OLY | WEEK 41 | 10/04/2020


Muscle Snatch (5 x 1)

Not looking for a 1 rep max here or anything. But you can increase in weight as you work through the five sets. This movement is used to encourage a violent hip extension and a strong and fast turnover.

Focus on the pull from the ground being controlled with speed picking up after you pass the knee.

Elbows come high and outside to keep the bar close.

Finish by pressing into the bar.

On the muscle snatch there is no re-bend of the knee. Keep the butt, quads, and belly squeezed as the bar comes overhead.

Power Snatch Balance / Power Drop Snatch (5 x 3)

This is the same as a snatch balance, but only going part of the way down -catching in a power position.

Again, not looking to max out on this one, but practice good positions. You can increase in weight as you get more comfortable with the movement.

Bar starts on your back with your hands in the snatch grip.

Dip with an upright torso, knees go forward and heels stay down.

Drive into the bar, getting it off of your shoulders and press the bar straight up as you press yourself down.

Feet should move from a more narrow stance at the set up to a wider (squat) stance when you push under.

Catch the bar with completely locked out elbows and shoulders, bar right over the middle of your body, in a 1/4 squat.

Stand completely with the bar still overhead, then return it carefully to your back.

If you choose to do the Power Drop Snatch, it's the same as the Snatch Balance but you will not dip and drive the bar upward. Rather, you'll go from a complete standstill before shifting the feet out and dropping into the squat while pressing the bar overhead.

Power Snatch (5 x 2)

5 sets of 2. Increase load at each set, if your form allows for it.

You may drop between reps, but it needs to be a quick reset.

Use the drills before to warm you up and prime you to move well for these.

This movement is basically a combination now of the muscle snatch and the drop snatch.

Pull the bar off of the ground, under control. Arms stay straight until you finish with the legs and the hips. Fast turn over of the elbows and wrists as you pull and press yourself under the bar, catching in a 1/4 squat.