BUTTS & GUTS | WEEK 20 | 05/09/2021


Butts and Guts is posted once a week, on Sundays. These workouts are for anyone who wants more work on the posterior and midline and can be added in whatever day makes most sense for you!

We typically suggest that when you add this workout in to the regular program - or even to one of the other accessory workouts - to treat it as a finisher as opposed to doing it before. You can find suggestions for which workouts the Butts and Guts workouts will fit in with best in the write ups for Program A, B, and C each week!



EMOM x 30 Minutes (6 Rounds)

Min 1: 15 Goblet Split Squat, Right
Min 2: 15 Goblet Split Squat, Left
Min 3: 20 Eye Level DB/KB Swings
Min 4: Accumulate Max Alternating Contralateral Plank Lifts
Min 5: Rest

Suggested Goblet Squat Weight
Men: 40-55# DB/KB
Women: 20-35# DB/KB

Suggested Eye Level Swing Weight
Men: 60-70# DB/KB
Women: 40-55# DB/KB

Score: Total # of Contralateral Plank Lifts

Goal: 120-180 Reps

Choose a weight for the split squats that will allow for you to get all 15 reps done unbroken. Remember for a split squat that you won't step your feet together for every rep - you'll just keep the split stance, lower to touch the back knee down, then drive through both feet to come back up. Go heavier for the swings (if you can) and be sure you can do those 20 reps in 1-2 sets. You'll likely have 25-35 seconds to rest for the first three minutes of each round. For the plank lifts, raise and lower the opposite arm and leg under control. Every "lift" counts as 1 rep toward your score.

Assume a split stance (same footing you'd use for a lunge). You will hold a dumbbell at your chest and will lower until the knee kisses the ground. Drive through the front heel to stand. Maintain the same stance for 15 reps on your right leg. Then switch your stance for 15 reps on your left leg.

Be careful of rolling forward onto the toe or allowing the knee to cave in. Do all of these reps under control.

Hold the weight with both hands at the waist. Feet shoulder width apart, heels are down. Hinge forward at the hips and bend the knees slightly. Keep the chest lifted, heels down, belly tight and arms straight. Pull the weight back through the legs. Stand up HARD and FAST to make the dumbbell weightless and (keeping the belly tight) guide the weight up to shoulder to eye level. Keep your shoulders nice and active by squeezing your shoulder blades together without overarching the back. Allow gravity to bring it back down and back between the legs. Don't allow it to pull you forward. Keep those heels down!

Start in a plank position (top of the push up).Keeping your knees squeezed and your belly tight, lift your right leg and your left arm until they are parallel with your body. Then lower them under control back to the plank. That's 1 rep. Then you'll switch to the opposite sides - left leg and right arm. That's 2 reps. You'll continue alternating with each lift. Do your best to keep your shoulder active and your hips level.