BUTTS & GUTS | WEEK 35 | 08/22/2021


Butts and Guts is posted once a week, on Sundays. These workouts are for anyone who wants more work on the posterior and midline and can be added in whatever day makes most sense for you!

We typically suggest that when you add this workout in to the regular program - or even to one of the other accessory workouts - to treat it as a finisher as opposed to doing it before. You can find suggestions for which workouts the Butts and Guts workouts will fit in with best in the write ups for Program A, B, and C each week!



6 Rounds (18 Minutes Total)

30 Sec DB/KB Death March
15 Sec Rest
30 Sec Goblet Bulgarian Split Squat, Right
15 Sec Rest
30 Sec Goblet Bulgarian Split Squat, Left
15 Sec Rest
30 Sec Hollow Rock
15 Sec Rest

Suggested Weight:
Men: 40-55# DB/KB(s)
Women: 25-35# DB/KB(s)

Score: Weight Used for the Death March

The Death March is not quite as scary as it sounds. It's basically just walking staggered stance deadlifts. If you have the space for it, simply march forward for 15 seconds then turn around and march back for 15 seconds. Choose a weight for the split squats that allows you to get 7-10 reps within each 30 second window. Remember that you can always customize the hollow rocks by lowering your arms to your sides or bending one or both knees into your belly!

This movement is basically a walking staggered stance deadlift. When you step forward, stagger your stance by just about a foot or so. Your stance should be much shorter than a split squat. Stay as light as you can on the ball of the back foot so that all the work is performed by the front leg. Make sure you keep tension in the front leg in the bottom position and keep a micro-bend in the front knee at the top so you are always under tension. Remember that the belly stays tight and back remains flat at all times.

Hold a dumbbell or kettlebell at your chest. If it feels better for balance, you can also hold a pair of lighter dumbbells at your sides. Place the top of one foot shoelace-down on the bench behind you so the sole of your foot is facing up. Step your front foot forward enough that when you lower into the bottom position, your foot is flat on the floor and you knee does not travel beyond your toes. Your feet should be wide enough (roughly shoulder width) that you can maintain balance throughout. Keep your chest up and belly tight. Slowly lower your hips down and back toward the bench until your thigh is parallel to the floor. Your knee may or may not touch the ground. Push through the heel of your front foot to come back up. Your front knee should maintain a slight bend at the top.

Begin laying on your back with your legs extended forward, and arms extended overhead by your ears. Your arms need to stay shoulder width apart for the entire set.

Brace your core by sucking your belly button into your spine, pushing the lower back into the floor. Your lower back needs to remain flat, so it makes contact with the floor during every rep.

To initiate the rock, lift your toes up in the air while you press your shoulder blades into the ground. While maintaining the hollowed position, allow the momentum to rock you forward as the toes come towards the ground, and shoulders lift off the ground.

This may become super challenging so bend one or both knees if you need to.


Split Squats

If you have any pubic symphysis pain or SPD focus on keeping your pelvis neutral and your hips level. You could always do lighter weight, lower the height for the back leg or modify to a squat, hip thrust, glute bridge (these can also be modified to single leg options!).
If you can perform the movement pain free but having a hard time with the balance (especially preggo mamas who have a challenge with changing center of gravity!) feel free to keep both feet on the ground for a regular lunge or try a split stance Romanian Deadlift.

Hollow Rocks/Hold

If you notice coning or doming in the Hollow Body position you can try elevating the legs or bending the knees to manage the pressure in the belly. If this still doesn't help you can sub Functional Progression 1 or Dead Bugs, Functional Progression 3 or Bird Dogs, Overhead plate hold, 90 degree plate hold, Farmer Carry, Waiter Walks, or Windmills (See Mama Modifications Movement Library for Demos)