SATURDAY 09/26/2020

Julian Birthday Workout!!! His birthday was actually the 15 -but we moved it due to the Vault workout last week!
This year he is 31!! (I know - can you believe that?) so we added a minute from last year!
This workout was originally posted on Sept 15, 2017, Sept 17, 2018, then again on Sept 16, 2019! Make sure to go back and check your score!
EITHER(can be warm up or finisher): GYMNASTICS
SWAP(skip the main workout and do one of these instead): ENDURANCE - SANDBAG
* Indicates the original version of the workout. This means when the workout was programmed, this is the version the coach had in mind. We adapt this workout to fit the other equipment variations. As always, pick a version of the workout that works for you, your schedule, and equipment available.
Running Warm Up
Total Body Dumbbell Warm Up
31 Min EMOM
(Every Minute on the Minute for 31 Min)
Min 1: 9 DB Clean and Jerks
MIn 2: 200 Meter Run
RX Men: 40# DBs
RX Women: 25# DBs
RX+ Men: 50# DBs
RX+ Women: 35# DBs
Score: Total Minutes you complete the assigned work without running out of time!
Goal: Modify to make it the whole way! OR - get a far as you can, then when you run out of time - modify and finish with lighter weight/less reps/shorter distance as needed.
**Pro-tip - if needed you can treat this as kind of an every 2 min deal. So if you need more time on the run and have extra time in the clean and jerk minute (or vice versa) use that extra rest time for the other movement.
Guys - this is an all time #blamejulian moment. He created this for his birthday! The main version is the bike/row version listed in Program C.
You NEED to choose a weight on the clean and jerk that is super light - that you can cycle sets of 9 with for at least the first half of this workout! It's a lot of reps!
If you need to lower the number, even after you have lowered the weight - do that! Try 6 instead of 9.
For the clean and jerks, just because it's light doesn't mean it can be sloppy.
Pick up with a flat back. Keep arms long until you fully extend your knees and hips. Shrug and pull under. Stand and use your leg drive for the jerk. Keep the belly tight with the dumbbells overhead.
Only one head of each dumbbell needs to touch for each rep at the bottom.
Run distance should take about 45-50 seconds. If it takes longer than that on your first round - you are in trouble, so lower it down.
If you need to sub the run for weather or space reasons you may sub 45 seconds of double unders, taps, low step ups, or mtn climbers!
Running Warm Up
Barbell Clean Warm Up
Overhead Warm Up
31 Min EMOM
(Every Minute on the Minute for 31 Min)
Min 1: 9 Clean and Jerks
Min 2: 200 Meter Run
RX Men: 75#
RX Women: 55#
RX+ Men: 95#
RX+ Women: 65#
Score: Total Minutes you complete the assigned work without running out of time!
Goal: Modify to make it the whole way! OR - get a far as you can, then when you run out of time - modify and finish with lighter weight/less reps/shorter distance as needed.
**Pro-tip - if needed you can treat this as kind of an every 2 min deal. So if you need more time on the run and have extra time in the clean and jerk minute (or vice versa) use that extra rest time for the other movement.
Guys - this is an all time #blamejulian moment. He created this for his birthday! The main version is the bike/row version listed in Program C.
You NEED to choose a weight on the clean and jerk that is super light - that you can cycle sets of 9 with for at least the first half of this workout! It's a lot of reps!
If you need to lower the number, even after you have lowered the weight - do that! Try 6 instead of 9.
For the clean and jerks, just because it's light doesn't mean it can be sloppy.
Pick up with a flat back. Keep arms long until you fully extend your knees and hips. Shrug and pull under. Stand and use your leg drive for the jerk. Keep the belly tight with the bar overhead.
Run distance should take about 45-50 seconds. If it takes longer than that on your first round - you are in trouble, so lower it down.
If you need to sub the run for weather or space reasons you may sub 45 seconds of double unders, taps, low step ups or mtn climbers!
Full Body Simple Warm Up
Barbell Clean Warm Up
Overhead Warm Up
31 Min EMOM
(Every Minute on the Minute for 31 Min)
Min 1: 9 Clean and Jerks
Min 2: 15 Cal Bike (Men) or 10 Cal Bike (Women)
18 Cal Row (Men) 12 Cal Row (Women)
RX Men: 75#
RX Women: 55#
RX+ Men: 95#
RX+ Women: 65#
Score: Total Minutes you complete the assigned work without running out of time!
Goal: Modify to make it the whole way! OR - get a far as you can, then when you run out of time - modify and finish with lighter weight/less reps/shorter distance as needed.
**Pro-tip - if needed you can treat this as kind of an every 2 min deal. So if you need more time on the bike/row and have extra time in the clean and jerk minute (or vice versa) use that extra rest time for the other movement.Oh man.
You NEED to choose a weight on the clean and jerk that is super light - that you can cycle sets of 9 with for at least the first half of this workout! It's a lot of reps!
If you need to lower the number, even after you have lowered the weight - do that! Try 6 instead of 9.
For the clean and jerks, just because it's light doesn't mean it can be sloppy.
Pick up with a flat back. Keep arms long until you fully extend your knees and hips. Shrug and pull under. Stand and use your leg drive for the jerk. Keep the belly tight with the bar overhead.
Row or bike distance should take about 45-50 seconds. If it takes longer than that on your first round - you are in trouble, so lower it down.
Running Warm Up
Total Body Dumbbell Warm Up
In Teams of 2 Complete:
31 Min AMRAP
(As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 31 Min)
Run 200 Meters (Together)
18 Clean and Jerks (combined - one person works at a time)
RX Men: 40# DBs
RX Women: 25# DBs
RX+ Men: 50# DBs
RX+ Women: 35# DBs
Score: Total Number of Completed Rounds + any Additional Reps you complete as a team.
Goal: 12 Rounds +
**Can also use the barbell, and/or row bike options found in Programs B and C.
Guys - this is an all time #blamejulian moment. He created this for his birthday! The main version is the bike/row version listed in Program C but we decided to make a team option this year.
Remember you run together but take turns on the clean & jerks until you've reached a combined 18 reps per round.
You NEED to choose a weight on the clean and jerk that is super light - that you can cycle sets of 9 with for at least the first half of this workout! It's a lot of reps!
For the clean and jerks, just because it's light doesn't mean it can be sloppy.
Pick up with a flat back. Keep arms long until you fully extend your knees and hips Shrug and pull under. Stand and use your leg drive for the jerk. Keep the belly tight with the dumbbells overhead.
Only one head of each dumbbell needs to touch for each rep at the bottom.
Run distance should take about 45-50 seconds. If it takes longer than that on your first round - you are in trouble, so lower it down.
If you need to sub the run for weather or space reasons you may sub 45 seconds of double unders, taps, low step ups, or mtn climbers!
POWER CLEAN - You could try less weight, going from the hang position or starting with the dumbbells between your feet. For pregnant mamas with bellies that interrupt the most efficient path of the bar, be sure to sub DBs for the bar so you are not training inefficient movement patterns.
JERK/PRESS - Focus on proper alignment of your pelvis and spine. If you find yourself over extending in your back or coning in your belly sub less weight, Strict Press, Seated Strict Press, or even Front Raises.
RUN/JOG - To avoid the added pressure to the pelvic floor that the impact from running can create, sub: Taps, Row, Bike, Farmer Carry, Sled Push/Drag, Quick Step Ups. If you're postpartum and working towards rehab-ing your core and pelvic floor you can choose from the same subs for pregnancy and/or scaling the distance that you run so that you can focus on your posture, breathing mechanics, and managing the pressure of your or and pelvic floor.