GYMNASTICS | WEEK 23 | 05/30/2021


Street Parking Gymnastics is posted once a week - on Sunday. These workouts are for those interested in building more strength, stamina, and skill in the gymnastics movements. Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule.

Depending on where you are adding this in - it can be great for a warm up - or after the main workout. It also goes well combined with an Endurance workout, or often Power, Oly, or Butts and Guts!



7 Minutes of:

Handstand Walk Away Practice

For a score you can put how many successful 3+ step walk-aways from the wall you got!

You will start in a handstand against the wall. Without kicking yourself off of the wall the goal is to walk away from the wall a few steps.

If you aren't ready to walk away from the wall you can practice just a handstand hold with the chest against the wall - or shoulder taps with the chest against the wall.

Make sure you do not overextend. Your face should also be pretty close to the wall! Shift weight into the fingers to initiate walking away. Squeeze the butt!

Every 30 Seconds for 10 Min:

3 Second Chin Over Bar or Rings Hold + 1 Muscle Up

Score: Number of successful rounds completed (up to 20)

If you have muscle ups - you know what to do. Hold the chin over - push away and kip at the bottom into your next muscle up. Rest remainder of 30 seconds.

If you are new to muscle ups but want to try this - cut it to one per min.

If you aren't quite ready to do it with the hold, you may just do 1 muscle up per min.

If you don't have your muscle ups yet you may do a chin over bar or rings hold followed by a jumping bar or ring muscle up.

You may also do a 3 second chest to rings hold + a muscle up transition! Remember - keep the rings close. Pull all of the way to the chest and keep pulling YOURSELF through the rings! Lock out at the top of that dip!

7 Minutes of:

Max Box Pike Walk Around

Alternate direction each time.

Score: # of Times You Make It Around the Box

Make sure to get the hips over the shoulders and hands for this movement. If you don't have a box to use you can just to pike shoulder taps. Let's call 16 taps = 1 trip around the box.

Each set of 16 shoulder taps or each trip around the box = 1 rep for scoring.