SANDBAG | WEEK 17 | 04/18/2021


Street Parking Sandbag is posted once a week - on Sunday. You will find a sandbag ""option"" several times during the week (usually in Program C) of the regular programmed workouts. This workout, however, was programmed specifically with the sandbag in mind.

We typically suggest that instead of adding this in on top of the regular workout on any certain day - that you simply swap one of the regular programmed workouts out for this one. We will provide suggestions each week in the daily workout write ups for Programs A, B, and C - for which workouts make the most sense to swap.



100 Right Shoulder Racked Lunges
50 Push Up + Lateral Drag
100 Left Shoulder Racked Lunges
50 Push Up + Lateral Drag

Suggested Sandbag Weight:
Men: 50-70#
Women: 25-45#

Score: Total Time

Goal: 20-28 Minutes

This is going to feel like a slow grind. Be prepared for the mental component of chipping away at these reps. The lunges should take 5-7 minutes, adjust the reps as needed if you are working with a heavier bag. Break up the push up plus drags early into smaller sets that you think you need to, like 4-6 at a time.

Clean the bag up to one shoulder. Keep your belly tight and chest up. You may choose from forward stepping, reverse, or even walking lunges. Alternate legs with each lunge. We like the reverse lunge because the working leg stays planted so you end up being able to drive through the heel really well. You will step back and keep the front heel down. Don't allow the knee to cave in. GENTLY touch the ground with the back knee. Then drive off the front heel to bring you back to standing. Switch legs for the next rep.

Start in a plank position with your bag just to the outside your right hand. First you will do a push up, then with your left hand, reach under and across and drag the bag to the left side of your body.

Keep the belly tight and butt down. Do another push up then reach under and across with your right hand and drag the bag back to the right side of your body. If you can't quite get the bag all the way across a little plank side step so you can start the next pull in a good position. One push up + one drag = 1 rep.

Push Up & Overs on the Bag
Knee Push Up + Plank Lateral Drag
Plank Up & Overs (Bag)