Posts tagged 2022week20
MONDAY 05/09/2022






10 Rounds

6 Renegade Row
12 Dumbbell Squat

Men: 40# DBs
Women: 25# DBs

Men: 50# DBs
Women: 35# DBs

Score: Total Time

Goal: 15-20 Min

Coaches Notes

You might be tempted to come out the gate hot on this one, but with 10 rounds of work to do, that may not be the best idea. Choose a weight and/or push up variation for the renegade rows that allows you to get those 6 reps done in around 30 seconds or so each round. You may not be expecting it but holding the push up position will become more and more uncomfortable after each set of squats. So try breaking those up once from the start to give your quads a quick rest. Choose a weight for the squats that you are capable of doing unbroken, but like with the renegade rows, consider breaking up the set once from the start in an effort to hold that pace through to the end.

Head over to for Logging, Movement Demos, and Customizations!!!






10 Rounds

6 Renegade Row
12 Barbell Back Squat

Men: 95-115#
Women: 65-75#

Extra Challenge
Men: 135#
Women: 95#

Score: Total Time

Goal: 15-20 Min

Coaches Notes

You might be tempted to come out the gate hot on this one, but with 10 rounds of work to do, that may not be the best idea. Choose a weight and/or push up variation for the renegade rows that allows you to get those 6 reps done in around 30 seconds or so each round. You may not be expecting it but holding the push up position will become more and more uncomfortable after each set of squats. So try breaking those up once from the start to give your quads a quick rest. Choose a weight for the squats that you are capable of doing unbroken, but like with the renegade rows, consider breaking up the set once from the start in an effort to hold that pace through to the end.

Head over to for Logging, Movement Demos, and Customizations!!!






10 Rounds

6 Push Up + Sandbag Lateral Drag
12 Sandbag Back Squat

Men: 50-70#
Women: 25-45#

Score: Total Time

Goal: 15-20 Min

Coaches Notes

You might be tempted to come out the gate hot on this one, but with 10 rounds of work to do, that may not be the best idea. You're looking to complete the push up + lateral drag in 30-40 seconds. Consider reducing the reps if you're struggling to do so. You may not be expecting it but holding the push up position will become more and more uncomfortable after each set of squats. So try breaking those up once from the start to give your quads a quick rest. Same idea goes for the squats. Break those up once from Round 1 or go at a steady enough pace, resting with the bag on your shoulders, that you know you can sustain through the end of the workout even under fatigue.

Head over to for Logging, Movement Demos, and Customizations!!!


Push Up/Push Up Taps

If you’re trying to manage the pressure on your core and pelvic floor during this movement, you can start by simply doing something different with the way you’re breathing or how you’re holding tension in your body. If you feel like you need or want to customize further but still want to practice, you can always modify with with fewer reps, an Elevated Push Up or Knee Push Up. Some other options for customizing are floor press, bench press or front raise. Please visit the Mama Modifications Movement Library for more options and demonstrations.

DB/Back/Front/Goblet/Air Squat

If you're trying to manage the pressure on your core and pelvic floor, you can start by simply doing something different with the way you’re breathing or how you’re holding tension in your body throughout the movement. If you feel like you need or want to customize further you can minimize some the demand by shortening the range of motion, using a target, or holding on to something for assistance. Another option for customizing is a Box Squat which can be especially helpful for building posterior chain strength. Please visit the Mama Modifications Movement Library for more options and demonstrations.

TUESDAY 05/10/2022





Every 2 Minutes for 16 Minutes (8 Rounds Total)

200 Meter Run
*8-12 Reps 1/4 Get Up

Rest any time remaining in 2-minute window

*Switch Sides Each Round - So you'll end up doing 4 rounds of 8-12 reps on each side.

Men: 40-55# DB/KB
Women: 25-35# DB/KB

Extra Challenge
Men/Women: Replace 1/4 Get Ups with 3-5 Turkish Get Ups

Score: For Completion. Note how many reps you completed.

Goal: Choose # of Reps that allows you to get all the work done within the 2-minute window each time

Coaches Notes

Keep in mind that this workout is for completion so we are not trying to go as fast as possible on the 1/4 get ups. Definitely push the pace on the running portion.

You have a range of reps to shoot for on the 1/4 get ups. Choose a weight and a rep target that allows you to move with control and intention. Push up into the dumbbell and try to lead with the chest as you shift onto the opposite forearm.

Give yourself 10-15 seconds to reset before the start of each round.

Head over to for Logging, Movement Demos, and Customizations!!!





Every 2 Minutes for 16 Minutes (8 Rounds Total)

15 Cal (M) / 11 Cal (W) Assault Bike
-OR- 18 Cal (M) / 13 Cal (W) Row

*8-12 Reps 1/4 Get Up

Rest any time remaining in 2-minute window

*Switch Sides Each Round - So you'll end up doing 4 rounds of 8-12 reps on each side.

Men: 40-55# DB/KB
Women: 25-35# DB/KB

Extra Challenge
Men/Women: Replace 1/4 Get Ups with 3-5 Turkish Get Ups

Score: For Completion. Note how many reps you completed.

Goal: Choose # of Reps that allows you to get all the work done within the 2-minute window each time

Coaches Notes

Keep in mind that this workout is for completion so we are not trying to go as fast as possible on the 1/4 get ups. Definitely push the pace on the bike/row portion.

You have a range of reps to shoot for on the 1/4 get ups. Choose a weight and a rep target that allows you to move with control and intention. Push up into the dumbbell and try to lead with the chest as you shift onto the opposite forearm.

Give yourself 10-15 seconds to reset before the start of each round.

Head over to for Logging, Movement Demos, and Customizations!!!



If you're trying to manage the pressure on your pelvic floor, you can start by simply doing something different with the way you’re breathing or how you’re holding tension in your body throughout the movement. You can also shorten the distance, lower the speed, or reduce the overall intensity to the point that you feel is still within your current threshold. Check out the SP Mamas Resources blog post on Urinary Leakage with Exercise Troubleshooting for more information and strategies. Some other options for customizing are Taps, Row, Bike, Quick Step Ups, One Legged Plank Rock, High Knee Step Up Overs, or Calf Raises. Please visit the Mama Modifications Movement Library for more options and demonstrations.

Turkish Get Up Options

If you are not comfortable getting down and up from the floor, try subbing 1/4 or 1/2 Turkish Get Ups. If you're pregnant or in the rehab stage of postpartum feel free to sub DB Windmills, Waiter Walks, Paloff Press, Banded Wood Chop, Side Plank Step Through, Functional Progression 2, The Rolling Transition from FP 1 to FP 2, or Shin Box to Lunge.

WEDNESDAY 05/11/2022





4 Rounds

Each Round is on a 3-Minute Clock

18 Dumbbell Shoulder Rack Lunge
15 Toes to Bar
Max Reps Box Jump Over

Rest 2 Minutes between Rounds

*Can replace Toes to Bar with:

20 Alternating V-Up
20 Dumbbell Supine Toe Touch

Men: 40# DBs | 20-24" Box
Women: 25# DBs | 16-20" Box

Extra Challenge
Men: 50# DBs -and/or- 24"+ Box
Women: 35# DBs -and/or- 20"+ Box

Score: Total Box Jump Over Reps COMBINED

Goal: 60-90 Reps

Coaches Notes

To hit the goal, you'll need to get 15-22 box jump overs per round. You'll need 1:00-1:30 for box jump overs depending on your speed and style. Pick a height that allows you to stay within that range.

Choose a weight on the lunges that you can complete 18 reps in around a minute. This can be accomplished even with a short break in the middle of the set.

Go with a variation of toes to bar that you can consistently perform at least 3-5 reps. You'll get a nice 2 minute break in between rounds so push the pace in every round.

Head over to for Logging, Movement Demos, and Customizations!!!





4 Rounds

Each Round is on a 3-Minute Clock

18 Barbell Front Rack Lunge
15 Toes to Bar
Max Reps Box Jump Over

Rest 2 Minutes between Rounds

*Can replace Toes to Bar with:

20 Alternating V-Up
20 Dumbbell Supine Toe Touch

Men: 75-95# Bar | 20-24" Box
Women: 55-65# Bar | 16-20" Box

Extra Challenge
Men: 115#+ Bar -and/or- 24"+ Box
Women: 75#+ Bar -and/or- 20"+ Box

Score: Total Box Jump Over Reps COMBINED

Goal: 60-90 Reps

Coaches Notes

To hit the goal, you'll need to get 15-22 box jump overs per round. You'll need 1:00-1:30 for box jump overs depending on your speed and style. Pick a height that allows you to stay within that range.

Choose a weight on the lunges that you can complete 18 reps in around a minute. This can be accomplished even with a short break in the middle of the set.

Go with a variation of toes to bar that you can consistently perform at least 3-5 reps. You'll get a nice 2 minute break in between rounds so push the pace in every round.

Head over to for Logging, Movement Demos, and Customizations!!!





4 Rounds

Each Round is on a 3-Minute Clock

18 Sandbag Front Rack Lunge
15 Toes to Bar
Max Reps Box Jump Over

Rest 2 Minutes between Rounds

*Can replace Toes to Bar with:

20 Alternating V-Up
20 Sandbag Supine Toe Touch

Men: 50-70# SB | 20-24" Box
Women: 25-45# SB | 16-20" Box

Extra Challenge
Men: 24"+ Box
Women: 20"+ Box

Score: Total Box Jump Over Reps COMBINED

Goal: 60-90 Reps

Coaches Notes

To hit the goal, you'll need to get 15-22 box jump overs per round. You'll need 1:00-1:30 for box jump overs depending on your speed and style. Pick a height that allows you to stay within that range.

The lunges should take around a minute. This can be accomplished even with a short break in the middle of the set. If you are working with a heavier bag, adjust the reps to something you can do in 2 sets each time.

Go with a variation of toes to bar that you can consistently perform at least 3-5 reps. You'll get a nice 2 minute break in between rounds so push the pace in every round.

Head over to for Logging, Movement Demos, and Customizations!!!


Lunge/Weighted Lunge

If you're managing pubic symphysis or SI joint pain try focus on keeping your pelvis neutral and your hips level. Adjusting how your breathe, your posture, and where you're holding tension in your body throughout the movement may help as well. If you feel like you need or want to customize further but still want to practice, you can try less reps, less range of motion, or stepping laterally onto something. Some other options for customizing are goblet squat, glute bridge, or split squats. Please visit the Mama Modifications Movement Library for more options and demonstrations.

Toes to Bar

If you’re trying to manage the pressure on your core and pelvic floor during this movement, you can start by simply doing something different with the way you’re breathing or how you’re holding tension in your body. If you feel like you need or want to customize further but still want to practice, you can try less reps, less range of motion like knee raises, or lying leg lifts. Some other options for customizing are Functional Progression 1, DB Windmills, or KB Swings. Please visit the Mama Modifications Movement Library for more options and demonstrations.

Sit Up

If you’re trying to manage the pressure on your core and pelvic floor during this movement, you can start by simply doing something different with the way you’re breathing or how you’re holding tension in your body. If you feel like you need or want to customize further but still want to practice, you can try less reps, less range of motion, banded or foot assisted. Some other options for customizing are Functional Progression 1, DB Windmills, or KB Swings. Please visit the Mama Modifications Movement Library for more options and demonstrations.

Box Jump

If you’re trying to manage the pressure on your pelvic floor during this movement, you can start by simply doing something different with the way you’re breathing or how you’re holding tension in your body on the take off or landing. Check out the SP Mamas Resources blog post on Urinary Leakage with Exercise Troubleshooting for more strategies. If you feel like you need or want to customize further but still want to practice jumping and landing with two feet you could try doing fewer reps or use a lower height box or step or even use an imaginary line. Some other options for customizing are Step Ups, Box Squats, or KB Swings for minimal impact. Please visit the Mama Modifications Movement Library for more options and demonstrations.

THURSDAY 05/12/2022





For Time

50 Devil Press

Yep... That's it.

Men: 40# DBs
Women: 25# DBs

Extra Challenge
Men/Women: Every Minute on the Minute Perform 3 Burpees

Score: Total Time

Goal: 7-10 Minutes

Coaches Notes

Pretty straight forward today guys! This one should go pretty quick but your strategy is important.

You can either break this up into small manageable sets with a few longer rest periods in between or try to go the distance at a slower steady pace.

If you choose to break it up, you'll want the work intensity to be high. But, don't go so hard at the beginning that you fall apart later. Think 8-10 reps at a time with 10-15 seconds of rest in between. Today would also be a great day to go with the extra challenge if you can knock out 3 burpees in 15 seconds or less each time.

If you choose the steady pace route. Small pauses at the bottom and at the top of the rep will help you maintain a sustainable pace. Just don't take your hands off the dumbbells!

Head over to for Logging, Movement Demos, and Customizations!!!





For Time

50 Plate Burpee

Yep... That's it.

Men: 45-55# Plate
Women: 25-35# Plate

Extra Challenge
Men/Women: Every Minute on the Minute Perform 3 Burpees

Score: Total Time

Goal: 7-10 Minutes

Coaches Notes

Pretty straight forward today guys! This one should go pretty quick but your strategy is important.

Pro Tip: Place a smaller plate or similar object under your burpee plate so you can easily slide your fingers under for smoother movement.

You can either break this up into small manageable sets with a few longer rest periods in between or try to go the distance at a slower steady pace.

If you choose to break it up, you'll want the work intensity to be high. But, don't go so hard at the beginning that you fall apart later. Think 8-10 reps at a time with 10-15 seconds of rest in between. Today would also be a great day to go with the extra challenge if you can knock out 3 burpees in 15 seconds or less each time.

If you choose the steady pace route. Small pauses at the bottom and at the top of the rep will help you maintain a sustainable pace. Just don't take your hands off the plate!

Head over to for Logging, Movement Demos, and Customizations!!!





For Time

50 Sandbag Burpee

Yep... That's it.

Men: 50-70# SB
Women: 25-45# SB

Extra Challenge
Men/Women: Every Minute on the Minute Perform 3 Burpees

Score: Total Time

Goal: 7-10 Minutes

Coaches Notes

Pretty straight forward today guys! This one should go pretty quick but your strategy is important.

You can either break this up into small manageable sets with a few longer rest periods in between or try to go the distance at a slower steady pace. Either way, it would be a good idea to release the bag on the way down, then regrip at the bottom to go into the next rep.

If you choose to break it up, you'll want the work intensity to be high. But, don't go so hard at the beginning that you fall apart later. Think 8-10 reps at a time with 10-15 seconds of rest in between. Today would also be a great day to go with the extra challenge if you can knock out 3 burpees in 15 seconds or less each time.

If you choose the steady pace route, you are still releasing the bag on the way down. Just take an extra little pause at the bottom before inititating the next rep. This will help you maintain a more sustainable pace.

Head over to for Logging, Movement Demos, and Customizations!!!


Devil Press

If you feel a lot of pressure on your abdominal wall or pelvic floor in the plank position or hopping forward/back, you can step back/forward to a table top or low bear pose or skip the plank/push up. You can also use less weight. If you have to modify the movement too much you may want to sub KB Swings, Sled Push/Pull, Farmer Carry, Thrusters, Wall Balls or Ball Slams so that you can keep moving and keep the heart rate up!

FRIDAY 05/13/2022





5 Rounds

400 Meter Run
15 Dumbbell Push Press
20 Dumbbell Squat

Men: 40# DBs
Women: 25# DBs

Extra Challenge
Men: 50# DBs
Women: 35# DBs

Score: Total Time

Goal: 18-24 Minutes

Coaches Notes

No rest between rounds, this one is going to be a grind. To hit the goal, we are looking for roughly 3:30-4:40 per round.

Choose a pace on the runs that you can complete the 400m in 2:00-2:30 each time.

You will either be limited by the push press or the squats. Choose your weight based on whatever movement is going to be the more challenging of the two for the required number of reps.

In order to stay on pace, you'll likely be able to take only one break during the push press and during the squats. This may mean going a bit lighter than you are used to.

Head over to for Logging, Movement Demos, and Customizations!!!





5 Rounds

400 Meter Run
15 Barbell Push Press
20 Barbell Front Squat

*Could also do this version with:

Sandbag Push Press
Sandbag Front Squat

Men: 75# Bar
Women: 55# Bar

Extra Challenge
Men: 95# Bar
Women: 65# Bar

Score: Total Time

Goal: 18-24 Minutes

Coaches Notes

No rest between rounds, this one is going to be a grind. To hit the goal, we are looking for roughly 3:30-4:40 per round.

Choose a pace on the runs that you can complete the 400m in 2:00-2:30 each time.

You will either be limited by the push press or the squats. Choose your weight based on whatever movement is going to be the more challenging of the two for the required number of reps.

In order to stay on pace, you'll likely be able to take only one break during the push press and during the squats. This may mean going a bit lighter than you are used to.

Head over to for Logging, Movement Demos, and Customizations!!!





5 Rounds

30 Cal (M) / 22 Cal (W) Assault Bike
-OR- 500 Meter Row

15 Barbell Push Press
20 Barbell Front Squat

*Could also do this version with dumbbells or a sandbag as seen in Programs A/B!

Men: 75# Bar
Women: 55# Bar

Extra Challenge
Men: 95# Bar
Women: 65# Bar

Score: Total Time

Goal: 18-24 Minutes

Coaches Notes

No rest between rounds, this one is going to be a grind. To hit the goal, we are looking for roughly 3:30-4:40 per round.

Choose a pace on the runs that you can complete the bike/row in 2:00-2:30 each time.

You will either be limited by the push press or the squats. Choose your weight based on whatever movement is going to be the more challenging of the two for the required number of reps.

In order to stay on pace, you'll likely be able to take only one break during the push press and during the squats. This may mean going a bit lighter than you are used to.

Head over to for Logging, Movement Demos, and Customizations!!!



If you're trying to manage the pressure on your pelvic floor, you can start by simply doing something different with the way you’re breathing or how you’re holding tension in your body throughout the movement. You can also shorten the distance, lower the speed, or reduce the overall intensity to the point that you feel is still within your current threshold. Check out the SP Mamas Resources blog post on Urinary Leakage with Exercise Troubleshooting for more information and strategies. Some other options for customizing are Taps, Row, Bike, Quick Step Ups, One Legged Plank Rock, High Knee Step Up Overs, or Calf Raises. Please visit the Mama Modifications Movement Library for more options and demonstrations.

Shoulder Press

If you’re trying to manage the pressure on your core and pelvic floor during this movement, you can start by simply doing something different with the way you’re breathing or how you’re holding tension in your body throughout this movement. If you feel like you need or want to customize further but still want to practice, you can try less reps or less weight. Some other options for customizing are Seated Shoulder Press or Front Raises.. Please visit the Mama Modifications Movement Library for more options and demonstrations.

DB/Back/Front/Goblet/Air Squat

If you're trying to manage the pressure on your core and pelvic floor, you can start by simply doing something different with the way you’re breathing or how you’re holding tension in your body throughout the movement. If you feel like you need or want to customize further you can minimize some the demand by shortening the range of motion, using a target, or holding on to something for assistance. Another option for customizing is a Box Squat which can be especially helpful for building posterior chain strength. Please visit the Mama Modifications Movement Library for more options and demonstrations.

SATURDAY 05/14/2022

Reps AND movements vary among Programs A-C today!!!





10 Rounds

9 Kettlebell Overhead Swing
5 Strict Pull Up
-OR- Feet Elevated Inverted Row

Men: 40-55# DB/KB
Women: 25-35# DB/KB

Score: Total Time

Goal: 9-14 Minutes

Coaches Notes

No doubt about it - this one is going to get GRIPPY. Warm up and stretch out your forearms well before getting started.

We want you guys to challenge yourselves on the strict pull ups. Pick a variation of the pull up or inverted row that you can't do more than 5 of at a time. Even if you go down to singles, that's OK - as long as you're getting the 5 reps done in 45 seconds or less. With that being said, the swings will affect your grip and heart rate. Choose a weight that you CAN do unbroken with, but it may be worth breaking into 5-4 just to save your grip stamina and keep your heart rate down a little.

Head over to for Logging, Movement Demos, and Customizations!!!





10 Rounds

5 Heavy Barbell Power Clean
5 Strict Pull Up
-OR- Feet Elevated Inverted Row

Men: 115#-155#
Women: 75#-105#

Extra Challenge
Men: 185#+
Women: 115#+

Score: Total Time

Goal: 9-14 Minutes

Coaches Notes

No doubt about it - this one is going to get GRIPPY. Warm up and stretch out your forearms well before getting started.

We want you guys to challenge yourselves on the strict pull ups. Pick a variation of the pull up or inverted row that you can't do more than 5 of at a time. Even if you go down to singles, that's OK - as long as you're getting the 5 reps done in 45 seconds or less. With that being said, the cleans will affect your grip and heart rate. Choose a weight that you CAN do unbroken with, but it may be worth breaking those up 2-3 times or even as quick singles just to save your grip and keep your heart rate down a little.

Head over to for Logging, Movement Demos, and Customizations!!!





10 Rounds

7 Sandbag Over Shoulder
5 Strict Pull Up
-OR- Feet Elevated Inverted Row

*If you have a Heavy D-Ball or Sandbag, go with 5 over shoulder!

Men: 50-70# SB
Women: 25-45# SB

Score: Total Time

Goal: 9-14 Minutes

Coaches Notes

We want you guys to challenge yourselves on the strict pull ups. Pick a variation of the pull up or inverted row that you can't do more than 5 of at a time. Even if you go down to singles, that's OK - as long as you're getting the 5 reps done in 45 seconds or less. With that being said, the sandbag over shoulder won't affect your grip so much but will elevate your heart rate. Pace yourself on those and be mindful of your breathing. Use as much of your hips as possible to elevate the bag from your torso to over your shoulder.

Head over to for Logging, Movement Demos, and Customizations!!!





In Teams of 2

10 Rounds EACH:

5 Heavy Barbell Power Clean
5 Strict Pull Up
-OR- Feet Elevated Inverted Row

Performed in You Go - I Go fashion

*Can also do this version with the reps/movements from Programs A/C!

Men: 115#-155#
Women: 75#-105#

Extra Challenge
Men: 185#+
Women: 115#+

Score: Total Time

Goal: 15-21 Minutes

Coaches Notes

So the way this one works is you'll complete an entire round - 5 cleans + 5 pull ups/rows - while your partner rests. When you're done, you guys will switch. So your partner does a full round while you rest. Continue going back and forth until you've both completed 10 rounds (20 rounds total).

We want you guys to challenge yourselves on the strict pull ups. Pick a variation of the pull up or inverted row that you can't do more than 5 of at a time. Even if you go down to singles, that's OK - as long as you're getting the 5 reps done in 30 seconds or less. Don't be afraid of going heavy on the cleans. You should be ABLE to do the 5 unbroken at that weight but it might make more sense to do those in quick doubles and singles.


KB Swing

If you're trying to manage the pressure on your core and pelvic floor, you can start by simply doing something different with the way you’re breathing or how you’re holding tension in your body throughout the movement. If you feel like you need or want to customize further you can minimize some the demand by shortening the range of motion to an eye level swing or using a lighter weight. Some other options for customizing are single arm swings, KB Deadlift, or Sumo Stance Deadlift. Please visit the Mama Modifications Movement Library for more options and demonstrations.

Pull Ups

If you’re trying to manage the pressure on your core and pelvic floor during this movement, you can start by simply doing something different with the way you’re breathing or how you’re holding tension in your body. If you feel like you need or want to customize further but still want to practice, you can try fewer reps or using a band or jumping pull up for assistance. Some other options for customizing are Barbell Pull Ups, Banded Lat Pull Downs, or Bent Over Rows. Please visit the Mama Modifications Movement Library for more options and demonstrations.