Posts tagged 2019week11
MONDAY 03/18/2019

SP Monday RE-TEST!! 

This workout was originally posted on June 21, 2017!  It was posted AGAIN on 03/19/2018! 

Make sure you go back and check your original scores and see how you have improved!!





Pull Up Warm Up



10 Rounds
11 Wall Balls
11 Pull Ups

RX Men: 20#ish Ball to 10'ish
RX Women: 13-15#ish Ball to 9'ish

This workout was programmed before we had AS MANY options.  A good scaling idea would be to do 10 rounds of 7 and 7.

Goal Time: 20 min or less


Pretty simple- but isn't there something just mean about 11 reps instead of 10?

For the wall balls, you will complete a full squat and then use the hips on the stand up portion to help you throw the ball.  Make sure you stand all the way up - almost like you are going to jump with it - to aide in throwing the ball.

When squatting the ball should be held at the chest - and keeping the chest up.  Don't allow the ball to pull you down!  Keep the heels down and the knees out.

If you have low ceilings or do not have a ball, you can switch to a light weight thruster with a single dumbbell or a bar.

For the pull ups - you should choose a style that won't have to be broken up a ton.  You may also choose to lower the number of reps to do unassisted pull ups - but a number that is more manageable each round.  Pick a number that you can do in pretty much no more than 2 sets each time.

So if 11 is too many, switch to 7 (a set of 4 and 3) or even 5 (a set of 3 and 2)!  If you need to less than 5, maybe switch to one of the scales.

You may choose to scale to jumping, ring/trx band rows, banded pull ups, banded pull downs, or if all else is unavailable - a bent over row will work.

And of course if you want to go strict that's awesome too.  You may lower the reps for strict to 7 and still be completely RX!

No matter what type you are doing, just make sure to come to completely open at shoulder and elbow at the bottom and chin over at the top!

MONDAY SHIFT 03/18/2019

This SHIFT workout was posted almost EXACTLY a year ago on 03/19/2019!  Make sure you go back and check what you got last time if you were around back then!

Simple SHIFT Warm Up

3 Rounds
20 Taps
10 Skip Overs
10 Toe Touches
3 No Push Up Inchworm
5 Push Up / Knee Push Up
2 Lunge with Twist Right
2 Lunge with Twist Left
10 Air Squats

Increase speed each round!


10 Min AMRAP
As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 10 Min

7 Squat and Press
7 Ring/TRX Rows

Idea Weight for Men: 40-60# KB or 25-30# DBs
Idea Weight for Women: 20-35# KB or 10-20# DBs

Goal 8+ Rounds


For this workout you may use dumbbells or a kettlebell.  You may even do this movement with no weight.

You will hold the weight at the shoulder, either in front of the chest or on the shoulders.  You will perform a squat by reaching the butt back and down.  Heels should be about shoulder width apart.  Keep the heels down and drive the knees out.  Keep the chest up!  Show control.  NO PLOPPING!!!

The goal is to get the butt lower than the knees at the bottom.  If this is not possible with the heels down, knees out, and chest up - you may shorten the range of motion and use a target.

From the bottom position you will drive the heels into the ground and drive the chest up to stand.  Once in a fully standing position you will reach the face back and press the weight overhead until the elbows are completely locked out.  Pull the weight back so it is over the middle of your body.  Keep the belly tight!  No leaning back!

For the rows you may perform these  on the rings or TRX bands.  The more parallel to the ground your body is, the more difficult these become.  Find an angle that allows you to not have to break more than once per set.  Start each pull with the arms straight and pull all of the way to the chest.

If you don't have any rings or bands you may sub upright rows with either your KB or one of your dumbbells!

TUESDAY 03/19/2019



Snatch Warm Up

5 Snatch Grip Deadlift
3 High hang shrugs
3 Above knee shrug
3 Mid shin shrug
3 High hang high pull -
3 Above knee high pull
3 Mid shin high pull
3 High hang muscle snatch
3 Above knee muscle snatch
3 Mid shin muscle snatch
3 Behind the neck jerks
3 Overhead squats
3 High hang snatch
3 Above knee snatch
3 Mid shin snatch


5 Rounds

Each Round is 90 Seconds of Work Followed by 30 Seconds of Rest
During the 90 Seconds of Work:
3 Wall Walks
Max Reps Power Snatch

RX Men: 75#
RX Women: 55#

RX + Men: 95#+ / 4 Wall Walks
RX + Women: 65# + / 4 Wall Walks

Score: Total Number of Power Snatches Only!
Goal: 50 Power Snatches +


Some of you beasts are going to get way more snatches than that.  You can go heavier than listed RX + if you think you will get more than 75 or so reps.

The goal will be to do fast singles or sets of like 2-3.  We don't recommend trying to hold on for big sets.

For the wall walk you will start in the bottom of a push up with the feet against the wall.  You will start walking the feet up the wall and press up to the top of the push up and walk your hands back.  Keep the belly tight - no sagging hips!  Ideally you will walk all of the way back to the wall until the chest touches.  Then you will walk the hands back out away from the wall and walk the feet down the wall.  No Slamming or sliding down!

If doing full on wall walks is not comfortable for you yet - you may choose to go only part of the way up and come down.  You may also scale to pike on the box ups (raise the number if these are fast for you) or even inchworms!                                                                                                             For the pike up on the box version you will start in the top of a push up position with the feet on a bench or box.  You will walk the hands back toward the box as the hips go up until you are in a 90 degree pike position at the top.  You will then walk yourself back out.

For the power snatch the bar will start on the ground.  Heels are roughly shoulder hip width apart.  Grip is wide and arms are long and straight.  Hinge forward at the hip and bend the knees slightly.   Chest up and higher than hips.  Back flat.

Drive through the heels and lift the chest.  Keep the arms straight as you stand.  Pull the bar into the body.  Rotate the torso upright once past the knees  Stand up hard and fast.  SHRUG the shoulders.  Keep the bar close! Pull the elbows high and outside as the bar travels up the body.  Rotate the bar and press out overhead FAST!  At the same time pull yourself under slightly by reaching the butt back and bending the knees.




Dumbbell Shoulder Warm Up

10 Arm Circles Right
10 Arm Circles Left
10 Double Arm Circles

10 Scarecrow Press
10 Band Pull Aparts

60 Second Banded Lat Stretch Right
60 Second Banded Lat Stretch Left

10 Single DB Goblet Press
5 Alternating Press + Press (Press Right, Press Left, Both)
5 Push Press
5 Push Jerk

Full Body Simple Warm UP!

5-10 reps of quality movement through each

10 Toe Touches
10 Boot Strappers
10 Inch Worm + Down Dog
10 Spider Man + Reach


5 Rounds
Each Round is 90 Seconds of Work Followed by 30 Seconds of Rest
During the 90 Seconds of Work:
3 Wall Walks
Max Reps Alternating DB Snatch

RX Men: 40# DB
RX Women: 25# DB

RX + Men: 50# DB+  / 4 Wall Walks
RX + Women: 35# DB+ / 4 Wall Walks

Score: Total Number of DB Snatches Only!

Goal: 80+ DB Snatches +


We super recommend RX+ today for anyone who is good at wall walks or thinks they can hold 20DB Snatches + per round at that lighter weight!

Do NOT get sloppy on either movement.  Overextending on the wall walk or rounding your back on the snatches will REALLY add up and your low back will be tight!

For the wall walk you will start in the bottom of a push up with the feet against the wall.  You will start walking the feet up the wall and press up to the top of the push up and walk your hands back.  Keep the belly tight - no sagging hips!  Ideally you will walk all of the way back to the wall until the chest touches.  Then you will walk the hands back out away from the wall and walk the feet down the wall.  No Slamming or sliding down!

If doing full on wall walks is not comfortable for you yet - you may choose to go only part of the way up and come down.  You may also scale to pike on the box ups (raise the number if these are fast for you) or even inchworms!                                                                                                             For the pike up on the box version you will start in the top of a push up position with the feet on a bench or box.  You will walk the hands back toward the box as the hips go up until you are in a 90 degree pike position at the top.  You will then walk yourself back out.

For the single DB power snatch the dumbbell will start on the ground.  You will have your feet under your shoulders with the dumbbell between the feet and the heels down.    You will have a hinge at the hip and a bend at the knee.  Chest stays lifted, arm straight and back flat. To lift drive the heels down and lift the chest. Once past the knees think - jump - shrug - pull the elbow high and outside (to keep the dumbbell close) - pull under the dumbbell slightly as you punch to lock out with the bicep by the ear.  In the catch the heels are down, knees out, chest up.  Stand to finish.  Alternate hands with each rep.

TUESDAY SHIFT 03/19/2019

Simple SHIFT Warm Up

3 Rounds
20 Taps
10 Skip Overs
10 Toe Touches
3 No Push Up Inchworm
5 Push Up / Knee Push Up
2 Lunge with Twist Right
2 Lunge with Twist Left
10 Air Squats

Increase speed each round!


10 Min AMRAP
(As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 10 Min)
3 Inchworms
10 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch

Idea weight for Men: 30-50#
Idea weight for Women: 12-24#

Score: Total Number of Completed Rounds + Any Additional Reps
Goal: 6 Rounds +


For this workout you will alternate hands with each dumbbell snatch on the ground.  Make sure you are not sloppy and keep good form!

We like the goal of 6 rounds because it will push you to keep a pace just a bit faster than 1 round every 2 min.

For the inchworms you will place your hands down by your feet.  Walk your hands out to the top of a push up position.  Keep the belly tight and perform a push up getting your chest and thighs all of the way to the ground at the bottom and pressing all of the way back up.  Push up may be done from feet or knees.  From there you will walk your hands back to your feet and stand up.  That is 1 rep.

If you need to you may choose to take out the push up part (think shoulder injury or prego belly!)

For the single DB power snatch the dumbbell will start on the ground.  You will have your feet under your shoulders with the dumbbell between the feet and the heels down.    You will have a hinge at the hip and a bend at the knee.  Chest stays lifted, arm straight and back flat. To lift drive the heels down and lift the chest. Once past the knees think - jump - shrug - pull the elbow high and outside (to keep the dumbbell close) - pull under the dumbbell slightly as you punch to lock out with the bicep by the ear.  In the catch the heels are down, knees out, chest up.  Stand to finish.  Alternate hands with each rep.  So for each set of 10 you end up doing 5 per side.

If you find yourself feeling really uncoordinated or having any lower back tightness pulling from the floor.  You may switch to doing the snatches from a hang position.  This means bring it back to your waist each time instead of all of the way to the ground.

WEDNESDAY 03/20/2019



Barbell Clean Warm Up

5 Deadlift
3 High Hang Shrugs
3 Above Knee Shrugs
3 Mid shin shrugs
3 High Hang Muscle Clean
3 Above Knee Muscle Clean
3 Mid Shin Muscle Clean
5 Front Squats
3 High Hang Squat Clean
3 Above Knee Squat Clean
3 Mid Shin Squat Clean


For Time:
Run 800 Meters
30 Hang Squat Cleans
Run 400 Meters
20 Hang Squat Cleans
Run 200 Meters
10 Hang Squat Cleans

RX Men: 95#
RX Women: 65#

RX + Men: 115#+
RX + Women: 75# +

Score: Total Time
Goal: Under 14 Min

If you want to swap out your barbell for your sandbag - but you do it with the run - still put your score in Program B.

There's a slight chance after the 30 hang squat cleans that your legs will feel heavy when you try to run again.  SLIGHT chance.  Ha ha!

Choose a weight that you feel you could do at least sets of 5-7 throughout this workout.

For the 800m run roughly 3 minutes, for the 400m run roughly 2 minutes and for the 200m run roughly 1 minute. These times could be faster or slower, but if they are taking you much longer consider shortening the run distance.

If running isn't an option due to weather or space, single unders or double unders for the amount of time as each run distance can be used as a sub.

For the hang squat clean you will deadlift the bar to the hips with hands just outside the legs.  Your feet are between hip and shoulder width, heels down.  Stand tall.  Tighten the belly.  Arms straight.  Reach the hips back slightly and bend the knees to dip.  Keep the bar close and arms straight.  Stand up hard and fast! Shrug the shoulders.  Pull the bar up the body with the elbows high and outside and pull YOURSELF DOWN at the same time.  You will rotate the elbows around and through FAST to allow the bar to land on the shoulders in the bottom of the squat.

In this squat position heels are down, knees out, chest up, belly tight, butt lower than knees, no plopping or rounding, elbows high!  Drive through the heels and drive knees out to stand.  Lead with chest and elbows, stand fully to complete each rep. For the next rep you will lower the barbell back to the hips.




Barbell Clean Warm Up

5 Deadlift
3 High Hang Shrugs
3 Above Knee Shrugs
3 Mid shin shrugs
3 High Hang Muscle Clean
3 Above Knee Muscle Clean
3 Mid Shin Muscle Clean
5 Front Squats
3 High Hang Squat Clean
3 Above Knee Squat Clean
3 Mid Shin Squat Clean


For Time:
Run 800 Meters
30 Hang Squat Cleans
Run 400 Meters
20 Hang Squat Cleans
Run 200 Meters
10 Hang Squat Cleans

RX Men: 95#
RX Women: 65#

RX + Men: 115#+
RX + Women: 75# +

Score: Total Time
Goal: Under 14 Min


If you want to swap out your barbell for your sandbag - but you do it with the run - still put your score HERE!There's a slight chance after the 30 hang squat cleans that your legs will feel heavy when you try to run again.  SLIGHT chance.  Ha ha!

Choose a weight that you feel you could do at least sets of 5-7 throughout this workout.

For the 800m run roughly 3 minutes, for the 400m run roughly 2 minutes and for the 200m run roughly 1 minute. These times could be faster or slower, but if they are taking you much longer consider shortening the run distance.

If running isn't an option due to weather or space, single unders or double unders for the amount of time as each run distance can be used as a sub.

For the hang squat clean you will deadlift the bar to the hips with hands just outside the legs.  Your feet are between hip and shoulder width, heels down.  Stand tall.  Tighten the belly.  Arms straight.  Reach the hips back slightly and bend the knees to dip.  Keep the bar close and arms straight.  Stand up hard and fast! Shrug the shoulders.  Pull the bar up the body with the elbows high and outside and pull YOURSELF DOWN at the same time.  You will rotate the elbows around and through FAST to allow the bar to land on the shoulders in the bottom of the squat.

In this squat position heels are down, knees out, chest up, belly tight, butt lower than knees, no plopping or rounding, elbows high!  Drive through the heels and drive knees out to stand.  Lead with chest and elbows, stand fully to complete each rep. For the next rep you will lower the barbell back to the hips.




Barbell Clean Warm Up

5 Deadlift
3 High Hang Shrugs
3 Above Knee Shrugs
3 Mid shin shrugs
3 High Hang Muscle Clean
3 Above Knee Muscle Clean
3 Mid Shin Muscle Clean
5 Front Squats
3 High Hang Squat Clean
3 Above Knee Squat Clean
3 Mid Shin Squat Clean


For Time:
Row 1000 Meters
Bike 60 Cal Men / 44 Cal Women
30 Hang Squat Cleans

Row 500 Meters
Bike 30 Cal Men / 22 Cal Women
20 Hang Squat Cleans

Row 250 Meters
Bike 15 Cal Men / 10 Cal Women
10 Hang Squat Cleans

RX Men: 95#
RX Women: 65#

RX + Men: 115#+
RX + Women: 75# +

Score: Total Time
Goal: Under 14 Min


Either one of these options is going to HURT today.  Ouch.  Lots of leg.  As usual with Program C you can choose to swap out the barbell for dumbbells or a sandbag!

Choose a weight that you feel you could do at least sets of 5-7 throughout this workout.

For the hang squat clean you will deadlift the bar to the hips with hands just outside the legs.  Your feet are between hip and shoulder width, heels down.  Stand tall.  Tighten the belly.  Arms straight.  Reach the hips back slightly and bend the knees to dip.  Keep the bar close and arms straight.  Stand up hard and fast! Shrug the shoulders.  Pull the bar up the body with the elbows high and outside and pull YOURSELF DOWN at the same time.  You will rotate the elbows around and through FAST to allow the bar to land on the shoulders in the bottom of the squat.

In this squat position heels are down, knees out, chest up, belly tight, butt lower than knees, no plopping or rounding, elbows high!  Drive through the heels and drive knees out to stand.  Lead with chest and elbows, stand fully to complete each rep. For the next rep you will lower the barbell back to the hips.


Simple SHIFT Warm Up

3 Rounds
20 Taps
10 Skip Overs
10 Toe Touches
3 No Push Up Inchworm
5 Push Up / Knee Push Up
2 Lunge with Twist Right
2 Lunge with Twist Left
10 Air Squats

Increase speed each round!


7 Rounds
30 Seconds Jog, Row, Bike, Single Unders or Taps
30 Seconds Air Squats

No weight needed today!

Score: Total Reps of Air Squats Only!
Goal: 85 Reps + (Some of you will get WAY more)


This one is simple and a good one to bookmark for when you are completely without equipment at all.

Basically you will move for 30 seconds with either a jog, row, bike, taps, or single unders.  (You can also sub low step ups if jumping is completely out).

Make sure to move at a pace that is uncomfortable but sustainable.

Then when the clock hits 30 seconds you will do 30 seconds of air squats.  This means - no weight - just you!

Feet should be shoulder width apart.  Heels down.  Chest up.  Belly tight.  Reach the butt back and down.  Drive the knees out.  Keep going down with the knees out, chest up, and heels down until your butt is lower than the knees at the bottom.  NO PLOPPING!

Drive through your heels to stand completely at the top!

If you have any pain issues going that low - you can try holding onto the back of a chair or something to help you keep your weight back in your heels and protect your knees.  Try not to USE the chair to help you stand up - just to give a bit of counter balance.

OR if you need to you can set up a target to squat to that is a bit higher.  Do NOT sit on the target.  Keep the heels down, knees out, touch it - come back up!

THURSDAY 03/21/2019




3x10 of each
Banded side steps
Banded pull aparts
Banded high pulls
Banded good mornings
Banded press
Banded overhead pull aparts
Banded pass throughs
Banded front rack / lat stretch

1 Min per side

Banded hip stretchNo Band?  No worries - you can swap out the Simple Full Body warm up or one of the dumbbell upper body warm ups found on Members Only!

Box Jump Warm Up



3 Rounds for Time
25 Strict Press
25 Box Jump Overs

RX Men: 75#
RX Women: 45#

RX+ Men: 95#
RX+ Women: 55-65#

Score: Total Time
Goal: Julian said 10-15 Min #blamejulian


So remember these are STRICT SHOULDER PRESS reps.  NO use of the legs or hips.  That means - DO NOT go to failure or even close or you will pay the price!

The women's weight is programmed a bit lighter - because our upper body strength and stamina is much different for strict movements #science.

Pick a weight that you think you'll be able to hold at least sets of 5-7 reps.

The bar starts on the front of the shoulders with a full grip and elbows slightly in front.  Feet roughly between hip and shoulder width.  Heels down.  Butt squeezed.  Chest up and belly tight.  Using no momentum from the lower body you will move the face out of the way, press the bar straight up, move the head back to neutral and finish completely locked out with the biceps by the ears.  Upper back is pressing up into the bar and the bar is over the middle of the body.

Lower by bringing the elbows in front and moving the face back out of the way.  Absorb with the knees if you need to but you cannot use any of that knee bend to feed the next rep.

For the box jumps overs you will choose a box that is roughly 22-24" for men and 18-20" for women if you can! If that height is too much for you - go lower! Make sure when you jump and when you land that the knees do not cave in! Jump or step off of the other side.  That = 1 rep.

If jumping onto the box is not an option, step up and over the same as you would if you were jumping for each rep.

If you do not have something to jump on or step onto find something to jump over.





3x10 of each
Banded side steps
Banded pull aparts
Banded high pulls
Banded good mornings
Banded press
Banded overhead pull aparts
Banded pass throughs
Banded front rack / lat stretch

1 Min per side

Banded hip stretchNo Band?  No worries - you can swap out the Simple Full Body warm up or one of the dumbbell upper body warm ups found on Members Only!

Box Jump Warm Up



3 Rounds for Time
25 DB Strict Press
25 Box Jump Overs

RX Men: 35-40# DBs
RX Women: 20-25# DBs

Honestly - we don't know many people that should try to go heavier - but if you REALLY want to do that to yourself - go for it.

Score: Total Time
Goal: Julian said 10-15 Min #blamejulian


So remember these are STRICT SHOULDER PRESS reps.  NO use of the legs or hips.  That means - DO NOT go to failure or even close or you will pay the price!

We put the option for lighter dumbbells because this is going to get really tough really fast - especially the Program A version.  If you DON'T have dumbbells light enough for this workout you can lower the strict press reps to 18-20 per round.

Pick a weight that you think you'll be able to hold at least sets of 5-7 reps.

For the shoulder press keep the rib cage down, bring the dumbbells all the way down to the shoulders each time and get them completely locked out overhead with the biceps in the ears!

For the box jumps overs you will choose a box that is roughly 22-24" for men and 18-20" for women if you can! If that height is too much for you - go lower! Make sure when you jump and when you land that the knees do not cave in! Jump or step off of the other side.  That = 1 rep.

If jumping onto the box is not an option, step up and over the same as you would if you were jumping for each rep.

If you do not have something to jump on or step onto find something to jump over.





3x10 of each
Banded side steps
Banded pull aparts
Banded high pulls
Banded good mornings
Banded press
Banded overhead pull aparts
Banded pass throughs
Banded front rack / lat stretch

1 Min per side

Banded hip stretchNo Band?  No worries - you can swap out the Simple Full Body warm up or one of the dumbbell upper body warm ups found on Members Only!

Box Jump Warm Up



3 Rounds for Time
20 Handstand Push Ups
25 Box Jump Overs

RX +: Strict Handstand Push Ups

Score: Total Time

Goal: Julian said 10-15 Min #blamejulian


Here you go!  For all you gymnastics lovers out there!  Feel free to play around with the rep ranges for these to make it work for you!

The time domain here is 15-20 min so even if you have to do really small sets - just go for it on this one today.

You of course have the option of doing a modified pike HSPU as well.

For HSPU make sure you are finding good placement for your hands and head creating that sturdy tripod foundation.  Brining your knees to your chest using your hips to initiate your kip and extending through your arms. DON'T FORGET TO SQUEEZE YOUR BUTT!

For Strict HSPU the above remains the same aside from the kip. A good starting position will save you from wasting energy especially when you start to fatigue.

If you are interested in starting or progressing your HSPU skills check out the HSPU program on Members Only, it's a great place to get started!

For the box jumps overs you will choose a box that is roughly 22-24" for men and 18-20" for women if you can! If that height is too much for you - go lower! Make sure when you jump and when you land that the knees do not cave in! Jump or step off of the other side.  That = 1 rep.

If jumping onto the box is not an option, step up and over the same as you would if you were jumping for each rep.

If you do not have something to jump on or step onto find something to jump over.


Simple SHIFT Warm Up

3 Rounds
20 Taps
10 Skip Overs
10 Toe Touches
3 No Push Up Inchworm
5 Push Up / Knee Push Up
2 Lunge with Twist Right
2 Lunge with Twist Left
10 Air Squats

Increase speed each round!


12 Rounds
8 Press
8 Step Ups (alternating)

Idea weight for Men: Pair of 20-30# DBs or single 30-55# KB/DB
Idea weight for Women: Pair of 10-15# DBs or Single 12-25# KB/DB

Score: Total Time
Goal: 12 Min or less!


For this workout you will want to KEEP MOVING!  So choose a step up height that is challenging but will allow you to move through all 8 each time.  These step ups are alternating, so for each set of 8 you end up doing 4 per leg.

Make sure you step with your WHOLE foot on the box or step.  Do not allow the knee to cave in.  Drive through your heel to stand completely on top.

If you're feeling it today - you can try holding the weight at your sides (2 dumbbells) or at the chest (single DB or KB) for the step ups today!

For the press you will hold the weight at the shoulder level with elbows slightly in front.  Keep the belly tight and butt squeezed and press straight up!  Finish with the weight overhead - ribs down - butt squeezed and biceps by the ears.

Lower with the elbows in front back to the shoulders.

Choose a weight that you won't have to break more than once per set.

FRIDAY 03/22/2019



Full Body Simple Warm UP!

5-10 reps of quality movement through each

10 Toe Touches
10 Boot Strappers
10 Inch Worm + Down Dog
10 Spider Man + Reach


15 Min AMRAP
(As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 15 Min)
8 Toes to Bar or V-Ups
8 Bent Over Rows
16 Alternating Bodyweight Lunges

RX Men: 95#
RX Women: 65#

RX + Men: 115#+
RX + Women: 75# +

Score: Total Number of Completed Rounds + Any Additional Reps
Goal: 10 Rounds +


For this workout if you've got a pull up bar - go for the toes to bar or knee raise option.  No bar though?  No problem - v-ups it is!

Choose a weight for the Bent Over Rows that you think you will be able to maintain these in 1-2 sets!

When preforming the T2B, remember you're working on pushing down on the bar to generate momentum and use of the lats to bring your toes up to the bar.

For subs for the T2B you can use Knee-Ups, V-ups or regular sit-ups.

For the rows you will deadlift the bar to just below the knee. From here, keeping the torso position set and the chest lifted - you will pull the elbows back and bring the bar to just below the chest.  Keep the belly tight. Bring the bar back to just below the knee with the arm straight at the bottom. No kipping or pulling your CHEST down!

Make sure the lunge steps are long enough that your front heel stays down when your back knee LIGHTLY touches the ground. Don't allow the knee to cave in.

Stand all of the way up between reps and alternate FEET with each lunge.

These may be forward stepping, reverse stepping, or walking lunges!




Full Body Simple Warm UP!

5-10 reps of quality movement through each

10 Toe Touches
10 Boot Strappers
10 Inch Worm + Down Dog
10 Spider Man + Reach


15 Min AMRAP
(As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 15 Min)
8 Toes to Bar or V-Ups
8 DB Bent Over Rows
16 Alternating Bodyweight Lunges

RX Men:  40# DBs
RX Women: 25# DBs

RX + Men: 50# DBs
RX + Women: 35# DBs

Score: Total Number of Completed Rounds + Any Additional Reps
Goal: 10 Rounds +


For this workout if you've got a pull up bar - go for the toes to bar or knee raise option.  No bar though?  No problem - v-ups it is!

Choose a weight for the DB Bent Over Rows that you think you will be able to maintain these in 1-2 sets!

When preforming the T2B, remember you're working on pushing down on the bar to generate momentum and use of the lats to bring your toes up to the bar.

For subs for the T2B you can use Knee-Ups, V-ups or regular sit-ups.

For the DB rows you will deadlift the dumbbells to just below the knee. From here, keeping the torso position set and the chest lifted - you will pull the elbows back and bring the dumbbells to just below the chest.  Keep the belly tight. Bring the dumbbells back to just below the knee with the arms straight at the bottom. No kipping or pulling your CHEST down!

Make sure the lunge steps are long enough that your front heel stays down when your back knee LIGHTLY touches the ground. Don't allow the knee to cave in.

Stand all of the way up between reps and alternate FEET with each lunge.

These may be forward stepping, reverse stepping, or walking lunges!

FRIDAY SHIFT 03/22/2019

Simple SHIFT Warm Up

3 Rounds
20 Taps
10 Skip Overs
10 Toe Touches
3 No Push Up Inchworm
5 Push Up / Knee Push Up
2 Lunge with Twist Right
2 Lunge with Twist Left
10 Air Squats

Increase speed each round!



AMRAP 15 Min
As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 15 Min

8 Sit Ups
8 Bent Over Rows Right
8 Bent Over Rows Left
8 Alternating Lunge

Idea weight for Men: 30-50# DB
Idea weight for Women: 12-25# DB

Score: Total Number of Completed Rounds + Any Additional Reps
Goal: 8 Rounds +


For this workout the reps are super manageable so you can keep moving!!

For the sit ups - if you need to switch to slam balls or KB swings for pregnant or newly postpartum mamas.  Even deadbugs!

For the bent over rows you can lean on a box or a bench.  You can even use a chair or lean against the wall.  Allow the dumbbell to hang from the shoulder, keep your belly tight.  Pull the shoulder back and then pull the elbow straight back getting the dumbbell to the rib cage at the top!

8 on one side and then 8 on the other.

For the lunges you may perform forward stepping, reverse stepping, or even walking lunges.  Make sure you take a long enough step that your front heel stays down when your back knee touches the ground.  Don't allow the knee to cave in.  Drive out of the heel to stand. completely.

You will alternate feet with each lunge so for each set of 8 you end up doing 4 per side.

If you are unable to perform lunges you can always sub step ups!

SATURDAY 03/23/2019



Kettlebell Warm Up

3 sets unbroken

5 Hang clean Right
5 Hang Clean Left

5 Press Right
5 Press Left

5 KBS Eye Level
5 KB Swings Over head

5 Goblet squat

5 Goblet ThrustersThis whole thing can be done with a KB or single DB.


Part 1
40 Thrusters
30 Bar Facing Burpees

Rest 5 Min Before Part 2

RX Men: 95#
RX Women: 65#

RX+ Men: 115#
RX + Women: 75#

Score: Total TIme
Goal: Under 6 Min

For the thrusters the bar will be on the shoulders with the elbows high.  Feet under shoulders, heels down.  You will reach butt back and down and get to the bottom of the squat with the bar on the shoulders and keeping the elbows high.  Stand hard and fast to pop the bar off of the body.  Move the face out of the way and press the bar straight up. Keep belly tight and finish locked out overhead.

For the barbell facing burpees you will face your barbell. Get your chest and thighs to the ground by either jumping or stepping back. Jump or step the feet back in. Jump over your barbell. Turn around and repeat!

Part 2
30 Bar Facing Burpees
40 Thrusters

Use same weight that you used for Part 1.

Score: Total Time
Goal: You guessed it - Under 6 Min.

For the barbell facing burpees you will face your barbell. Get your chest and thighs to the ground by either jumping or stepping back. Jump or step the feet back in. Jump over your barbell. Turn around and repeat!

For the thrusters the bar will be on the shoulders with the elbows high.  Feet under shoulders, heels down.  You will reach butt back and down and get to the bottom of the squat with the bar on the shoulders and keeping the elbows high.  Stand hard and fast to pop the bar off of the body.  Move the face out of the way and press the bar straight up. Keep belly tight and finish locked out overhead.




Kettlebell Warm Up

3 sets unbroken

5 Hang clean Right
5 Hang Clean Left

5 Press Right
5 Press Left

5 KBS Eye Level
5 KB Swings Over head

5 Goblet squat

5 Goblet ThrustersThis whole thing can be done with a KB or single DB.


Part 1
40 DB Thrusters
30 DB Facing Burpees

Rest 5 Min Before Part 2

RX Men: 40# DBs
RX Women: 25# DBs

RX+ Men: 50# DBs
RX + Women: 35# DBs

Score: Total TIme
Goal: Under 6 Min

For the thrusters the DBs will be on the shoulders with the elbows high.  Feet under shoulders, heels down.  You will reach the butt back and down and get to the bottom of the squat with the DBs on the shoulders and elbows high.  Stand hard and fast to pop the DBs off of the body.  Press the DBs straight up. Keep belly tight and finish locked out overhead - biceps by the ears.

For the dumbbell facing burpees you will face your dumbbells. Get your chest and thighs to the ground by either jumping or stepping back. Jump or step the feet back in. Jump over your dumbbells. Turn around and repeat!

Part 2
30 DB Facing Burpees
40 DB Thrusters

Use same weight that you used for Part 1.

Score: Total Time
Goal: You guessed it - Under 6 Min.

For the dumbbell facing burpees you will face your dumbbells. Get your chest and thighs to the ground by either jumping or stepping back. Jump or step the feet back in. Jump over your dumbbells. Turn around and repeat!

For the thrusters the DBs will be on the shoulders with the elbows high.  Feet under shoulders, heels down.  You will reach the butt back and down and get to the bottom of the squat with the DBs on the shoulders and elbows high.  Stand hard and fast to pop the DBs off of the body.  Press the DBs straight up. Keep belly tight and finish locked out overhead - biceps by the ears.




Kettlebell Warm Up

3 sets unbroken

5 Hang clean Right
5 Hang Clean Left

5 Press Right
5 Press Left

5 KBS Eye Level
5 KB Swings Over head

5 Goblet squat

5 Goblet ThrustersThis whole thing can be done with a KB or single DB.


Part 1
40 Sandbag Thrusters
30 Sandbag Facing Burpees

Rest 5 Min Before Part 2

No RX or RX + - Use what you've got.  Thrusters may be from the front rack or side to side!

Score: Total TIme
Goal: Under 7 Min


For the thrusters the sandbag will be on the biceps with the elbows high.  Feet under shoulders, heels down.  You will reach the butt back and down and get to the bottom of the squat with the sandbag on the biceps and keeping the elbows high.  Stand hard and fast to pop the sandbag off of the body.  Move the face out of the way and press the sandbag straight up. Keep belly tight and finish locked out overhead.

For the sandbag facing burpees you will face your sandbag. Get your chest and thighs to the ground by either jumping or stepping back. Jump or step the feet back in. Jump over your sandbag. Turn around and repeat!

Part 2
30 Sandbag Facing Burpees
40 Sandbag Thrusters

Use same weight that you used for Part 1.

Score: Total Time
Goal: You guessed it - Under 7 Min.

For the sandbag facing burpees you will face your sandbag. Get your chest and thighs to the ground by either jumping or stepping back. Jump or step the feet back in. Jump over your sandbag. Turn around and repeat!

For the thrusters the sandbag will be on the biceps with the elbows high.  Feet under shoulders, heels down.  You will reach the butt back and down and get to the bottom of the squat with the sandbag on the biceps and keeping the elbows high.  Stand hard and fast to pop the sandbag off of the body.  Move the face out of the way and press the sandbag straight up. Keep belly tight and finish locked out overhead.




Kettlebell Warm Up

3 sets unbroken
5 Hang clean Right
5 Hang Clean Left
5 Press Right
5 Press Left
5 KBS Eye Level
5 KB Swings Over head
5 Goblet squat
5 Goblet Thrusters

This whole thing can be done with a KB or single DB.


In teams of 2 complete:
10 Rounds (Each)

8 Thrusters
6 Bar Facing Burpees

In a You Go I Go Fashion.

RX Men: 75#
RX Women: 55#

RX+ Men: 95#
RX+ Women: 65#


Definitely choose a weight that you will try to go unbroken on all the sets of thrusters.

You will rest when your partner goes.  Partner 1 does one full round - then Partner 2 goes.  Keep alternating until both people have completed 10 rounds.

For the thrusters the bar will be on the shoulders with the elbows high.  Feet under shoulders, heels down.  You will reach butt back and down and get to the bottom of the squat with the bar on the shoulders and keeping the elbows high.  Stand hard and fast to pop the bar off of the body.  Move the face out of the way and press the bar straight up. Keep belly tight and finish locked out overhead.

For the barbell facing burpees you will face your barbell. Get your chest and thighs to the ground by either jumping or stepping back. Jump or step the feet back in. Jump over your barbell. Turn around and repeat!