BUTTS & GUTS | WEEK 24 | 06/06/2021


Butts and Guts is posted once a week, on Sundays. These workouts are for anyone who wants more work on the posterior and midline and can be added in whatever day makes most sense for you!

We typically suggest that when you add this workout in to the regular program - or even to one of the other accessory workouts - to treat it as a finisher as opposed to doing it before. You can find suggestions for which workouts the Butts and Guts workouts will fit in with best in the write ups for Program A, B, and C each week!


EMOM x 20 Min

Min 1: 12 Tempo Single-Dumbbell Sumo Deadlift @ 30X1
Min 2: 12 No Lockout Assisted Step Ups, PER SIDE
Min 3: 40 sec Elbow Plank Hip Twists
Min 4: 30 sec Tucked Hollow Hold

Suggested Weight // Height
Men: 60-80# DB/KB or lighter pair // 20-24"
Women: 35-55# DB/KB or lighter pair // 16-20"

Score: Weight Used

So for this one, you'll end up cycling through the four movements five times.

For the tempo sumo deadlift, you'll lower down for 3 seconds then explode up and hold for 1 second at the top. Use a heavy-ish dumbbell or a lighter pair if you don't have access to a heavy DB. The no lockout assisted step ups will burn. Do your best not to "bounce" off the bottom foot. You can definitely use that leg to help you out but make the touch down as soft as possible. Those step up reps should be unbroken. The plank hip twists and hollow hold ideally is an unbroken effort but if you MUST, you can accumulate that time. Be sure to read the description and/or watch the video for all movements since they are fairly uncommon.

Assume a wide stance - about a foot wider than your squat stance with your toes turned out 45-60 degrees. Hold a dumbbell - one dumbbell head in each hand - at your hips. Keeping your chest proud, back flat, and a soft bend in your knees, send your hips back. As you hinge forward, make sure you are pressing your knees out as if you're trying to show your inner thighs. When the dumbbell reaches mid-shin (or when you feel your lower back start to flex), stand up hard and fast by pressing your feet into the floor. For this tempo, you'll take 3 seconds to lower into the bottom position then explode up and hold for 1 second at the top before starting the next rep.

Set up your box or step near a sturdy object that you can hold onto for assistance during this movement. A rig post, countertop, bike, something. Start with your working foot on top of the box and nearest to your support. Make sure your WHOLE FOOT is on the box - no heel hanging off the edge. Grab your support with the same arm as the working leg (if you choose to do these weighted, hold a weight in the opposite hand). Drive through your heel to stand but stop just before your knee and hips lock out then lower back down to the floor. Then repeat. Your foot should stay on top of the box for all 12 reps. You can use your bottom foot to press of the ground a little, if you need to.

Start in an elbow/forearm plank. Make sure your thighs, butt, and belly are squeezed tight. Press your elbows into the floor so that your shoulder blades spread out a bit. Keeping your belly tight and shoulders active, rotate your hips to the right as if you were trying to touch them to the floor. Then when you feel you can't go any further, rotate back through center. That's one rep. Repeat on the other side.

Lie on your back with your knees bent and pulled up into your belly, arms at your sides. To begin the hold, squeeze your abs and lift your upper back off the floor and reach forward through your finger tips. It should almost feel like you're trying to touch your shoulders to your knees.


KB/DB Deadlift

If you're pregnant and the shape of your belly is making reaching the floor difficult or if you're postpartum and managing core rehab through practice of proper posture, sub: Sumo Stance KB/DB Deadlift or elevate the DBs/KB so it's not so low to the ground when you pick it up. If you are working on healing any pelvic floor dysfunction make sure you are able to breathe properly throughout the entire range of motion and that you are not bracing or bearing down.

DB Step Ups

If you have any pubic symphysis pain or SPD focus on keeping your pelvis neutral and your hips level. You could always do lighter weight, smaller or shorter step/less range of motion. You can also try stepping laterally onto a stack of plates or something instead of stepping forward and up, sometimes this helps create some control in managing the position of the pelvis. Option to sub: Single Leg Glute Bridge, Hip Thrusts, Air Squat, Goblet/DB Squat

Hollow Rocks/Hold

If you notice coning or doming in the Hollow Body position you can try elevating the legs or bending the knees to manage the pressure in the belly. If this still doesn't help you can sub Functional Progression 1 or Dead Bugs, Functional Progression 3 or Bird Dogs, Overhead plate hold, 90 degree plate hold, Farmer Carry, Waiter Walks, or Windmills (See Mama Modifications Movement Library for Demos)