you feel the way you are currently eating is working for you and you don’t need to change it- that’s OK! You can still be a part of the fun on the FB page and skip signing up for a template.
What If I’m A Vegetarian Or Vegan?
We will have some slight modifications with protein options for vegetarian, but don’t offer a Vegan options this time around.
What If I'm currently Breastfeeding?
Yes, you can still participate! We have specific templates JUST for new moms!! Do not go through this system to get your template. Instead - email STREETPARKINGNUTRITION@GMAIL.COM
What If I'm currently pregnant?
We recommend you continue with the way you are currently eating and look to join our SP Postpartum Bundles/Nutrition Plans when the time is right!
How Long Will Templates Be On Sale For?
We will have templates for sale indefinitely. We will be capping the number of templates sold with the check in option.
What If I sign up for a template and later want a consultation?
We will have an option for you if you want to start on the template on your own and have a consultation with SP nutrition down the road.
What If I have a friend or family member that wants to participate, but is not a member of SP?
We would love for you to have your family and friends join you!
At this point our templates will ONLY be for sale to current Street Parking Members. Our focus is to service our members at the highest level first and foremost!!