THURSDAY 11/19/2020


PRE(best before main workout): OLY
POST(best after the main workout): BUTTS AND GUTS - SUNS OUT GUNS OUT
EITHER(can be warm up or finisher): GYMNASTICS
SWAP(skip the main workout and do one of these instead): ENDURANCE - SANDBAG


* Indicates the original version of the workout. This means when the workout was programmed, this is the version the coach had in mind. We adapt this workout to fit the other equipment variations. As always, pick a version of the workout that works for you, your schedule, and equipment available.



Running Warm Up
Total Body Dumbbell Warm Up


2 Rounds

On a 4 Min Clock:
(0:00-4:00 & 10:00-14:00)

Run 400 Meters
then with remainder of time
Max Reps Burpee Box Jumps

When the clock hits 4 min:

Rest 1 Min


On a 4 Min Clock:
(5:00-9:00 & 15:00-19:00)

Run 400 Meters
then with remainder of time
Max Reps Wall Balls

Rest 1 min before starting round 2.

**This workout takes exactly 19 Min. Go through the above TWICE!

Box Height Suggestions:
Men: 22-24"
Women: 18-20"

Ball Weight:
Men: 18-20#
Women: 13-15#

Unnecessary RX+ Option: Wear a Vest

Score: Total REPS from BOTH ROUNDS of BOTH movements

Goal: 90-130

The goal is to get 45-65 reps per round. Burpee box jumps will take much longer than wall balls so shoot for 15-20 of the former and 30-45 of the latter each round.

For the 400m run, you're working with 2:00-2:30. This shouldn't be max effort but you want enough time to hit the goal reps for the other movements. Shorten the distance as needed to fit the time window. If unable to run due to space or weather purposes - 2 min double/single unders, low step ups, Mtn Climbers or toe taps to a low target.

For the burpee box jumps, place your hands on the ground facing your box. Jump or step your feet back. Get your chest and thighs to the ground. Press to lockout (top of push up). Jump or step the feet in. Then, using a two foot take off and a two foot landing, jump up onto your box.

Make sure when you jump and when you land that the knees do not cave in! We recommend stepping back down off the box rather than jumping.

Burpee jump overs
Burpee step ups
Burpee lunges
Elevated or No-Push Up burpee variations

For the wall balls hold the ball at your chest with the elbows tucked in. Feet under the shoulders with heels down. Chest up and belly tight! Reach the butt back and down. Keep the heels down. Drive the knees out. Get the butt lower than the knees at the bottom. No plopping or rounding! Use the power from your legs to help throw the ball!

When you catch it. Catch first and then squat.

For the wall balls the ideal target height is roughly 9-10', but whatever you can make work is fine!

Lightweight thrusters. We prefer either a single heavy dumbbell (like the video) or 2 light dumbbells/bar.



Total Body Dumbbell Warm Up


2 Rounds

On a 4 Min Clock:
(0:00-4:00 & 10:00-14:00)

Row 500 Meters
Bike 30 Cal (Men) / 22 Cal (Women)
then with remainder of time
Max Reps Burpee Box Jumps

When the clock hits 4 min:

Rest 1 Min


On a 4 Min Clock:
(5:00-9:00 & 15:00-19:00)

Row 500 Meters
Bike 30 Cal (Men) / 22 Cal (Women)
then with remainder of time
Max Reps Wall Balls

Rest 1 min before starting round 2.

**This workout takes exactly 19 Min. Go through the above TWICE!

Box Height Suggestions:
Men: 22-24"
Women: 18-20"

Ball Weight:
Men: 18-20#
Women: 13-15#

Unnecessary RX+ Option: Wear a Vest

Score: Total REPS from BOTH ROUNDS of BOTH movements

Goal: 90-130

The goal is to get 45-65 reps per round. Burpee box jumps will take much longer than wall balls so shoot for 15-20 of the former and 30-45 of the latter each round.

For the row/bike, you're working with 2:00-2:30. This shouldn't be max effort but you want enough time to hit the goal reps for the other movements. Shorten the distance/calories as needed to fit the time window.

For the burpee box jumps, place your hands on the ground facing your box. Jump or step your feet back. Get your chest and thighs to the ground. Press to lockout (top of push up). Jump or step the feet in. Then, using a two foot take off and a two foot landing, jump up onto your box.

Make sure when you jump and when you land that the knees do not cave in! We recommend stepping back down off the box rather than jumping.

Burpee jump overs
Burpee step ups
Burpee lunges
Elevated or No-Push Up burpee variations

For the wall balls hold the ball at your chest with the elbows tucked in. Feet under the shoulders with heels down. Chest up and belly tight! Reach the butt back and down. Keep the heels down. Drive the knees out. Get the butt lower than the knees at the bottom. No plopping or rounding! Use the power from your legs to help throw the ball!

When you catch it. Catch first and then squat.

For the wall balls the ideal target height is roughly 9-10', but whatever you can make work is fine!

Lightweight thrusters. We prefer either a single heavy dumbbell (like the video) or 2 light dumbbells/bar.


RUN/JOG - To avoid the added pressure to the pelvic floor that the impact from running can create, sub: Taps, Row, Bike, Farmer Carry, Sled Push/Drag, Quick Step Ups. If you're postpartum and working towards rehab-ing your core and pelvic floor you can choose from the same subs for pregnancy and/or scaling the distance that you run so that you can focus on your posture, breathing mechanics, and managing the pressure of your or and pelvic floor.

BURPEES - Pay attention to any coning or doming you have in the plank position of the burpee or any sensation of pressure on your pelvic floor as you hop back or hop forward. Feel free to sub: No push up burpee, Elevated burpee, Step back/forward burpee, Air Squat + Elevated Push Up, Table Top (all fours position) + Air Squat, Ball Slams, KB Swings, Farmer/Goblet march, Glute Bridges, Sumo Deadlift High Pull

BOX JUMP/JUMP/SKIP OVERS - This is going to be all about managing the impact and pressure to your core and pelvic floor. If you feel any heaviness or pain in the pelvic floor or surrounding areas (i.e. tailbone, lower back, pubic symphysis) or if you notice symptoms like leaking pee, please consider adapting your approach or modifying the movement. The SHIFT options for smaller Jump/Skip Overs are good for helping you achieve the stimulus with a little less impact. You can ALWAYS substitute Step Ups if you want zero impact or even KB Swings if you want to get a little more explosive with your hips. For pregnant mamas, please remember that if you are unsure if you can complete the movement because of balance, strength, or coordination it may not be worth the risk of potentially falling or busting up your shins! For mamas further along in their Postpartum you can try a lower height of box to practice that two foot take off and landing without the extra impact. Focus on your breath and posture throughout the movement and do less reps if that helps you concentrate on good technique and awareness in your body.