FRIDAY 10/23/2020

Happy Birthday, Kim!!
Kim created this workout for her 40th birthday in 2018! She posted it and everyone just started doing it so we posted it as the actual daily workout on 10/23/2018 and was again on 10/21/2019!
Kim's actual birthday was the 20th - but help us celebrate today by repeating her brutal workout.
PRE(best before main workout): OLY - POWER
SWAP(skip the main workout and do one of these instead): ENDURANCE - SANDBAG
* Indicates the original version of the workout. This means when the workout was programmed, this is the version the coach had in mind. We adapt this workout to fit the other equipment variations. As always, pick a version of the workout that works for you, your schedule, and equipment available.
Squat Warm Up
Full Body Simple Warm Up
For Time
40 Devil Press
40 Lungesters
See Part 2 for Extra Credit!
RX Men: 40# Dumbbells
RX Women: 25# Dumbbells
RX+ Men: 50# Dumbbells
RX+ Women: 35# Dumbbells
Score: Total Time
Goal: Under 15 Min
Guys blame Kim for this one. She wanted to do something gnarly on her 40th birthday so here it is. She actually added the extra credit part below - so you can do that part if you want to, but we want you to do this first part for time. Then do that after if you do that.
Make sure you choose the right weight for this. 40 in a row of either one of these movements is going to be pretty rough. If you go too heavy you will end up slowing down A LOT. We would rather see you closer to 10-13 min at a lighter weight than 20 min with the heavy weight. Feel free to lower it even more or sub a burpee + kb swing and single kb/db lungesters!
For the devil press the dumbbells will start on the ground. You will place your hands on the dumbbells. Jump or step your feet back. Get your chest and thighs to the ground with hands still on the dumbbells. Press up and jump or step your feet in. With the dumbbells on the inside of the feet and legs and the heels down, make sure your knees are bent, and chest is lifted.
Pick up the dumbbells by lifting the chest and digging the heels into the ground. Stand up hard and fast. Once you finish with the legs and hips you will shrug the shoulders and then perform kind of a combo, swing, double dumbbell snatch/clean and jerk (no pause at the shoulder). Keep the dumbbells close to the body as you guide them up and then press to lock out with the biceps by the ears.
When lowering the dumbbells keep the heels down and chest lifted! No sloppy lowering!
For the lungester the dumbbells will be at the shoulders. You will complete a reverse lunge with the right, a reverse lunge with the left, and then a thruster (front squat + press).
For the lunges make sure you take a long enough step backward that you can keep your front heel down when the back knee GENTLY touches the ground. For the thruster keep heels down, knees out, chest up in the squat. Stand up hard and fast and finish with a press to lock out!
40 Renegade Rows
Push Up + Row Right + Row Left = 1 Rep
Use the same weight you used for the main workout.
Keep the belly tight and avoid rotating too much or allowing the hips to get too high!
This is TOTALLY optional and should not be performed until you have finished the first part and recovered a bit.
Squat Warm Up
Full Body Simple Warm Up
For Time
60 Plate Burpees
40 Lungesters
RX Men: 45# Plate / 75# Lungesters
RX Women: 25# Plate / 55# Lungesters
RX+ Men: 45# Plate / 95# + Lungesters
RX+ Women: 25# Plate/ 65# + Lungesters
Score: Total Time
Goal: Under 15 Min
(For this version we added some extra reps to the plate burpee since it's not as heavy as the devil press)
Guys blame Kim for this one. She wanted to do something gnarly on her 40th birthday so here it is. She actually added the extra credit part below - so you can do that part if you want to, but we want you to do this first part for time. Then do that after if you do that.
Make sure you choose the right weight for this. 40 in a row of either one of these movements is going to be pretty rough. If you go too heavy you will end up slowing down A LOT. We would rather see you closer to 10-13 min at a lighter weight than 20 min with the heavy weight. Feel free to lower it even more if necessary or use the KB sub for both movements to keep moving!
For the plate burpee you will do a push up with the hands on the plate. Jump or step the feet in. Pick up the plate with the heels down and chest up. Use the power from your legs and hips to help hoist the plate up and finish with a press to lock out over your head! Watch the toes on the lower!
Another option is a burpee + KB swing!
For the lungester the bar will be at the shoulders. You will complete a reverse lunge with the right, a reverse lunge with the left, and then a thruster (front squat + press).
For the lunges make sure you take a long enough step backward that you can keep your front heel down when the back knee GENTLY touches the ground. For the thruster keep heels down, knees out, chest up in the squat. Stand up hard and fast and finish with a press to lock out!
40 Renegade Rows
Push Up + Row Right + Row Left = 1 Rep
Use the same weight you used for the main workout.
Keep the belly tight and avoid rotating too much or allowing the hips to get too high!
This is TOTALLY optional and should not be performed until you have finished the first part and recovered a bit.
For a barbell option, split it into 40 push ups and 40 bent over rows!
Squat Warm Up
Full Body Simple Warm Up
For Time
40 Sandbag Burpees or Burpee + Ball Toss
40 Sandbag/Ball Lungesters
See Part 2 for Extra Credit (will need dumbbells for this part)!
No RX or RX+ for this one. Use what you've got!
Score: Total Time
Goal: Under 15 Min
Guys blame Kim for this one. She wanted to do something gnarly on her 40th birthday so here it is. She actually added the extra credit part below - so you can do that part if you want to, but we want you to do this first part for time. Then do that after if you do that.
Make sure you lower the reps on this one if you have a heavy bag and it will take forever/wreck you to do 40 of each.
For the sandbag burpee option you will do a burpee by or on your bag. Jump or step the feet in. Deadlift the bag with heels down, belly tight, and chest up. On the way up pick up speed. Jump with the bag and guide it to a locked out position overhead. Biceps by ears and belly tight.
For the burpee + ball toss you will perform a burpee - then step over the sandbag (so it's between the feet) and make sure the heels are down and knees are bent before you pick it up. Keep a solid back position as much as possible and keep the belly tight. Stand up hard and fast and use the lower body to help you hoist the bag up and over the shoulder.
For the lungester the sandbag or ball will be at the shoulders. You will complete a reverse lunge with the right, a reverse lunge with the left, and then a thruster (front squat + press).
For the lunges make sure you take a long enough step backward that you can keep your front heel down when the back knee GENTLY touches the ground. For the thruster keep heels down, knees out, chest up in the squat. Stand up hard and fast and finish with a press to lock out!
If your bag is too heavy to do a full thruster - cut out the press part and just do lunge lunge front squat.
40 Push Up + Sandbag Drag
Use the same weight you used for the main workout.
With the sandbag next to your shoulder on one side perform a push up - then drag the bag with the arm from the opposite side underneath your body and out to the other side. That is one rep.
Push Up Drag Under
Push Up Drag Back = 2 reps.
DEVIL PRESS - If you feel a lot of pressure in your belly or pelvic floor in the plank position or hopping forward/back, you can step back/forward to a table top or low bear pose or skip the plank/push up. You can also use less weight. If you have to modify the movement too much you may want to sub KB Swings, Sled Push/Pull, Farmer Carry, Thrusters, Wall Balls or Ball Slams so that you can keep moving and keep the heart rate up!
LUNGESTERS - If you have any pubic symphysis pain or SPD focus on keeping your pelvis neutral and your hips level. You could always do lighter weight, smaller step/less range of motion, or step up or forward instead of step back in the lunge lunge. You can also try stepping laterally onto a stack of plates or something instead of stepping back or up, sometimes this helps create some control in managing the position of the pelvis. Option to sub: Thrusters, Weighted Step Ups, Weighted Lateral Step Ups, Lunge + Lunge + Air Squat, Goblet/DB Squat
BURPEES - Pay attention to any coning or doming you have in the plank position of the burpee or any sensation of pressure on your pelvic floor as you hop back or hop forward. Feel free to sub: No push up burpee, Elevated burpee, Step back/forward burpee, Air Squat + Elevated Push Up, Table Top (all fours position) + Air Squat, Ball Slams, KB Swings, Farmer/Goblet march, Glute Bridges, Sumo Deadlift High Pull
DB SNATCH/HANG SNATCH - You can always choose a lighter weight or go from the hang position. If you're not comfortable going over head right now or find that you are coning during the movement you might want to consider subbing Russian Kettlebell Swings
LUNGES - If you have any pubic symphysis pain or SPD focus on keeping your pelvis neutral and your hips level. You could always do lighter weight, smaller step/less range of motion, or step up or forward instead of step back in the lunge lunge. You can also try stepping laterally onto a stack of plates or something instead of stepping back or up, sometimes this helps create some control in managing the position of the pelvis. Feel free to sub a squat or goblet squat for the lunges.