TUESDAY 05/12/2020

PRE (best before main workout): OLY - POWER
* Indicates the original version of the workout. This means when the workout was programmed, this is the version the coach had in mind. We adapt this workout to fit the other equipment variations. As always, pick a version of the workout that works for you, your schedule, and equipment available.
Full Body Simple Warm Up
Shoulder Warm Up
25 Burpees
5 Rounds
12 - 1/2 Up 1/2 Down Lunges (Right Arm Up)
12 - 1/2 Up 1/2 Down Lunges (Left Arm Up)
12 Lying Supine Toe Touches
25 Burpees
RX Men: 40# DBs
RX Women: 25# DBs
RX Plus Men: 50#+ DBs / 40 Burpees each time
RX Plus Women: 35#+ DBs / 40 Burpees each time
Score: Total Time
Goal: 13-20 Minutes
**Lunges are with one dumbbell at the shoulder and other arm locked overhead.
**Supine Toe Touches are holding one dumbbell in front of chest in both hands.
After you complete 25 burpees, then the 5 rounds of lunges and toe touches begins. After you finish 5 rounds of those two movements, cash out with another 25 burpees.
Only attempt RX+ if you can complete the burpees in under 3 minutes.
Burpees start standing. Place your hands on the ground. Jump or step your feet back. Get your chest and thighs to the ground. Press to lockout (top of push up). Jump or step the feet in. Jump up and clap with arms overhead!
The 1/2 Up - 1/2 Down Lunge is where one dumbbell is locked out overhead while the other is at the shoulder. Alternate your stepping leg, so for each set of 12 you do 6 per leg.
For the first set of 12 your right arm will be locked out holding the dumbbell with the bicep by the ear - and your left arm will hold the dumbbell at the shoulder. Switch your arms for the second set of 12.
Make sure that you take a long enough step each time that the front heel can stay down while the back knee touches. Focus on keeping the chest up and don't allow the knee to cave in. Stand all of the way up between lunges.
Modify to a single dumbbell (held overhead), or 24 lunges with 1 or 2 dumbbells held at the shoulders.
You can also switch to weighted step ups with DBs by your side or at the shoulders.
For the supine toe touch you will start lying on your back with your legs extended and heels hovering a few inches from the floor. Your arms will be fully extended straight up in the air with both hands holding one side of the dumbbell, or sharing the handle of the DB or holding a DB in each hand. Keep your belly tight like you are trying to flatten your lower back into the floor. Squeeze your legs together and raise them up into the air until your toes or shins touch the dumbbell(s). Lower your legs back down to a hover with control so you don't overarch your back.
Bend your knees to make this more accessible!
Full Body Simple Warm Up
Overhead Warm Up
25 Burpees
5 Rounds
18 Barbell Overhead Lunges (Alternating)
12 Lying Supine Toe Touches
25 Burpees
RX Men: 65-75#
RX Women: 45-55#
RX Plus Men: 95#+ / 40 Burpees each time
RX Plus Women: 65#+ / 40 Burpees each time
Score: Total Time
Goal: 13-20 Minutes
After you complete 25 burpees, then the 5 rounds of lunges and toe touches begins. After you finish 5 rounds of those two movements, cash out with another 25 burpees.
Only attempt RX+ if you can complete the burpees in under 3 minutes.
Burpees start standing. Place your hands on the ground. Jump or step your feet back. Get your chest and thighs to the ground. Press to lockout (top of push up). Jump or step the feet in. Jump up and clap with arms overhead!
For the overhead lunges you will hold the bar in the overhead lockout position with the biceps by the ears. You may perform forward stepping, reverse stepping, or even walking lunges. Make sure you take a long enough step with the front leg so that your heel can be down on that foot when the back knee GENTLY touches the ground. Stand all of the way up between reps and alternate legs with each lunge. So for each set of 18 you end up doing 9 on each side.
If the barbell is not feeling stable, try holding a plate overhead for the lunges.
Otherwise switch to back rack step ups.
For the supine toe touches, lie on the floor, legs extended, holding the barbell above your chest with an overhand grip, arms extended fully. With the legs sealed together, raise them up until your toes or shins touch the bar, then lower back to the floor.
Bend your knees to make this movement more accessible. Or use a plate for the toe touches, switch to V Ups or even leg raises!
Safety tip:
Place the barbell in the lowest rung of a squat rack and slide underneath before you lift it above your chest. This ensures that if you do lose your grip and drop the weight, it will fall onto the rack — not your chest.
Full Body Simple Warm Up
Shoulder Warm Up
25 Burpees
5 Rounds
24 Sandbag Front Rack Lunges
12 Lying Supine Toe Touches
25 Burpees
Idea Sandbag Weights:
Men: 50-70#
Women: 25-45#
RX+ Men/Women: 40 Burpees for each set.
Score: Total Time
Goal: 13-20 Minutes
After you complete 25 burpees, then the 5 rounds of lunges and toe touches begins. After you finish 5 rounds of those two movements, cash out with another 25 burpees.
Only attempt RX+ if you can complete the burpees in under 3 minutes.
For the front rack lunge, clean the bag up to your shoulders so that it is resting on your biceps and your upper arms are parallel to the floor. Keep your belly tight and chest up. You may choose from forward stepping, reverse, or even walking lunges. You will alternate legs so for 24 reps, it's 12 on each leg. Drive off of the heel and don't allow the knees to cave. We like the reverse lunge because the working leg stays planted so you end up being able to drive through the heel really well. You will step back and keep the heel down. Don't allow the knee to cave in. You will GENTLY touch the ground with the leg (knee) you stepped back with. Then drive off of the front foot (heel) to bring you back to standing. Switch legs for the next rep.
You can also switch to step ups with the bag front racked or on one shoulder (switch shoulders every 12 reps).
For the supine toe touch you will start lying on your back with your legs extended and heels hovering a few inches from the floor. Your arms will be fully extended straight up in the air holding the sandbag like the top of a bench press. Keep your belly tight like you are trying to flatten your lower back into the floor. Squeeze your legs together and raise them up into the air until your toes or shins touch the bag. Lower your legs back down to a hover with control so you don't overarch your back.
Bend your knees if you need to!
LUNGE - If you have any pubic symphysis pain or SPD focus on keeping your pelvis neutral and your hips level. You could always do lighter weight, smaller step/less range of motion, or step up or forward instead of step back in the lunge lunge. You can also try stepping laterally onto a stack of plates or something instead of stepping back or up, sometimes this helps create some control in managing the position of the pelvis. Feel free to sub a squat or goblet squat for the lunges.
SUPINE LEG LIFTS - Similar to the movement mechanics of Toes to Bar or Sit Ups this movement can put a lot of pressure on the core and the pelvic floor. You can try scaling the movement with bent knees or a smaller range of motion. If you are pregnant or in the rehab or rebuilding stages of postpartum you may want to sub Ball Slams, KB Swings, Overhead Plate Hold/March, Palloff Press, Banded/Wallball Woodchop, Standing Cross Body Wallball Throws, Goblet Hold/Squat, Waiter Walk