BUTTS & GUTS | WEEK 11 | 03/07/2021


Butts and Guts is posted once a week, on Sundays. These workouts are for anyone who wants more work on the posterior and midline and can be added in whatever day makes most sense for you!

We typically suggest that when you add this workout in to the regular program - or even to one of the other accessory workouts - to treat it as a finisher as opposed to doing it before. You can find suggestions for which workouts the Butts and Guts workouts will fit in with best in the write ups for Program A, B, and C each week!




4 Rounds

12 Good Mornings
8 Split Squats Right
8 Split Squats Left
1 Min Rest

Men: Try between 95-135 # for the Good Mornings, 40-50 # DBs for the Split Squats

Women: Try between 65-95 # for the Good Mornings, 25-35# DBs for the Split Squats

Score is weight used for Good Mornings.

You could also do the split squats holding a single dumbbell in the goblet position - or a plate in a bear hug position.

If you don't have a bar you can swap stiff legged deadlifts for the good mornings.

Rest as little as possible between sets.

For the good mornings, the bar will be on your back. Go super light on these if you are fairly new to this movement.


Tighten the belly and push the chest up. Bend at the waist by reaching the hips back. Knees may soften, but for the most part stay straight. If you can maintain a good back position - go to 90 degrees. If not, just go as low as your strength and flexibility will allow.

Squeeze your butt to stand up.

For the split squats, back leg will be slightly elevated (on a plate or something sturdy a few inches off the ground). You will hold a dumbbell in each hand and will lower until the knee kisses the ground. Drive through the front heel to stand. Maintain the same stance for 8 reps on your right leg. Then switch your stance for 8 reps on your left leg.

Be careful of rolling forward onto the toe or allowing the knee to cave in. Do all of these reps under control.


In 8 Minutes:

Max Plank Hold

Every time you come down - complete 8 Love Taps

So you'll start a clock counting down from 8 minutes (or up, whatever you prefer). Hold a plank for as long as you can. If you break, do 8 love taps and then get right back to the plank. Repeat until 8 minutes are up. The goal is to either be holding or tapping the entire 8 min!

Plank should be on the toes and the elbows. Do not allow yourself to sag. If you start to sag - come down and do the love taps! Goal is to either be holding or tapping the entire 8 min!

You will sit on the ground and lift the legs (straight) up and over the object. Do not DROP the heels to the ground once you are over. Lower them under control and just "tap"!

Every "tap" counts as a rep. Fight to keep the legs straight.


Split Squats

If you have any pubic symphysis pain or SPD focus on keeping your pelvis neutral and your hips level. You could always do lighter weight, lower the height for the back leg or modify to a squat, hip thrust, glute bridge (these can also be modified to single leg options!).
If you can perform the movement pain free but having a hard time with the balance (especially preggo mamas who have a challenge with changing center of gravity!) feel free to keep both feet on the ground for a regular lunge or try a split stance Romanian Deadlift.

Plank Hold

Pay attention to any coning or doming in your belly and try adjusting your posture, breath, or tension strategies. You can always modify with an Elevated Plank Hold, Bear Hold, or Overhead Plate Hold. You could also do a shorter timed set or certain number of reps/distance of Waiter Walks, Farmer Carry/March, or Bear Crawl. See the Mama Modifications Movement Library for demos.