POWER | WEEK 33 | 08/08/2021


STREET PARKING POWER - Ongoing program designed to build strength through emphasis on major lifts like Back Squat, Front Squat, Deadlift, Shoulder Press and Bench Press.

This may also include assistance exercises to support good mechanics and healthy tissue.

Typically we suggest adding this in before the regular daily workout if performing them on the same day. Days in which this workout will fit in best can be found on the daily program write ups!



Start a Running Clock:

at 0:00 -
10 Back Squats (something that feels very challenging for 10 reps)
Max Tempo Push Ups (see Coaches Notes)

at 4:00
5 Back Squats
Tempo Push Ups 1/2 the reps from 1st set

at 8:00
5 Back Squats
Tempo Push Ups 1/2 the reps from 2nd set

at 12:00
5 Back Squats
Max Reps Tempo Push Ups

at 16:00
20 Back Squats (think much lighter than your first set of 10)

Score is Load used for the 4th set of back squats

Goal - Make them look good!

Take a good 15 minutes to warm up your squats for this one. AND your shoulders/pecs. This may not seem like a lot of reps but it is a potent stimulus so you must get your body prepared.

The tempo for the push ups is 1 second down and 1 second up, as soon as you break that tempo, the set is over. Search 60BPM metronome on your music streaming device or just count "one one thousand - up one thousand, two one thousand - up one thousand!" Choose a variation on the push up that you can get at least 20 in the first set. These are hard, so go knees, elevated hands etc. if you need to.

You will want to add weight (5-15 lb per increase) on the squats for each subsequent set except for the last one (the set of 20). For that final set, go light enough that you can get 20 reps BUT if your form starts to slip before that, stop there.