GYMNASTICS | WEEK 24 | 06/06/2021


Street Parking Gymnastics is posted once a week - on Sunday. These workouts are for those interested in building more strength, stamina, and skill in the gymnastics movements. Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule.

Depending on where you are adding this in - it can be great for a warm up - or after the main workout. It also goes well combined with an endurance workout, or often Power, Oly, or Butts and Guts!



5 Rounds

20 Second Hollow Hold
20 Second Superman Hold
10 Second Kip Swing

Rest as needed between rounds.

We are really working on the position of hollow and arch and then transferring that to the bar.

For the Hollow Hold you will lay flat on your back and place the hands over the head. Lift the hands and feet by pressing your lower back into the ground and "hollowing out" through your midsection.

For the Superman you will roll over and pretty much do the opposite. You will lift the hands chest and feet by squeezing the butt and lifting the chest!

When you hang from the bar you will find the hollow position by pressing against the bar with the lats. For the arch you will pull through! Allow yourself just to swing and don't pause at all in the front or the back.

Every 30 Seconds for 7 Min:

1 Knees to Elbow
2 Toes to Bar
1 Knees to Elbow

Switch to every minute, if necessary.

For this, if you are not yet ready to do a Toes to Bar - no problem! You can do 1 Kip Swing - 3 Knees Up - 1 Kip Swing!

We put a score in here just so guys could log something. Put how many rounds (out of a possible 14) you completed.

Make sure you are using a strong push and pull against the bar for the swing in these movements. Keep the core engaged and legs straight (except when you bring the knees to the elbows)

On the knees to elbows - TOUCH YOUR KNEES TO YOUR ELBOWS (not your triceps). You will really have to lean back to make it happen!

Start hanging on the bar in an active position - shoulders pressed away from the ears, belly tight, legs together, toes pointed down toward the floor. Start the kip swing by pushing and pulling on the bar. When you're ready to complete a rep, press into the bar so that your torso moves behind it. Raise your knees up toward your belly and you tuck your hips under. Continue to press into the bar so that your torso stays back and give your knees enough time to rise and touch to your elbows. Then lower your legs and reach your toes behind you as your torso moves back forward into the arch of the swing.

Start hanging on the bar in an active position - shoulders pressed away from the ears, belly tight, legs together, toes pointed down toward the floor. Start the kip swing by pushing and pulling on the bar. When you're ready to complete a rep, press into the bar so that your torso moves behind it. Keeping your legs together and as straight as possible, raise them up. Continue pressing into the bar until your toes make contact with it between your hands. Then quickly lower your legs and reach your toes behind you as your torso moves back forward into the arch of the swing.

7 Min Practice

Pike Handstand Hold with Alternating Leg Lifts

You may do this from a box (watch the shins) or against the wall. You will hold a pike handstand and lift one leg until it's upright - hold for 3 seconds - lower it - and then switch.

Take breaks as needed. Practice for 7 minutes

If you want to work on getting both up - go for it!

Start with your toes propped up on top of a box, your hands a foot or two away from the edge of the box, and your body facing the ground. Your hips should be stacked directly above your shoulders and wrists. If you need to, you can bend at the knees slightly. From here, raise one leg up as if you're trying to touch your toes to the ceiling. Once it's stacked above your hips and shoulders, hold there for 3 seconds. Then, lower under control back to the box. Raise the other leg for another 3 second hold. Continue alternating as long as you're in the hold.