SANDBAG | WEEK 15 | 04/04/2021


Street Parking Sandbag is posted once a week - on Sunday. You will find a sandbag "option" several times during the week (usually in Program C) of the regular programmed workouts. This workout, however, was programmed specifically with the sandbag in mind.

We typically suggest that instead of adding this in on top of the regular workout on any certain day - that you simply swap one of the regular programmed workouts out for this one. We will provide suggestions each week in the daily workout write ups for Programs A, B, and C - for which workouts make the most sense to swap.



60 Sandbag Hop Overs
30 Bearhug Squats
20 Sandbag Toe Touch + Sit Ups
30 Push Up + Lateral Drag

Rest 2 Minutes

30 Push Up + Lateral Drag
20 Sandbag Toe Touch + Sit Ups
30 Bearhug Squats
60 Sandbag Hop Overs

Suggested Sandbag Weight:
Men: 50-70#
Women: 25-45#

Score: Total Time

Goal: 15-20 Minutes

New movement alert!! The Sandbag Toe Touch + Sit Up. Make sure you practice this one for a few minutes before the workout. After you've given it some solid attempts, you can always customize. Each part of this workout should take 7-9 minutes. If you are creeping up to the 10 minute mark in the first part, make some adjustments for after the 2 minute break. Remember you can reduce the reps if you are working with a heavier bag and can't change the weight. Just try to do it before you start rather than in the middle of the movement.

Stand next to your bag and hop laterally over the narrow side. You may also do a lateral shuffle. Think fast toe taps on the bag as you step laterally on and over to the other side.

Sandbag Shuffle
Skip Overs

Hold the bag against your chest with your arms wrapped around the bag. Keep your belly tight, chest up and draw your elbows back alongside your ribcage to keep the bag close to your body. The feet should be shoulder width apart. Heels down. Raise the chest and tighten the belly. Reach the butt back and down and drive the knees out. Get the butt lower than the knees at the bottom. No collapsing or rounding the back at the bottom! Stand all of the way up at the top.

Adjust the reps to fit the movement time window.
Shoulder Racked Sandbag Squats (switch shoulders halfway through)

This is a combination of a supine toe touch and a sandbag sit up keeping the arms extended. Start on your bag with arms extended vertically, holding the bag over your chest. Raise the legs to touch shins to the bag. As the legs lower to the floor, use that momentum to sit up. Press up out of the shoulder and keep the chest high!

Adjust the reps to fit the movement time window.
1/2 reps toe touches + 1/2 reps sit ups

Start in a plank position with your bag just to the outside your right hand. First you will do a push up, then with your left hand, reach under and across and drag the bag to the left side of your body.

Keep the belly tight and butt down. Do another push up then reach under and across with your right hand and drag the bag back to the right side of your body. If you can't quite get the bag all the way across a little plank side step so you can start the next pull in a good position. One push up + one drag = 1 rep.

Push Up & Overs on the Bag
Knee Push Up + Plank Lateral Drag
Plank Up & Overs (Bag)