OLY | WEEK 44 | 10/24/2021


The new SP logging system is coming soon! Once it is here you will find all of your favorite weekly accessory programs and Street Parking Extra Programs under "Extra Programs" and put together as series that you can follow at your own pace!

Street Parking OLY is posted once a week - on Sunday. These workouts are for those interested in adding in some additional work going heavy and working technique in the Olympic lifts. Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule.

We typically suggest doing this workout BEFORE the regular programmed workout that day if doing both in one session. You can find suggestions on which days each week it will fit in best on the descriptions in Program A, B, and C on Wodify and the Members Only Website!



Every 2 Minutes for 20 Minutes (10 Total Sets)

Reverse 3 Position Snatch

High Hang

You'll end up doing 10 reps of the Reverse 3-Pos Snatch so take 10 minutes or so to build up to a weight that's challenging but you can do with good form. If you're feeling good, build up but be careful not to go to failure.

For this 3 position snatch session you will start with your first lift from the floor, the second lift from just above or at the knee, the third lift from just a small dip (high hang).

You may work power or full /squat snatches for this. Whatever you feel you need to work on more - or want to work on more.

These will be treated like a complex - so no dropping the bar for all 3 lifts each time.

When pulling from the floor today, focus on the hip staying low, leading with the chest and being patient with the jump! Make sure you stand all the way up before pulling yourself under.

You will lower the bar back to the hip after that first lift and then reach the butt back, slightly bending the knees, until the bar is at the knee. From here - once again make sure you stand all the way up and complete extension before pulling yourself under.

From there - once again you will lower the bar to the hip, perform just a small dip - keeping the chest upright - and THIS ONE is all about you pulling yourself under REALLY FAST! The up isn't as powerful so the down has to be fast.

For all 3 lifts, make sure your grip is wide enough that you are able to pull the bar back at the bottom. Keep the belly tight throughout- especially with the bar overhead. Try to get those arms completely locked out quickly in the catch. Keep the bar close at all times!!