OLY | WEEK 45 | 11/01/2020


Sotts Press (5 x 3)

From the bottom of the squat you will press the bar up into locked out position to mimic bottom of overhead squat or snatch catch position.

These are not meant to be done super heavy. This is more of a warm up and mobility drill for the catch position for the snatch or for the bottom of your overhead squat. So stick with the same relatively light weight for all 5 sets.

You will place the bar on your back and go down to the bottom of your squat.

From there - with your hands in your snatch or overhead squat grip - you will press the bar straight up into a locked out position right over the center of the body.

Focus on keeping the heels down, the belly tight and driving the armpits forward.

Hold the position for just a second before lowering back down for next rep.

Start with empty bar and only add weight if you feel good. Some of you may have to even start lighter - like with your broomstick - and that's ok.

Pause Overhead Squat (7 x 2)

Go down to the bottom of your overhead squat. Pause for 3 seconds before you stand up.

Get the bar overhead with a grip wide enough that you can stay locked out with it slightly behind your head at the bottom of the squat and even dump it behind you if you need to.

Reach the butt back and down until your butt is all of the way below the knees. Heels should stay down. Fight to keep the chest up and armpits forward. Keep pressing into the bar to keep back and shoulders engaged as well as elbows locked.

Count to 3 in this bottom position before you stand.

Repeat for 1 more rep.

Start somewhat light and add weight each round as possible. If you find a sticky weight - stay there!

Every Min for 10 Min
1 Hang Squat Snatch
1 Overhead Squat

This doesn't need to be super heavy. This is more to really take advantage of your body being super primed to find a good catch position after the Sotts Press and the Pause OHS work.

Focus should be more on these being pretty than being heavy today. If you're feeling good, increase load here and there. If not, stay at a weight that allows you to move well.

For the hang squat snatch - use a small dip - drive and then focus on QUICKLY pulling yourself down into a solid overhead squat position.

In fact, pause down there until you are in a good position before standing up. Then perform a second overhead squat.