SANDBAG | WEEK 42 | 10/11/2020


Full Body Simple Warm Up
Squat Warm Up

5 Rounds

10 Sandbag step overs (L)
5 Bear complex reps
10 Sandbag step overs (R)
5 Bear complex reps

RX Men: 50-60#
RX Women: 30-40#

Box Height Estimate: 20-24" Men/ 16-20" Women

1 Bear Complex Rep = Power Clean + Front Squat + Push Press + Back Squat + Push Press

For those of you with a heavier sandbag, if unable to adjust the weight, feel free to decrease the reps to 7 step overs/3 Bear complex meet the goal time.

Goal time: 20 Min

We have a twist on the step over in this one so make sure you move carefully as you get more comfortable with the movement, breathe and keep your belly tight. WATCH THE DEMO video if you haven't seen it already!

For the sandbag step overs: First, clean the bag to your right shoulder. Make sure you are stable and the bag is secure on your shoulder. Plant your left hand on the box. Step your right foot on to the box. Keep your belly tight as you pick up your left foot and step it through to the other side of the box. Step your right foot to the floor, stand up all the way, turn and repeat from the other side.

Modify by lowering the weight or box height. Possible subs are Sandbag Step Ups, Sandbag Step Up Over or try it with a dumbbell in one hand.

The weight you choose should allow you to be CAPABLE of doing all  reps of the Bear Complex unbroken. Doesn't mean you have to - just means you could if you wanted to.

For those complexes. You have a few options: You can do it as written - Squat Clean
- Thruster
- Back Squat
- Back Rack Thruster


You can do:
- Power Clean
- Front Squat
- Push Press or Jerk
- Back Squat
- Push Press or Jerk

Do not RUSH through these reps. Get set up well for the clean. Keep the back flat and focus on a great clean (either version).

If you are doing a thruster, make sure the sandbag is on the shoulders, heels are down, knees are out. Feed the press with the drive from the legs.

When lowering onto the back - BE CAREFUL and absorb the catch with the knees! Then make sure you are reset before squatting.

Reach the butt back and down, keep the heels down and chest up. Feed the press with the leg drive for this thruster or push press/jerk too!