OLY | WEEK 43 | 10/18/2020


Snatch (Every :90 for 15 Min (10 Rounds))

Depending on your goal for this workout you can add weight for each rep of this or choose a difficult weight and try to hit it each time.

These meant to be full snatches - but of course you are welcome to work power if you want!

For the snatch your feet will start slightly more narrow than your squat stance. Hands will be out wide. Set up similar to a deadlift stance - with the hips a bit lower and the chest up.

Pull the bar from the ground focusing on keeping the heels down, keeping the bar close to the body, and arms long and straight! Once you get past the knees, you will pick up speed and think of JUMPING with the bar! Shrug the shoulders then pull/press yourself under into the overhead squat. Focus on keeping the heels down, knees out, hips lower than knees, chest up, bar pressed up with elbows locked and armpits forward.

Stand to finish!

USE A HOOK GRIP! Make sure your grip is wide enough to pass through and get behind your head at the bottom of the squat.

Pause Snatch Pull (5 x 3 (use 80% of heaviest snatch))

3 Second pause just below knee. No touch.

For these you will use the same snatch set up. For the first rep, you will pull from the ground the same way but you will pause for 3 seconds just below the knee. Then continue with just the pull/jump/shrug portion! Don't worry about pulling the bar up with the elbows or getting it over your head. For the next two reps, lower back down to just below the knee without the plates touching the ground. So the first rep is from the ground with a pause below the knee, then the second and third reps start from the pause at just below the knee.