SANDBAG | WEEK 16 | 04/11/2021


Street Parking Sandbag is posted once a week - on Sunday. You will find a sandbag ""option"" several times during the week (usually in Program C) of the regular programmed workouts. This workout, however, was programmed specifically with the sandbag in mind.

We typically suggest that instead of adding this in on top of the regular workout on any certain day - that you simply swap one of the regular programmed workouts out for this one. We will provide suggestions each week in the daily workout write ups for Programs A, B, and C - for which workouts make the most sense to swap.



25 Burpees
50 Burpee Sandbag Over Shoulder
25 Burpees
50 Sandbag Burpee
25 Burpees

Suggested Sandbag Weight:
Men: 50-70#
Women: 25-45#

Score: Total Time

Goal: 16-22 Minutes

This one smacks of the Sandbag version of Morpheus in terms of movements, however, there are no breaks which changes the stimulus quite a bit! Choose a variation on the burpees you can complete 25 reps in 2-3 minutes. For the other two movements, they should each take 5-7 minutes so you may need to adjust the reps down to 35-40 in order to stay within that window.

Burpees start standing. Place your hands on the ground. Jump or step your feet back. Get your chest and thighs to the ground. Press to lockout (top of push up). Jump or step the feet in. Jump up and clap with arms overhead!

Stepping Burpee
No Push Up Burpee

This is a burpee with hands planted on the bag followed by a power clean and toss over your shoulder. Get your chest to the bag and thighs to the ground in the burpee. Then, step or jump your feet back in to set up for the over the shoulder portion. Grip the overhand handles of the bag. Lift your chest and tighten your belly. Drive through your heels as you lift the bag. Pull it in close to your body. Stand up hard and fast and roll the bag over your torso - finishing over the shoulder. USE THE POWER FROM YOUR LEGS!!!

Adjust the reps if working with a heavier bag
Burpee Sumo Deadlift High Pull

The bag will start right in front of your feet. Plant your hands on the bag a bit wider than shoulder width apart. Step or jump your feet back to a plank position and lower your chest to the bag, knees/thighs to the floor. Press back up to straight arms and step or jump your feet back in.

Grab hold of the overhand handles, bend your knees and lift your chest up. Keep the heels down. With your back flat and belly tight, stand up with the sandbag by driving through the heels and lifting the chest. Explode UP with the legs and hips. Shrug the shoulders. Pull the elbow high and outside. Then PUNCH the sandbag to lock out finishing with the biceps by the ear!

Adjust the reps to fit the movement goal window
No Push Up Sandbag Burpee