GYMNASTICS | WEEK 27 | 06/28/2020


2 Rounds
10 Banded Pass Throughs
30 Sec Bench Shoulder Stretch
10 Low Tuck to Standing Pike Extensions
30 Sec Passive Bar Hang

TEST #1:
1 Round Max Effort: Active Bar Hang until Failure

For the active bar hang, grip the bar with hands slightly wider than shoulder width. Keep your belly tight as you draw your shoulders down away from your ears. You should feel your chest elevate slightly without arching your back. Keep a neutral spine.

As soon as your shoulders, start to creep back up toward your ears, that active position has been compromised and the test is over.

TEST #2:
1 Round Max Effort: Hollow Hold Until Failure

For the hollow body hold, start on your back. Draw your lower back down toward the floor. Bring your arms overhead so your biceps are by your ears. Squeeze your legs together.

Raise your legs away from the floor so your heels are about 6-12 inches from the floor. At the same time raise your torso and arms away from the floor so your shoulder blades are off the ground.

Hold this position for as long as you can.

If you are unable to get into a hollow position aka, you feel your lower back lose contact with the floor, you can try a hollow hold with your arms along side your body.

If that is a bit too much, try a tuck hold which is the same thing but with knees bent and shins parallel to the floor.

TEST #3:
1 Round Max Effort: 2 Minutes to Accumulate as Many Toes to Bar (or attempts) As Possible

Toes to bar starts with you hanging from the bar with hands slightly wider than shoulders, shoulders drawn down away from your ears and arms straight. Think about pushing the bar out in front of you so your shoulders travel back behind the bar as you raise your toes up to touch bar between your hands.

If unable to get one rep you can try this with knee raises or raising your toes to a lower but still consistent height.

(Every Minute on the Minute)

Minute 1:
40 Sec Max Effort Hollow Pulses

Minute 2:
40 Sec Max Effort Static Tuck Hang

Minute 3:
40 Sec Max Effort Zombie Sit-Up + Backward Fold

Tucked Hollow Pulses
Lower the height of your knees (Straighten out the legs)

Toes come backward as far as possible / Swing arms forward to help with the sit-up

For the hollow body pulses, start in a hollow body position and pulse by lifting your chest and legs higher up off the floor then back to hollow.

When you lower back to hollow, make sure it is controlled so you don't lose that lower back contact with the floor.

You can also do tucked pulses where you keep your knees bent and hold your arms along side your body.

The static tuck hang is an active hang from the bar with knees tucked up as high into your chest as possible.

For the zombie sit up keep your legs straight. You can use your arms to assist you on the way up. When you do sit up, reach your hands along the floor as close to your feet as you can.

Then, roll back down and raise your legs up and over your hips for the backward fold. Just reach your toes back as far as possible. Totally cool if they don't go all the way to the floor behind your head!

Buy In: 10 Kip Swings

Every 30 Seconds for 10 Rounds:
3 Rhythm-Focused Toes to Bar

For the rhythm-focused toes to bars, the idea is to pay attention to the rhythm and connecting reps versus getting your toes up on the bar using brute strength.

Grip the bar and maintain an active shoulder position as you start to build off of the kip swings. As your torso and shoulders travel back behind the bar raise your legs up and your toes in the direction of the bar.

No matter what, let the momentum dictate the movement. So as you start to swing forward, lower your legs and transition to the extended position. Gradually your will be able to bring your feet up closer to the bar but stay focused on maintaining that rhythm!