BUTTS & GUTS | WEEK 42 | 10/11/2020


4 Rounds
Not for Time

8 Goblet Cossack Squat Right
8 Goblet Cossack Squat Left
8 (4 count down + 4 count up) Stiff Legged Deadlifts
8 Around the World (there and back = 1)
8 Slow Lower Weighted Sit Ups (4 second negative)

Use a single DB/KB for Cossack Squat and either a pair of DBs/KBs or a bar for the deadlift.

If unable to do around the world - sub a supine pike up with a slow roll down.

Weight range suggestions:
Men: 35-55# DBs
Women: 20-40# DBs

Score: Enter Weight Used for Cossack Squat

For the cossack squat you will want to take a pretty wide/sumo stance. Hold the KB/DB at the chest and reach the butt back as you shift all of your weight (for the most part) into one side/leg. Lower to the bottom of the squat on the working side - the other leg will be straight. You may turn the non working leg out and keep only the heel on the ground on that side. On the working side make sure the whole foot is on the ground, knee is driving out. Keep the chest lifted and belly tight. Pause for a moment at the bottom. Stand.

For the stiff leg deadlifts these are NO TOUCH with a 4 second lower and a 4 second up! Knees should be pretty straight, heels down, back flat. Only go as far down as you can keep the back flat. This will depend on your hamstring tightness usually. Keep the bar or KB/DBs close to the body!

For the Around the World reps you will hang from the bar or you can do these lying on the ground. You will fight to keep the legs straight as you lift them and rotate them clockwise ALL the way around - then counter clockwise all of the way back. There and back = 1 rep. You can also do these with just your knees for a slight scale.

If you don't have a bar you will lie flat on the back and extend hands over head. Hold onto your dumbbell for added support. Roll your whole body up with the legs straight so that only your head and shoulders are on the ground. Then SLOWLY roll back down.

For the weighted sit up we are looking for a fast up - press the weight up overhead. Then roll down SLOWLY!

May also do these unweighted.


COSSACK SQUAT - Feel free to modify the range of motion or use assistance or a target to support you. You can also sub Lateral Step Up or regular Goblet Squat, Box Squat, or Shin Box Flow.

STIFF LEGGED DEADLIFT - This can be such a great movement for mamas! Focus on good posture, breathing mechanics, and midline stability. Feel free to use a band, lighter weight, or no weight at all.

AROUND THE WORLD - If you are working on managing or repairing diastasis you can modify the range of motion or work from the reclined position lying down on your back. If that still does not help, try Single Leg Lifts, any of the Functional Progressions, Pallof Press, or Banded Woodchop