SANDBAG | WEEK 19 | 05/02/2021


Street Parking Sandbag is posted once a week - on Sunday. You will find a sandbag "option" several times during the week (usually in Program C) of the regular programmed workouts. This workout, however, was programmed specifically with the sandbag in mind.

We typically suggest that instead of adding this in on top of the regular workout on any certain day - that you simply swap one of the regular programmed workouts out for this one. We will provide suggestions each week in the daily workout write ups for Programs A, B, and C - for which workouts make the most sense to swap.



2 Rounds

25 Back Squat
200m Run
25 Sumo Deadlift High Pull
200m Run
25 Push Press
200m Run
25 Back Squat

Suggested Sandbag Loading:
Men: 50-70#
Women: 25-45#

Goal: 16-22 Minutes

When I wrote this workout, the idea was for all the movements to be unbroken. So, if you are looking for an extra challenge, give that a shot. Otherwise, shoot for 1-2 sets for all movements while still pushing it on the runs. You don't have to do the movements fast but we want big sets and a good amount of time under tension today!

Power clean the bag to your shoulder, then push press it up and over to your back, so the sandbag will be on your back. The feet should be shoulder width apart. Heels down. Raise the chest and tighten the belly. Reach the butt back and down and drive the knees out. Get the butt lower than the knees at the bottom. No collapsing or rounding the back at the bottom! Stand all of the way up at the top.

Adjust the reps to fit the movement time window.
Sandbag Front Squats

200M RUN
You're working with a minute or less. Shorten the distance as needed to fit the time window.

1 minute of:
Double/Single Unders
Sandbag Hop Overs
Sandbag Shuffle
Sandbag Toe Taps

The bag will start on the ground. You will have feet wide and the hands narrow - inside the legs with heels down, a bend in the knees, straight arms, driving the knees OUT, chest up and over the bag, back flat.

To start the movement you will think LEGS - SHOULDERS - ARMS. So stand hard and fast driving through the heels, keeping the back flat, arms straight and bag close. Then SHRUG the shoulders. Finally pull the bag UP the body with the elbows going high and outside - like you are zipping up your jacket. The elbows should not go higher than the shoulders, and the elbows should stay above the bag at all times.

To return think ARMS - SHOULDERS - HIPS - KNEES. Keep the bar close to the body. Keep the chest up and heels down as you place the bar down!

15 Sandbag Over the Shoulders

Start with your sandbag on the biceps with the elbows high. Feet are between hip and shoulder width apart. Chest up. Belly tight. Keep your heels down, let your knees track forward as you dip your hip. Chest stays lifted. Stand up fast. As the bag pops up off the shoulders, press straight up to lock out.

Finish with biceps by the ears. Standing tall. Locked out elbows. Belly tight.

Adjust the reps if working with a heavier bag, to fit the movement time window.

Shoulder to Shoulder Push Press