SOGO | WEEK 37 | 09/06/2020



4 Rounds of:
20 Alternating Single Arm Shoulder Press
200m Farmer Carry


Score: Weight used for Shoulder Press and Farmer Carry

Goal: Slightly broken sets but never TOO broken up!

**Time is also cool to know if you want put it in comments!

For the alternating single arm shoulder press you will have a dumbbell in each hand at the shoulders. Feet are between hip and shoulder width apart, even if performed seated. Keep the rib cage down as you press one DB straight up until your arm is fully extended overhead with your bicep next to your ear. Bring the dumbbell all the way down to the shoulder each time then press up with the opposite hand.

20 alternating will end up being 10 reps per side per round.

For the Farmer Carries, you will hold a dumbbell in each hand. Keep your chest up, shoulders back and belly tight. Take rest rather than allowing yourself to fall into a bad position.

For 200m, it should take roughly 2 minutes. If it's much slower or you are breaking a lot, go to a single dumbbell and switch hands at the halfway point.


4 Rounds of:
16 Renegade Row + Push Up
100m Overhead Plate Carry

Score: Weight used for Renegade Rows

Goal: Choose a weight that allows you to finish the whole thing under 12 min WITHOUT GETTING SLOPPY.

** List total time in comments.

Each rep of the renegade row will be push up + row right + row left.

For the push up we want to see a rigid body position. No sagging hips or snaking. You will keep the belly tight. Hands are on the dumbbells. Go to the knees if you need to.

Chest and thighs touch the ground at the bottom. Lock out completely at the top.

For the rows you will stay in the plank/top of the push up. You will row one dumbbell to the rib cage by pulling the elbow back. Try to avoid rotating very much. Pull the dumbbell all of the way up for each rep then lower under control.

If you are struggling to maintain a tight plank position as you pull, trying lowering the weight or modifying to shoulder taps. You could even do a SUPPORTED single arm DB row by planting one hand against the wall and rowing 1/2 the reps with one arm, then switch and finish with the other.

For the overhead plate carry, you will hold the plate directly overhead with straight arms and biceps by the ears.

Keep your shoulders active the whole time by constantly pressing up on the plate as you move.

At the same time, draw the front of your ribcage down toward your hips to avoid overarching your back and losing core stability.