GYMNASTICS | WEEK 19 | 05/02/2021


Street Parking Gymnastics is posted once a week - on Sunday. These workouts are for those interested in building more strength, stamina, and skill in the gymnastics movements. Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule.

Depending on where you are adding this in - it can be great for a warm up - or after the main workout. It also goes well combined with an endurance workout, or often Power, Oly, or Butts and Guts!



EMOM 7 Min
(Every Minute on the Minute for 7 Minutes)

3-5 Pull Ups
1-3 Muscle Ups

**If you are a pull up and muscle up ninja - you may choose to make this into a 7 Min AMRAP:

5 Pull Ups
2 Muscle Ups


Scoring: If you do the EMOM Version put how many pull ups you did each min in the "rounds" box and how many muscle ups (or scale) you did in each min in "reps" box.

If you did the AMRAP option - score it as a regular AMRAP and put in comments you did it that way.

Also put in comments how you performed each movement.


LOTS of options for this one. They are listed most difficult to least difficult. All options can be done on bar or rings.

Pick style and rep numbers that challenge you but you can maintain - or at least you think you can.

3-5 Strict Pull Ups into 1-3 Strict Muscle Ups

3-5 Strict Pull Ups into 1-3 Kipping Muscle Ups

3-5 Kipping Pull Ups into 1-3 Kipping Muscle Ups

3-5 Strict Pull Ups into 1-3 Jumping or Banded Muscle Ups

3-5 Banded or Jumping Pull Ups into 1-3 Banded or Jumping Muscle Ups

3-5 Banded or Jumping Pull Ups with 1-3 Muscle Up Transitions with feet on floor or on box.

3-5 Ring Rows with 1-3 Muscle Up Transitions with feet on floor or box.

If you need to come off of the bar and move spots because for one part you are using a band or box and the other you aren't that is fine! Just keep all of the movements within the minute.

Dip Practice

20 Reps for QUALITY (not for time)

3 Second Lower
3 Second Hold at Bottom
Jump or Press Out

Focus on keeping elbows back and if using rings keep them close.

Bottom is shoulder lower than the elbow at the bottom.

No Score.

So for each rep you will start at the top of the dip locked out. You will lower by allowing the shoulder to come forward and the elbows to go back (not OUT). Keep the forearm and bicep as tight to the body as possible.

You will take a 3 second count to lower. Once the shoulder is lower than the elbow in the bottom you will hold for 3 seconds.

If you CAN - press out. If not - no worries. Use your legs to help you press out and back to the top.

(As Many Reps as Possible in 5 Min)

Shoot Throughs

For the shoot throughs the higher your set up is the less difficult it is.

You can do these on parallettes or between 2 chairs or 2 boxes. We often will even use 2 stacks of plates.

You will start in the top of a push up position with one hand on each box or paralette. Body is straight, arms are straight, belly is tight.

You will pick up the knees high to the chest and swing through the boxes or paralettes on straight arms.

Once through you will rapidly open the hips and kick the legs straight so that in the front your body is in one straight line in front or your arms and hands.

To come back you will tuck the knees again and swing through straight arms to come back to that push up position.

There and back is one rep.