OLY | WEEK 43 | 10/17/2021


The new SP logging system is coming soon! Once it is here you will find all of your favorite weekly accessory programs and Street Parking Extra Programs under "Extra Programs" and put together as series that you can follow at your own pace!

Street Parking OLY is posted once a week - on Sunday. These workouts are for those interested in adding in some additional work going heavy and working technique in the Olympic lifts. Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule.

We typically suggest doing this workout BEFORE the regular programmed workout that day if doing both in one session. You can find suggestions on which days each week it will fit in best on the descriptions in Program A, B, and C on Wodify and the Members Only Website!



Pause Dip Push Press

5 Sets of 3 Reps

This should be done only as heavy as you can maintain speed through the drive! Start light and add weight if you are still successful at a good fast extension and press. A good starting place would be 60% or so of your 1 RM Push Press - if you have tested that in the last year or so.

Set up with the bar on your shoulders and elbows high. Feet hip to shoulder width apart. Chest up, belly tight. Keep your heels down, let your knees track forward as you dip your hip. Chest stays lifted. Pause here for 2 seconds then stand up fast. As the bar pops up off the shoulders, press straight up to lock out.

Finish standing tall, arms straight, biceps by the ears. Squeeze your butt and keep your belly tight.

Jerk Balance

5 Sets of 3 Reps

Start with the back foot already in place and bar in the front rack. For each rep you will focus on the front foot driving forward and the chest driving through.

This one is also not meant to be done super heavy but is for technique only. Use similar or same weights as you did for the Pause Push Presses.

Both of these drills combined are to set you up for success for part 3.

Start with the bar resting on your shoulders with your elbows high. Keep your dominant or lead leg planted in the set-up. Step your lagging leg (the opposite of the lead leg) back to its split jerk landing position. From here dip down - making sure to keep your shoulders stacked above your hips - then drive through your legs and hips to pop the bar off your shoulders. As it's in the air, step your lead foot forward and drive your chest under the bar as your elbows lock out overhead. You should finish in the receiving position of the split jerk. To finish the rep, step your lead foot back to the start then step your lagging foot forward so that you're standing tall under the bar.

Split Jerk

5 Sets of 3 Reps

After completing the other 2 drills, you should feel ready to work at a weight that is heavy - but make sure you are hitting good positions and feeling solid in your lifts!

It's not always about trying to PR!

Start with the bar resting on your shoulders with your elbows high. Dip down - making sure to keep your shoulders stacked above your hips - then drive through your legs and hips to pop the bar off your shoulders. As the bar is in the air, split your feet so that your dominant leg goes forward and your other leg goes backward. Drive your chest under the bar as your elbows lock out overhead. In the split, your forward foot should be planted firmly with your knee over - but not beyond - your ankle. Your back heel should be lifted with the ball of your foot planted into the ground and your knee slightly flexed. To finish the rep, step your lead foot back to the start then step your lagging foot forward so that you're standing tall under the bar.