OLY | WEEK 20 | 05/09/2021


Hey Team! This week's Oly Workout is Session 11 from the NEW Oly EMOM Extra Program! The 12 workouts found in this program are designed for those who love the Olympic Lifts - Clean and Jerk / Snatch - and who want to throw them into their training - while being efficient with their time.

As a part of the
Oly EMOM Extra Program we have also included some “Optional Lifting” work to increase strength in ways that will carry-over to the Olympic Lifts. If you have time - and so desire - you can add this work in after the main EMOM.





1 Hang Squat Snatch
1 Overhead Squat

After 9 min - Rest 2 Min before Part 2

Pick one weight to stick with each minute or add weight each time! Whatever feels good and allows you to move with proper form.

You will start with the bar at the waist with a wide grip! You will dip - bending the knees slightly and allowing the chest to come forward, jump straight UP with the bar (not forward). Keep the heels down and arms straight as LONG as possible. Shrug the shoulders and pull the elbows high and outside as you pull yourself DOWN into a full overhead squat. Punch into the bar fast and hard to lock out.

In that catch position your feet will have moved out slightly. Land with the heels down, belly tight, armpits facing forward with the shoulder blades pulled IN. The bar should be over the middle of the body. Your butt should be lower than the knees at the bottom. For this lift especially watch for the knees caving in. Stand fully to complete the rep.

You may get the bar over your head however you need. Push press, Push Jerk, or Split jerk from the back with a wide grip.

Get the feet into your squat stance and start the movement by setting your midline. Belly tight chest up, pressing into the bar with armpits forward.

Then reach your butt back and down as your knees go OUT. Keep the heels down! Pull the bar back to keep it over the middle of your foot as you go down. Use a wide grip to give your shoulders more room! Drive into the bar. Keep pushing up! Try to keep the armpits facing forward. Keep the heels down and chest up throughout.

At the bottom again you will want to be in a solid overhead squat position, with the butt lower than the knees! Stand all of the way up at the top.



1 Squat Snatch

Pick one weight to stick with each minute or add weight each time! Whatever feels good and allows you to move with proper form.

The bar will start on the ground. Your feet will be under your hips and your hands will be wide. Use that hook grip (thumb around bar - fingers around thumb). Make sure the heels are down, the knees are forward and slightly out, knees are bent with the hips slightly higher than the knees, chest up, arms straight, back flat, bar close.

You will pull the bar from the ground by driving the heels down, and chest up while pulling the bar in close to the body. Once past the knees you will pick up speed. Scoop your hips under slightly to allow you to jump straight UP with the bar (not forward). Keep the heels down and arms straight as LONG as possible. Shrug the shoulders and pull the elbows high and outside as you pull yourself DOWN either into a full overhead squat or into a partial overhead squat. Punch into the bar fast and hard to lock out.

In that catch position your feet will have moved out slightly. Land with the heels down, belly tight, armpits facing forward with the shoulder blades pulled IN. The bar should be over the middle of the body. Your butt should be lower than the knees at the bottom.

Stand fully to complete the movement.

Optional Lifting

4x3 Snatch Pull

Choose a weight and stick with it for all 4 sets. Make sure it's light enough to allow for proper positions and an aggressive upward drive at the finish!

This movement is just the first half of the snatch - lifting the bar off the ground and driving hard and fast through the legs and hips to accelerate it upward. Start with the bar on the ground. Hands will be in the same wide grip-width that you use for snatches. Feet under the hips roughly. Knees are bent, bar is close to the body, chest is up, arms are straight. Stand by driving the heels down and lifting the chest. Stand up hard and fast (jump) SHRUG the shoulders.

4x3 Sotts Press

It's very likely that you'll need to use an empty bar for these reps or possibly even just a broomstick or PVC pipe!

You'll be warm from the EMOMs but make sure you've stretched your shoulders and moved them from a full range of motion before heading into these presses.

You will place the bar on your back and go down to the bottom of your squat.

From there - with your hands in your snatch or overhead squat grip - you will press the bar straight up into a locked out position right over the center of the body.

Focus on keeping the heels down, the belly tight and driving the armpits forward.

Hold the position for just a second before lowering back down for next rep.

Start with empty bar and only add weight if you feel good. Some of you may have to even start lighter - like with your broomstick - and that's ok.