OLY | WEEK 37 | 09/06/2020


Snatch Balance + OHS (7 x 2 (2 = SB + OHS))

Perform one snatch balance followed by and overhead squat.

Build up each set, if possible. Score listed will be heaviest successful set.

A snatch balance will help you learn to drive yourself down under the bar quickly.

The bar will start on your back with your hands in your snatch grip. You will perform a dip (like the dip of a push press) - drive straight up and - and then instead of pressing the bar up - focus on pushing yourself down.

Your feet will move from a hip width stance for the dip and you will land with them in the squat stance - in the bottom of the overhead squat.

The bar should be pressed straight -and your head will drive forward through it as you go down.

At the bottom you should have completely locked elbows, back and shoulders pressing up on the bar, knees out, heels down, chest up, no collapsing!

Stand from this position and keep the bar overhead to perform the overhead squat.

Go as light as you need to on this portion to make sure you can really practice the technique.

Every 90 seconds -

Get as far as you can.

1 Full Snatch

Start at 50% of 1 RM or at a weight that is super manageable for you.

Add weight every time - you get 3 misses.

Score is heaviest successful snatch for the day.

So let's say you start with 65#. You will do a snatch at 65# - and then add weight if you are successful. Maybe you go to 70# and do that for attempt #2. If you are successful - you add again.

Maybe at 75# you miss - that is miss #1. Next round you get it. Then you go to 80# and get it. Then you miss one at 85# - miss #2.

Anyway, keep adding after every successful attempt - once you have missed 3 times you are OUT!

Focus on the fast drive under that we practiced in the snatch balance. And make sure you are finishing the UP part before too! Remember - hips extend fast - shoulders shrug with straight arms - elbows high as you pull yourself down - punch under - stand!