GYMNASTICS | WEEK 52 | 12/20/2020
Gymnastics Pull Warm Up
Gymnastics Press Warm Up
Core Tabata
8 Rounds of 20-sec ON / 10-sec OFF
A: Hollow Rocks
B: Half Superman Lifts
So the way this one works is you'll do 20 seconds of hollow rocks then rest for 10 seconds. That's 1 round. Then you'll do half superman lifts for 20 seconds then rest for 10 seconds. That's another round. You'll alternate back and forth between movements each round until you've done 8 total (4 of each).
For the Hollow Rocks, start lying on your back with your legs extended forward, and arms extended overhead by your ears. Your arms need to stay shoulder width apart for the entire set. Push your lower back into the floor by sucking your belly button into your spine. The distance between your ribcage and hip bones should shorten. Your lower back needs to remain flat, so it makes contact with the floor during every rep. To initiate the rock, lift your toes up in the air while you press your shoulder blades into the ground. While maintaining the hollowed position, allow the momentum to rock you forward as the toes come towards the ground, and shoulders lift off the ground.
The Half Superman Lifts are basically a lower back crunch. You'll lie on your belly with your legs together and arms extended overhead. Then you'll squeeze your butt and lower back to lift ONLY your chest from the ground. Hold briefly then lower back down to the ground. Be sure to keep your belly tight so that you don't overextend your lower back!
EMOM x 12 Min
1-3 Bar Muscle Ups
At the start of every minute, you'll perform 1-3 BMU(s). You do not have to stick with the same number of reps that you started off with (so if you start with 3 but can't maintain, you can drop to 1 or 2).
If 1-3 every minute it too frequent or too high volume, you can also change it to every 90 seconds so that it's 8 rounds rather than 12.
The bar muscle up is a combination of a big pull up, a transition, and a dip. You may modify with a jumping version to practice the transition from the pull up into the dip.
You'll begin standing beneath the bar. Jump to the bar, reach your toes toward the ground and press your shoulders away from your ears. Squeeze your abs and swing your legs forward slightly as you press your torso behind the bar. Pull against the bar slightly to swing forward, opening into an arch position as you pass to the front of the bar. Once you start swinging backwards, drive your knees towards the ceiling. Squeeze your glutes HARD and FAST to produce as much power as possible, driving your hips towards the bar. As you come close to the bar, sit up quickly using your core, and shift your hands over the top of the bar. Land in the bottom of a dip and press up to elbow lockout.
For Time & Quality
Dips / Push Ups
Candlestick to Pistol
For this one, you'll do 2 dips (or push ups) then 2 candlesticks to pistol. Then 4 dips, 4 CTP, 6 dip, 6 CTP, etc.
Ideally, this workout will be done with dips BUT if that movement is not in your toolbox yet, you can swap them out with jumping dips, bench dips, or push ups!
For the ring/stationary dips, be sure you lock out at the top of dip keeping the torso upright, placing majority of the work load in the chest and triceps and not on the shoulders. Make sure the elbows go back and don't flare out. Get the shoulder lower than the elbow at the bottom. Dips may be strict, kipping, banded, or even slightly leg assisted. We don't recommend a slow lower dip in for time workout. You can even dip between two benches/boxes/countertops if you want!
For the candlestick to pistol, begin standing with both feet together, arms by your sides. Sit back to the floor, setting your butt close to your heels. As you roll backwards, extend your arms overhead, pressing them into the floor behind you, and lift your toes to the ceiling. Legs are straight and butt squeezed. Using the momentum from rolling down, pull the heel of one foot as close to your butt as possible and keep the opposite leg extended. Touch the foot down of the leg that's still bent. Shift your chest forward and over your toes to help stand. As you stand up, keep the extended leg from touching the floor. Fully extend your knee and hip at the top before touching the other foot down.
So for 2 reps of candlestick to pistol, you'll do candlestick and stand up on your right leg. That's rep 1. Then you'll do candlestick and stand up on your left leg. That's rep 2.
If it's just not happening for you, you can segment the candlesticks from the pistols. So you'd do 2 candlesticks (stand up with both feet or just rock forward after raising your legs/hips). Then you'll stand up and do 2 alternating pistols (1R/1L). With this customization, you can also do the pistols to a box or with some assistance.