SANDBAG | WEEK 08 | 02/14/2021


Street Parking Sandbag is posted once a week - on Sunday. You will find a sandbag "option" several times during the week (usually in Program C) of the regular programmed workouts. This workout, however, was programmed specifically with the sandbag in mind.

We typically suggest that instead of adding this in on top of the regular workout on any certain day - that you simply swap one of the regular programmed workouts out for this one. We will provide suggestions each week in the daily workout write ups for Programs A, B, and C - for which workouts make the most sense to swap.

Sandbag General Warm Up


3 Rounds

15 Ground to Overhead
20 Weighted Step Ups (Right Shoulder)
30 Sandbag Hop Overs
15 Ground to Overhead
20 Weighted Step Ups (Left Shoulder)
30 Sandbag Hop Overs

Suggested Sandbag Loading:
Men: 50-70#
Women: 25-45#

Score: Total Time

Goal: 15-20 Minutes

Keep your chest up setting up for every rep on the ground to overheads and make sure you a really driving your feet down into the floor as you stand. If you are working with a heavier bag, consider customizing to sumo deadlift high pulls. The goal is 5-7 minute rounds. Try to find a good rhythm on the step ups and make sure you keep your belly tight to avoid slumping to one side on the step ups!

Grab hold of the overhand or neutral handles, bend your knees and lift your chest up. Keep the heels down. With your back flat and belly tight, stand up with the sandbag by driving through the heels and lifting the chest. Explode UP with the legs and hips. Shrug the shoulders. Pull the elbow high and outside. Then PUNCH the sandbag to lock out finishing with the biceps by the ear!

Choose a box that is roughly 20-24" for men and 16-20" for women. Clean the sandbag to one shoulder. Facing the box, step up with one leg, with the whole foot on the box and drive through you heel! Stand all the way up onto the box, then back down, alternate legs each rep. 20 reps is 10 step ups per leg.

Customize these with a lower stepping height, or alternating lunges.

Stand next to your bag and hop laterally over the narrow side. You may also do a lateral shuffle. Think fast toe taps on the bag as you step laterally on and over to the other side.