BUTTS & GUTS | WEEK 23 | 05/30/2021


Butts and Guts is posted once a week, on Sundays. These workouts are for anyone who wants more work on the posterior and midline and can be added in whatever day makes most sense for you!

We typically suggest that when you add this workout in to the regular program - or even to one of the other accessory workouts - to treat it as a finisher as opposed to doing it before. You can find suggestions for which workouts the Butts and Guts workouts will fit in with best in the write ups for Program A, B, and C each week!



Part 1

6 Rounds (18 Minutes)

30-sec DB Deficit Lateral Lunge Step, Right
15-sec Rest
30-sec DB Deficit Lateral Lunge Step, Left
15-sec Rest
30-sec Elevated Staggered Stance RDLs, Right
15-sec Rest
30-sec Elevated Staggered Stance RDLs, Left
15-sec Rest

- REST 4 MIN before Part 2 -

Suggested Weight
Men: 40-55# DB(s)
Women: 25-35# DB(s)

Score: Weight Used on RDLs

Holy hamstrings! The extra "reach" in the RDLs today are sure to light up your hammies. Don't hinge so low that your low back rounds. Only go as long as you can maintain a flat back! Before you dive into the deficit lateral lunge step, PLEASE be sure to do a few test lateral lunges without weight - first, without the plate and then with the plate. If you need to, mark where your static leg needs to be in order for you to have the correct stance each time. Also - be sure that your plate will not slide or shift. You can set a heavy DB on the opposite side to keep it still.

Stand with a dumbbell in your left hand and a 3-4" plate within a lunge-distance to your right. Step wide with your right leg and plant your right foot onto the plate. Send your right hip back and down as you squat into the leg. Let the arm holding the dumbbell hang long but be sure to keep your chest proud and your torso as upright as you can manage. You may need to let your left toes lift from the floor and rotate up toward the ceiling. Do your best to get your hip below your knee on your right side but if you feel your heel starting to lift, stop there. Once you get to depth, drive through your right heel to stand and step your feet back together. Stay on that side until the 30 seconds are over. Then switch the dumbbell to the right hand and turn around so that the plate is now on your left.

Stand with your left foot on a 3-4" plate and your right foot on the floor, in front of the plate. Hold a dumbbell in each hand. Put a soft bend in both knees, lift your chest real proud, and send your hips back. As your torso inclines forward, press back into the dumbbells so that they travel slightly behind the forward leg. As the dumbbells pass your knees and reach mid-shin, drive through both heels to come back to standing.

Part 2

4 Rounds (8 Minutes)

30-sec V-Up to V
30-sec Rest
30-sec DB Bear Crawl March (15s Fwd/15s Bkwd)
30-sec Rest

Suggested Weight
Men: 40# DB
Women: 25# DB

Score: Total "V-Up to V" Reps

Two new movements in this part of today's B&G so be sure to watch the demo video and/or read the written descriptions! If you're having trouble with the rhythm of the V-Up to V, you can do just V-Ups, just Vs, or tuck ups! For the bear crawl march, the goal is to move continuously for 30 seconds. If your space is limited and you can't move forward/backward for 15 seconds at one time - you can move back and forth in 5-sec intervals!

Lie on your back with arms stretched overhead, shoulders away from ears. Squeeze your legs together. Come into a hollow body position by raising your legs and shoulders a few inches from the floor. Pull your bellybutton down toward the floor until you feel your lower back pressing into it. Raise your chest and legs up high and then toward one another at the same time until you can touch your toes, then lower back to hollow body. As soon as your body is laid out again, snap back up - this time with your legs wide (like a V) and reach your arms between. That's 1 rep. Then lower back to hollow body and start back over with the classic V-Up.

Start on your hands and knees with a dumbbell on the floor beneath you. Your wrists should be stacked directly beneath your shoulders and your knees directly beneath your hips. Curl your toes under and press into them and your hands to hover your knees just off the floor. Pull your lower belly in toward your spine and spread your shoulder blades apart. Reach with your right hand and grab hold of the dumbbell. Lift it and place it down out ahead of your hands. Then crawl forward until it's beneath you again. Grab it with your left hand this time and place it down in front of you. Continue moving forward for 15 seconds. Then for 15 seconds, crawl backwards, bringing the dumbbell back beneath you as you crawl behind it. If you can't move in one direction for a full 15 seconds, you can move forward and backward in 5-sec intervals until you've hit 30 seconds.


Alt V-Up

This movement is a big demand for the core and pelvic floor and for the most part, is not recommended during pregnancy and the rehab/rebuilding stages of postpartum. If you are ready to start incorporating them you can try less reps, less range of motion, with knees bent, just arms, or just legs. However you can also always sub one of the following movements: Any of the Functional Progressions, Ball Slams, Heel Taps, KB Swings, DB Windmill, Palloff Press, Banded/Wallball Woodchop, Standing Cross Body Wallball Throws, Goblet Hold/Squat, Waiter Walk, or any other movement from the Core Section of the Mama Mods Movement Library.


If you have any pubic symphysis pain or SPD focus on keeping your pelvis neutral and your hips level. You could always do lighter weight, smaller step/less range of motion, or step up or forward instead of step back in the lunge lunge.

You can also try stepping laterally onto a stack of plates or something instead of stepping back or up, sometimes this helps create some control in managing the position of the pelvis. Feel free to sub a squat or goblet squat for the lunges.