GYMNASTICS | WEEK 47 | 11/14/2021


This workout is the first workout from the new "SP Gymnastics EMOM Program" - one of the new series you will be able to find on the new logging platform. COMING VERY SOON!

This series is a collection of 20 workouts designed to challenge and improve higher skill gymnastics in an EMOM format.

For those who have developed skills like kipping pull ups, handstand push ups, or muscle ups, these workouts are a great way to apply your technical skills in a workout setting.

These workouts are designed to be done in order - for best results - but may also be mixed in out of order if you find a few favorites!



EMOM 9 Minutes (Every Minute on the Minute for 9 Minutes)

3 Strict Pull Up
5 Kipping Pull Up

Customize to:

1-2 Strict Pull Ups
2-3 Kipping Pull Ups
2 Banded Strict Pull Ups
2-3 Kipping Pull Ups

Score: Total Strict Pull Ups (or Customization)

Score: Total Kipping Pull Ups (or Customization)

Goal 1: 9-27 Strict Pull Ups or Customization
Goal 2: 18-40 Kipping Pull Ups or Customization

**Prioritize good movement over high rep counts.

This EMOM is put together to first tax your strength before you use the kip. This will improve your overall pull up stamina by working both strength and then getting more reps using the assistance from the hips.

Ideally this would be done as a complex without coming off of the bar. If you need to come off of the bar between the more strict movement and the kipping movement - keep the break as short as possible. Would prefer less reps - unbroken than a bunch of breaks within any given set. Don't be afraid to adjust on the fly in the middle of the EMOM if you need to.

Focus on coming to a fully open position at the bottom of every rep - and pull the chin clearly over at the top. You could do these with either gymnastics kip or butterfly (we suggest gymnastics) - but really whatever version you would like to work on is great.

If you need to customize the strict pull ups - go with banded or jump and slow lower! If you need to customize the kipping pull ups, we love the single leg jumping kipping pull up!

Core Finisher

3 Rounds

30 Seconds (per side) Side Elbow Plank
12 Alternating Deadbug
12 Alternating/Knees Elevated Bird Dog

For the core finisher - the focus is not on speed but holding solid positions and moving with intent.