SATURDAY 05/30/2020

PRE (best before main workout): OLY - POWER
POST (best after the main workout): BUTTS AND GUTS
EITHER (can be warm up or finisher): GYMNASTICS
SWAP (skip the main workout and do one of these instead): SANDBAG
* Indicates the original version of the workout. This means when the workout was programmed, this is the version the coach had in mind. We adapt this workout to fit the other equipment variations. As always, pick a version of the workout that works for you, your schedule, and equipment available.
Running Warm Up
Full Body Simple Warm Up
Shoulder Warm Up
For Time
Run 400 Meters
50 Air Squats
40 Hang Power Cleans
30 Burpees
20 Push Press
Run 400 Meters
20 Push Presses
30 Burpees
40 Hang Power Cleans
50 Air Squats
Run 400 Meters
RX Men: 40# DBs
RX Women: 25# DBs
RX Plus Men: 50# DBs+
RX Plus Women: 35# DBs+
**If you want to swap out your DBs for a sandbag for the Hang Power Cleans and Push Press - go for it! Put your score in this version.
Score: Total Time
Goal: 20-28 Minutes
32 Min Cut Off
No one station should take longer than 3 min. Choose a load and movement variations that allow you to keep moving at a steady pace!
For the 400m run, you're working with 2:00-2:30. Shorten the distance as needed to fit the time window. If unable to run due to space or weather purposes - 2 min double/single unders, low step ups, Mtn Climbers or toe taps to a low target.
For the air squats - set up with feet shoulder width apart. Reach your butt back and down, with heels down, drive your knees out and keep your chest up. Get your butt below your knees at the bottom and stand all the way up at the top of each rep.
For the DB hang power clean you will deadlift the DBs to the "hang" position at the hips with straight arms. You will have the hands just outside of the legs and the feet are under the hips. You will bend the knees and keep the heels down. Allow a slight hinge at the hips. Keep the arms straight. Stand up hard and fast. Shrug the shoulders. Pull the elbows high as you pull yourself down. Shoot the elbows around and through FAST to allow the DBs to land on the shoulder with the elbows high. You will catch in just a partial front squat with the heels down, knees out, chest up. Stand to complete the rep and then lower the weight back to the hips for the next rep.
Burpees start standing. Place your hands on the ground. Jump or step your feet back. Get your chest and thighs to the ground. Press to lockout (top of push up). Jump or step the feet in. Jump up and clap with arms overhead!
For the push press hold a dumbbell in each hand at the shoulders. Feet are between hip and shoulder width apart. Chest up. Belly tight. Keep your heels down, let your knees track forward as you dip your hip. Chest stays lifted. Stand up fast. As the DBs pop up off the shoulders, press straight up to lock out.
Finish with biceps by the ears. Standing tall. Locked out elbows. Belly tight.
Running Warm Up
Full Body Simple Warm Up
Overhead Warm Up
For Time
Run 400 Meters
50 Air Squats
40 Hang Power Cleans
30 Burpees
20 Push Press
Run 400 Meters
20 Push Presses
30 Burpees
40 Hang Power Cleans
50 Air Squats
Run 400 Meters
RX Men: 75-95##
RX Women: 55-65##
RX + Men: 115#+
RX + Women: 75#+
Score: Total Time
Goal: 20-28 Minutes
32 Min Cut Off
No one station should take longer than 3 min. Choose a load and movement variations that allow you to keep moving at a steady pace!
For the 400m run, you're working with 2:00-2:30. Shorten the distance as needed to fit the time window. If unable to run due to space or weather purposes - 2 min double/single unders, low step ups, Mtn Climbers or toe taps to a low target.
For the air squats - set up with feet shoulder width apart. Reach your butt back and down, with heels down, drive your knees out and keep your chest up. Get your butt below your knees at the bottom and stand all the way up at the top of each rep.
For the hang power clean you will deadlift the bar to the "hang" position at the hips with straight arms. You will have the hands just outside of the legs and the feet are under the hips. You will bend the knees and keep the heels down. Allow a slight hinge at the hips. Keep the arms straight and the bar close to the body. Stand up hard and fast. Shrug the shoulders. Pull the elbows high and outside to keep the bar close as you pull yourself down under it. Shoot the elbows around and through FAST to allow the bar to land on the shoulders with the elbows high. You will catch in a partial front squat with the heels down, knees out, chest up. Stand to complete the rep and then lower the bar back to the hips for the next rep.
Burpees start standing. Place your hands on the ground. Jump or step your feet back. Get your chest and thighs to the ground. Press to lockout (top of push up). Jump or step the feet in. Jump up and clap with arms overhead!
Set up for the push press with the bar on your shoulders and elbows high. Feet hip to shoulder width apart. Chest up, belly tight. Keep your heels down, let your knees track forward as you dip your hip. Chest stays lifted. Stand up fast. As the bar pops up off the shoulders, press straight up to lock out.
Finish standing tall, arms straight, biceps by the ears.
Full Body Simple Warm Up
Overhead Warm Up
For Time
Bike 30 Cal (Men) / 22 Cal (Women)
Row 500 Meters
50 Air Squats
40 Hang Power Cleans
30 Burpees
20 Push Press
Bike 30 Cal (Men) / 22 Cal (Women)
Row 500 Meters
20 Push Presses
30 Burpees
40 Hang Power Cleans
50 Air Squats
Bike 30 Cal (Men) / 22 Cal (Women)
Row 500 meters
RX Men: 75-95##
RX Women: 55-65##
RX + Men: 115#+
RX + Women: 75#+
**This version can also be done with the sandbag/dumbbell options in Program A!
Score: Total Time
Goal: 20-28 Minutes
32 Min Cut Off
No one station should take longer than 3 min. Choose a load and movement variations that allow you to keep moving at a steady pace!
For the bike/row, you're working with 2:00-2:30. Reduce the calories/distance as needed to fit the time window.
For the air squats - set up with feet shoulder width apart. Reach your butt back and down, with heels down, drive your knees out and keep your chest up. Get your butt below your knees at the bottom and stand all the way up at the top of each rep.
For the hang power clean you will deadlift the bar to the "hang" position at the hips with straight arms. You will have the hands just outside of the legs and the feet are under the hips. You will bend the knees and keep the heels down. Allow a slight hinge at the hips. Keep the arms straight and the bar close to the body. Stand up hard and fast. Shrug the shoulders. Pull the elbows high and outside to keep the bar close as you pull yourself down under it. Shoot the elbows around and through FAST to allow the bar to land on the shoulders with the elbows high. You will catch in a partial front squat with the heels down, knees out, chest up. Stand to complete the rep and then lower the bar back to the hips for the next rep.
Burpees start standing. Place your hands on the ground. Jump or step your feet back. Get your chest and thighs to the ground. Press to lockout (top of push up). Jump or step the feet in. Jump up and clap with arms overhead!
Set up for the push press with the bar on your shoulders and elbows high. Feet hip to shoulder width apart. Chest up, belly tight. Keep your heels down, let your knees track forward as you dip your hip. Chest stays lifted. Stand up fast. As the bar pops up off the shoulders, press straight up to lock out.
Finish standing tall, arms straight, biceps by the ears. Squeeze your butt and keep your belly tight.
Running Warm Up
Full Body Simple Warm Up
Overhead Warm Up
In Teams of 2 Complete:
Run 400 Meters (together)
100 Air Squats (50 each working at the same time)
80 Hang Power Cleans (shared - one person working at a time)
60 Burpees (shared - one person working at a time)
40 Push Press (shared - one person working at a time)
Run 400 Meters (together)
40 Push Presses (shared - one person working at a time)
60 Burpees (shared - one person working at a time)
80 Hang Power Cleans (shared - one person working at a time)
100 Air Squats (50 each - both working at the same time)
Run 400 Meters (together)
RX Men: 75-95##
RX Women: 55-65##
RX Plus Men: 115#+
RX Plus Women: 75#+
**Can also be done with dumbbell and sandbag options from Program A.
Score: Total Time
Goal: 30-36 Min
40 Min Cut Off - OUCH!
No one station should take longer than 4 min. Choose a load and movement variations that allow you to keep moving at a steady pace! If you are short on time, cut it off after the second 400m run.
For the 400m run, you're working with 2:00-2:30. Shorten the distance as needed to fit the time window. If unable to run for any reason - 2 min jump rope, low step ups, or toe taps to a low target.
For the air squats - set up with feet shoulder width apart. Reach your butt back and down, with heels down, drive your knees out and keep your chest up. Get your butt below your knees at the bottom and stand all the way up at the top of each rep.
For the hang power clean, deadlift the bar to the "hang" position at the hips with straight arms. Position hands just outside of the legs and feet under the hips. Bend the knees and keep the heels down. Allow a slight hinge at the hips. Keep the arms straight and the bar close to the body. Stand up hard and fast. Shrug the shoulders. Pull the elbows high and outside to keep the bar close as you pull yourself down under it.
Shoot the elbows around and through FAST to allow the bar to land on the shoulders with the elbows high. You will catch in a partial front squat with the heels down, knees out, chest up. Stand to complete the rep then lower the bar back to the hips for the next rep.
Burpees start standing. Place your hands on the ground. Jump or step your feet back. Get your chest and thighs to the ground. Press to lockout (top of push up). Jump or step the feet in. Jump up and clap with arms overhead!
Set up for the push press with the bar on your shoulders and elbows high. Feet hip to shoulder width apart. Chest up, belly tight. Keep your heels down, let your knees track forward as you dip your hip. Chest stays lifted. Stand up fast. As the bar pops up off the shoulders, press straight up to lock out.
Finish standing tall, arms straight, biceps by the ears.
RUN/JOG - To avoid the added pressure to the pelvic floor that the impact from running can create, sub: Taps, Row, Bike, Farmer Carry, Sled Push/Drag, Quick Step Ups. If you're postpartum and working towards rehab-ing your core and pelvic floor you can choose from the same subs for pregnancy and/or scaling the distance that you run so that you can focus on your posture, breathing mechanics, and managing the pressure of your or and pelvic floor.
HANG POWER CLEAN - For pregnant mamas with bellies that interrupt the most efficient path of the bar, be sure to sub DBs for the bar so you are not training inefficient movement patterns.
BURPEES - Pay attention to any coning or doming you have in the plank position of the burpee or any sensation of pressure on your pelvic floor as you hop back or hop forward. Feel free to sub: No push up burpee, Elevated burpee, Step back/forward burpee, Air Squat + Elevated Push Up, Table Top (all fours position) + Air Squat, Ball Slams, KB Swings, Farmer/Goblet march, Glute Bridges, Sumo Deadlift High Pull
JERK/PRESS - Focus on proper alignment of your pelvis and spine. If you find yourself over extending in your back or coning in your belly sub less weight, Strict Press, Seated Strict Press, or even Front Raises.
AIR SQUATS - If you have a hard time maintaining control and a stable midline in the bottom of the squat or if you find yourself bearing down to get out of the bottom, try subbing a target or assisted squat to shorten the range of motion. A box squat is always a great idea especially during pregnancy to strengthen the posterior chain and balance out the growing belly.