SOGO | WEEK 27 | 06/28/2020


Part 1
3-5 Rounds
10 Pull Ups (any style)
10 Bent Over Rows

Sets must be unbroken.
Rest as needed between sets.
Go as heavy as possible.

You will choose a style of pull up that you can do 10 unbroken but that's very difficult. So, if you can do 10 kipping kinda easy, but 10 strict is not happening - you could try something like, 5 strict into 5 kipping. You may also choose something like, banded strict, jump with moderately slow lower, slow ring rows. Something difficult for a set of 10.

For the bent over rows - you will start with the bar slightly off of the ground, with a flat back, and a slight bend in the knee. You will pull the bar to the sternum using your back. Elbows should go back and not OUT for the most part. Control the lower.

Part 2 -
Bicep Curl Super Set Time!

Sets 1-4 may be broken up
Set 5 must be unbroken

Set 1 -
(warm up set)
12 reps Each Arm Alternating Dumbbell Curls
12 Reps Each Arm Alternating Hammer Curls

Set 2 -
12 reps Each Arm Alternating Dumbbell Curls
12 Reps Each Arm Alternating Hammer Curls

Set 3 -
10 reps Each Arm Alternating Dumbbell Curls
10 Reps Each Arm Alternating Hammer Curls

Set 4 -
8 reps Each Arm Alternating Dumbbell Curls
8 Reps Each Arm Alternating Hammer Curls

Set 5 -
(unbroken - super light burnout)
25 Reps Each Arm Alternating Dumbbell Curls
25 Reps Each Arm Alternating Hammer Curls

Score is the weight you use for Set 4

A lot of us may not have any idea what weight to start with on this one.

First set is a warm up set. Pick something conservative and see how it goes.

Second set should be heavier but still manageable.

Third set should be very hard. You can break these up if you need to - but keep the break only between the 2 movements.

Fourth set should almost feel like an 8 rep max - followed by and 8 rep max.

Final set is just for the BURN! Should be unbroken except if you need to shake it out for a second because of grip issues. SUPER LIGHT!

You go through this whole thing ONLY ONCE. Rest about 2 min between each set.