OLY | WEEK 40 | 09/27/2020


Snatch Warm Up


Clean Pull - Power Clean - Squat Clean (7 x 3 (the 3 = 1 rep of each movement))

You will perform these movements in order, dropping the bar between each rep:
1 Clean Pull
1 Power Clean
1 Squat Clean

Start at roughly 60-70% of your 1 RM Clean if you know it and build each set - if possible. If you don't know those numbers start with something that is moderately challenging and forces you to think about technique - but gives you room to build.

Drop the bar between each movement and rest as needed between sets! So this is NOT a complex.

On the Clean Pull - it is a pull from the ground, followed by rapid hip extension, and the shoulder shrug. Elbows may bend as a result of fast hip extension, but you are not "pulling" with the elbows on this! Focus on keeping the bar pulled in tight to the body, heels down, a straight bar path, and a powerful HIP extension!

Then drop the bar - do a power clean. Power meaning catching the bar in only partial squat. As you land in the "power" catch position make sure the bar is on your shoulders with the elbows high, belly tight, butt back, chest up, and knees out!

Then drop the bar and complete a squat clean, catching in a full squat and then standing up. In the catch position you want to be in a STABLE front squat with the heels down, knees out, chest up, belly tight, elbows high and bar on the shoulders. Focus on really pulling UNDER!

Split Jerk (7 x 2)

You may actually perform these as either a split or a push jerk if you want.

Warm up to a weight that challenges you but allows you to make improvements to your form. If it's feeling good, make small jumps in weight as you work through the 7 sets!


Make sure the heels stay down in the dip and drive. And once that bar is off the shoulder press YOURSELF DOWN!

Make sure you take time working on your technique at warm up weights. You should not just be "stepping forward". Your torso should be pressing under the bar as one foot goes forward and the other goes back.

Keep the rib cage pulled in tight and make sure the back leg is bent and the foot on that leg is not too turned out!

If doing a PUSH JERK instead of the split - make sure the feet land no wider than the squat stance but you are still pressing yourself under.

Paused Front Squat (7 x 3)

Perform a set of 3 front squats with a 3 second pause at the bottom position.

These don't need to be done SUPER heavy. This is more to focus on standing up from a completely stopped position, using no bounce. For this reason, warm up to a challenging but doable weight and stick with it for all 7 sets.

Lead with the chest and the elbows. Keep the heels down and focus on standing up fast!

Make sure you aren't holding your breath on these! Keep the bar on your shoulders and belly tight!