POWER | WEEK 24 | 06/07/2020


Squat Warm Up
Shoulder Warm Up


Back Squat (4 x 6 (Set of 6 Every Other Min for  8 Min))
These should be done at the same load, roughly 70-80% of your 1RM. If you don't know your 1 rep max, pick something that those final reps on the final set will be very challenging but you can maintain correct form.

These squats start with the bar on the back. The feet should be shoulder width apart. Heels down. Raise the chest and tighten the belly. Reach the butt back and down and drive the knees out. Get the butt lower than the knees at the bottom. No collapsing or rounding the back at the bottom! Drive through the heels, lead with the chest, keep the belly tight, and push the knees out as you come up! Stand all of the way up at the top.

Bench Press (4 x 6 (Set of 6 Every Other Min for 8 Min))
These should be performed at the same load. Go a little lighter if you do not have a spotter. Ideally this is around 70% of your one rep max.

Lying face up on the bench, pull the bar from the rack out over your chest so your arms are vertical. Push your feet down into the floor. Draw your low back, shoulders and the back of your head down into the bench. Lower the bar straight down with control until it touches your chest an inch or two above the sternum. Keep your elbows about 45 degrees from your torso, wrists straight. Press the bar all the way back up until your arms are straight to complete the rep.

4 Rounds of:
8 Bulgarian Split Squats (Left leg forward)
8 Bulgarian Split Squats (Right leg forward)
8 Tempo Push Ups (Tempo=41X1)

Idea for loading: If you are new to these, start light and add load as you get more comfortable.

No matter what they should be relatively light. The upper limit that should be used for most folks is:

Men: 75-95# Barbell or 40-50# DBs in each hand.
Women: 45-65# Barbell or 25-35# DBs in each hand.

Goal: Keep your torso upright in the split squats and maintain the tempo for every push up!

Choose a variation and load that you can perform all reps unbroken.

For the Bulgarian Split Squats, you can either have a barbell on your back rack, hold a pair of dumbbells at your shoulders or hanging by your sides.

Place the top of one foot face down on the bench behind you so the sole of your foot is facing up.

Step your front foot forward enough that when you lower into the bottom position, your foot is flat on the floor and you knee does not travel beyond your toes.

Your feet should be wide enough (roughly shoulder width) that you can maintain balance throughout.

Keep your chest up and belly tight. Slowly lower your hips down and back toward the bench until your thigh is parallel to the floor. Your knee may or may not touch the ground.

Push through the heel of your front foot to come back up. Your front knee should maintain a slight bend at the top.

For the tempo push ups, it is a 4 second descent to a hover 1 inch from the floor for 1 second. Push back up with max power then pause for a second at the top before starting the next rep.

Keep your body in a rigid position. Squeeze your butt, your thighs and your abs the whole time.