OLY | WEEK 47 | 11/15/2020


Snatch Warm Up


Power Snatch (15 Min to Find 3 Rep Touch and Go)

Warm up before using the snatch warm up and do not count any of your warm up sets as part of this. When you start the clock you should be ready to start adding weight to the bar.

You can do as many or as few "sets" as you want in the 15 min - but the goal is to find as heavy as you can go for a set of 3 "Touch and Go" power snatches. Touch and go means not dropping the bar between reps.

Get to a heavyish weight by 5-6 min in so that you can take longer breaks between heavy sets!

For the power snatch your feet are under your hips with the heels down. Hands are wide (overhead squat grip). Hinge at the hip and bend the knees but keep the chest UP! Start to lift the bar by digging the heels into the ground and lifting the chest. Pull the bar into the body to keep it close! Once past the knees scoop your hips under your shoulders so when you finish the up and JUMP you will jump straight up and not swing the bar out forward. Finish UP with the legs and hips (arms still straight). Shrug hard. The bar will start to travel UP the body - elbows go high and outside to keep bar close. Pull up on the bar and pull YOURSELF down under it slightly. You will land in a partial overhead squat with the bar locked out over the body.

Heels down, knees out, belly tight, chest lifted, bar over head, elbows locked, pressing into the bar! Stand to finish!

Snatch Grip Deadlift (5 x 5)

The snatch grip deadlift allows you to really focus on practicing hitting all of the proper positions for the first pull of the snatch.

The bar will start on the ground with the feet under your hips with the heels down. Hands are wide (overhead squat grip). Hinge at the hip and bend the knees but keep the chest UP! Start to lift the bar by digging the heels into the ground and lifting the chest. Pull the bar into the body to keep it close! Move more slowly through these than you would with an actual snatch to really feel the positions on the way up and way down.

Focus on not allowing the hips to rise without the chest, the bar to get away from the body, or to go around the knees. Push the knees back as the chest comes up. Keep the bar pulled in and heels down!

Finish at the top of the deadlift - standing all of the way up.

You should be able to start at the weight you finished your set of 3 power snatches with and add a bit of weight for each set.