GYMNASTICS | WEEK 35 | 08/22/2021


Street Parking Gymnastics is posted once a week - on Sunday. These workouts are for those interested in building more strength, stamina, and skill in the gymnastics movements. Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule.

Depending on where you are adding this in - it can be great for a warm up - or after the main workout. It also goes well combined with an endurance workout, or often Power, Oly, or Butts and Guts!



4 Rounds

5 Kipping Pull-Ups +
5 Kip Swings +
5 Toes to Bar +
Active Bar Hang - Go To Failure

Rest 2 Min Between Rounds

The Goal: Go Unbroken - Don't Come Off The Bar



Lower Numbers to 2-3 of each


5 Kip swings+
10 Second Active bar hang+
5 Reps Lift toes/knees as high as possible

Score: Number of rounds completed without coming off the bar (out of 4).

Really focus on keeping a tight body position and practice this with thumbs wrapped around the bar!

Start in a dead hang on the bar with your hands just outside shoulder width apart. Engage your belly like you're trying to touch your ribcage to your belly button as you press into the bar and reach your toes forward. Then drive your heels back, pull your head and chest forward, moving into an Arch position. Kick your feet forward as you squeeze your butt hard and fast. Use your arms to guide your chin above the height of the bar. Once your chin clears the height of the bar, push away from the bar and slightly lift your toes in the front to keep an even weight distribution. As you fall under the bar, move back into your arch position, setting yourself up for the next rep.

Start in a dead hang on the bar with your hands just outside shoulder width apart. Engage your belly like you're trying to touch your ribcage to your belly button as you press into the bar and reach your toes forward. Then drive your heels back, pull your head and chest forward, moving into an Arch position. Sweep your feet forward and press into the bar. Using your core and hip flexors, swing your legs towards the bar, making contact with your toes. Simultaneously, press the bar towards the floor to help engage your lats. Once your toes make contact, allow your legs to swing back down, gaining momentum, and helping to reposition you back into your superman position. Continue to connect reps using the swing and momentum to your advantage. For additional help, check out the Toes to Bar program under Extra Programs on the member’s website.

Skill: Handstand Push Ups

EMOM 6 Min:
(Every Minute on the Minute for 6 Min)

30 Seconds Max Reps - Handstand Push Ups

Rest Remaining 30 Seconds


Handstand Push Ups can be strict - kipping - pike on the box - or feet on the floor.

For the handstand push ups make sure you are creating that triangle position when head touches the ground with the head in front of the fingertips - imagine that you are lowering a barbell or sandbag to the shoulders. Elbows come forward.

Keep the belly tight and keep tension.

Press head through the arms and press through the shoulders at the top of each rep.

DO NOT go to failure. DO NOT slam down into the ground. Keep control throughout.