THURSDAY 10/01/2020

POST(best after the main workout): BUTTS AND GUTS
EITHER(can be warm up or finisher): GYMNASTICS
* Indicates the original version of the workout. This means when the workout was programmed, this is the version the coach had in mind. We adapt this workout to fit the other equipment variations. As always, pick a version of the workout that works for you, your schedule, and equipment available.
Total Body Dumbbell Warm Up
Alternating Tabata Dumbbell Deadlift / Dumbbell Strict Press
For 10 Min You Will Go 20 Seconds on / 10 Seconds Off Alternating Movements:
So it will look like:
20 Seconds Max Reps Dumbbell Deadlifts
Rest 10 Seconds
20 Seconds Max Reps Dumbbell Strict Press
Rest 10 Seconds
RX Men: 40-50# Dumbbells
RX Women: 25-35# Dumbbells
RX+ Option: Alternating Single Leg Dumbbell Deadlifts
Score: Total Reps from All Work Intervals Combined
Goal: Good Movement!
So you will do deadlifts for 20 seconds, then rest for 10. Then shoulder presses for 20 seconds, then rest for 10. That will be how every minute goes for 10 minutes.
At 0:00 - Deadlifts
At 0:20 - Rest
At 0:30 - Presses
At 0:50 - Rest
At 1:00 - Deadlifts
... and so on.
You end up doing each movement 10 times.
GOOD FORM IS ESSENTIAL ON THIS ONE FOLKS! Do not get sloppy just because you want to go faster.
Challenge yourself with the single leg deadlift variation if you feel stable enough to make it happen.
For the deadlifts the DBs will start on the ground. Feet are under the hips. Heels are down. Hips and knees are bent. Hands and grip are outside of the legs. Arms are straight. Chest is up. Belly tight. Back flat! To lift the DBs drive your heels into the ground and lift your chest. Keep arms straight, chest up and belly tight as you stand all the way up at the top.
To lower - send your butt back. Keep your chest lifted and belly tight. Keep those heels down. Once the DBs go below your knees, re-bend them and bring the DBs back to the starting position under control. Only one head of each dumbbell needs to touch at the bottom!
Set up for the shoulder press with the DBs on the shoulders with elbows high. Keep the rib cage down and belly tight. Press straight up until your elbows are locked out with biceps by the ears. Bring the dumbbells all the way down to the shoulders each time.
You may choose to use lighter dumbbells for the strict shoulder press or even just drop down to a single dumbbell held in both hands! This movement will get hard QUICKLY!
Full Body Simple Warm Up
Overhead Warm Up
Part 1:
Every 30 Seconds for 5 Min:
5 Heavy Deadlifts
Rest 3 Min After Part 1 Before Part 2 (Where you will change your weight)
Score: Weight Used
Goal: Good Movement and Unbroken Sets
Warm up with at least a few sets of lighter deadlifts, gradually increasing the load as you approach your working weight.
You are doing 50 deadlifts in 5 minutes so this is definitely not a 5 rep max!
This should be 50-60% of your 1RM if you have that info. Otherwise, choose a load that you could do at least 15 reps with if you had to.
For the deadlifts the bar will start on the ground. The feet are under the hips. Heels are down. Hips and knees are bent. Arms are straight. Chest is up. Belly tight. Back flat! Hands just outside the legs. To lift, drive the heels into the ground and lift the chest. Keep the arms straight as you pull the bar in close to the body. Keep the arms long and straight. Keep the chest up and belly tight. Stand all of the way up at the top. Squeeze the butt. Don't lean back.
To lower - reach the butt back and slide bar down the legs. Keep the knees out of the way. Keep the chest lifted and belly tight. Keep those heels down. Once past the knees you will re-bend the knees and bring the bar back to the starting position under control.
Part 2:
Every 30 Seconds for 5 Min:
5 Strict Press
Score: Weight Used
Goal: Good Movement and Unbroken Sets
Choose a load on this one that is closer to 50% of 1RM or something that you could do 20 reps unbroken if you had to. The shoulders fatigue quickly and we don't want you to go to failure or get sloppy with your form.
Sets don't have to be unbroken but should be the goal.
Shoulder press starts with the bar on your shoulders, full grip with elbows in front. Feet are hip to shoulder width apart. Squeeze your butt, your quads and your belly. Keep your chest up, ribcage down. Press the bar straight up so you have to pull your face out of the way to clear a path. Finish with arms locked out overhead, biceps by the ears.
To lower, move your face out of the way and keep your elbows in front of the bar.
KB/DB DEADLIFT - If you’re pregnant and the shape of your belly is making reaching the floor difficult or if you're postpartum and managing core rehab through practice of proper posture, sub: Sumo Stance KB/DB Deadlift or elevate the DBs/KB so it’s not so low to the ground when you pick it up. If you are working on healing any pelvic floor dysfunction make sure you are able to breathe properly throughout the entire range of motion and that you are not bracing or bearing down.
JERK/PRESS - Focus on proper alignment of your pelvis and spine. If you find yourself over extending in your back or coning in your belly sub less weight, Strict Press, Seated Strict Press, or even Front Raises.