GYMNASTICS | WEEK 38 | 09/12/2021


Street Parking Gymnastics is posted once a week - on Sunday. These workouts are for those interested in building more strength, stamina, and skill in the gymnastics movements. Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule.

Depending on where you are adding this in - it can be great for a warm up - or after the main workout. It also goes well combined with an Endurance workout, or often Power, Oly, or Butts and Guts!



7 Min EMOM
(Every Minute on the Minute for 7 Minutes)

3-5 Jumping Bar or Ring Muscle Ups

YES - do jumping even if you already have this skill. Make these pretty!! Focus on no "chicken wing" or sloppiness in the transition.

Ok, so we want you to jump from a height that is difficult somewhat but REALLY allows you to practice good positions and good technique.

Bend the knees so that at the bottom the arms are straight. Practice that kipping motion forward and back. As you go back use your lats pressing down! From that position use your legs but also pull down with the lats keeping the arms as straight as possible to bring your hips to the bar or rings. Do a big sit up.

If doing ring muscle ups pause for a second in the bottom of the dip. Focus on keeping the rings close together throughout!

No score for this - we are going QUALITY over QUANTITY.

(As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 7 Min)

1 Strict Pull Up
1 Strict Dip
2 Strict Pull Ups
2 Strict Dips
3 Strict Pull Ups
3 Strict Dips...

Keep going up by 1

Score: Last Round where you completed both + any additional reps.

Goal: Get to at least 7-7

So if you get through the 7-7 and then get 3 strict pull ups in the round of 8s, your score is 7+3.

For this - the goal is PRETTY low. Because if you CAN do these unassisted - go for it.

If you need a band assistance or to do slow negatives - that is ok too.

The MAIN priority with this one is full range of motion. ALL of the way down at the bottom of the pull up - chin completely over at the top.

For the dips you can do stationary - ring - between 2 boxes - whatever. Dip the chest and shoulders forward and get the shoulder lower than the elbow at the bottom. Lock out completely at the top.

Keep your whole body engaged and avoid using any momentum or swing. Grip the bar slightly wider than shoulder width and draw your shoulders down away from your ears. Arms should be completely straight. Squeeze your belly, your butt and your legs to create a tight position. Pull your body up until your chin is above the bar. Lower with control until arms are straight.

Start at the top of the rings (or stationary bar) with your elbows fully locked out, palms turned forward slightly, and shoulders pressed away from the ears. Lower your torso down, keeping your elbows back and tight to your sides. Make sure your shoulder is lower than your elbow at the bottom. Then press into the rings, keeping them close to your sides. Lock out fully at the top.

7 Min

30 Seconds ON
30 Seconds OFF

Shoot Throughs

Extra Challenge : No Touch in the Front

1 rep = Forward and Back

Score: Total Reps from the whole 7 min.

For these shoot throughs you will have the hands each on an elevated SOMETHING. This can be 2 benches, 2 boxes, paralletes, 2 chairs, 2 stacks of plates - whatever.

You will start in the top of a push up position in a good hollow body position. You will tuck the knees and swing forward and through to a straight leg/straight arm position with the feet out in front and the hips UP!

Then you will come back through to the original starting position. All of that is 1 rep.

For Extra Challenge you will not allow your feet to touch in the front. You still need to kick your legs to completely straight though. See demo for details on that one.