WEDNESDAY 05/06/2020

PRE (best before main workout): OLY - POWER
POST (best after the main workout): SUNS OUT GUNS OUT
EITHER (can be warm up or finisher): GYMNASTICS
SWAP (skip the main workout and do one of these instead): ENDURANCE
* Indicates the original version of the workout. This means when the workout was programmed, this is the version the coach had in mind. We adapt this workout to fit the other equipment variations. As always, pick a version of the workout that works for you, your schedule, and equipment available.
Squat Warm Up
Box Jump Warm Up
11 Rounds (For Time)
13 Dumbbell Squats
9 Jump Overs
RX Men: 40# DBs, 20-24" Jump Over
RX Women: 25# DBs, 16-22" Jump Overs
RX+ Men: 50# DBs+
RX+ Women: 35# DBs+
Goal Time: Under 25 Min
Gunnie was 11 Years Old. He was born on Sept 13. This is how we will honor him. Going to be an emotional one for us...
For the dumbbell squats choose a weight that you think you will try to do all 13 unbroken each time. If you end up having to break them a little bit toward the later rounds - that is ok, but this weight should be relatively light for you.
For these reps the dumbbells will be at or on the shoulder. Reach the butt back and down, keep the heels down, drive the knees out, fight to keep the chest up. Butt should be lower than the knees at the bottom. Stand all of the way up at the top of each rep.
For the jump overs the goal is to jump COMPLETELY over something! So find a height and object you are comfortable with. You can even just set up a broomstick between 2 chairs or something! Get creative! If possible, this should be higher than just your bar with the plates on it.
If you cannot jump for injury or other reasons you will sub 9 no push up burpees.
Squat Warm Up
Box Jump Warm Up
11 Rounds (For Time)
13 Back Squats
9 Jump Overs
RX Men: 75#, 20-24" Jump Over
RX Women: 55#, 16-22" Jump Over
RX + Men: 95-115#+
RX + Women: 65-75#+
Goal Time: Under 25 Min
Gunnie was 11 Years Old. He was born on Sept 13. This is how we will honor him. Going to be an emotional one for us...
For the back squats choose a weight that you think you will try to do all 13 unbroken each time. If you end up having to break them a little bit toward the later rounds - that is ok, but this weight should be relatively light for you.
For these reps the bar will be on the back. You are welcome to use a rack if you want to. Reach the butt back and down, keep the heels down, drive the knees out, fight to keep the chest up. Butt should be lower than the knees at the bottom. Stand all of the way up at the top of each rep.
For the jump overs the goal is to jump COMPLETELY over something! So find a height and object you are comfortable with. You can even just set up a broomstick between 2 chairs or something! Get creative! If possible, this should be higher than just your bar with the plates on it.
If you cannot jump for injury or other reasons you will sub 9 no push up burpees.
Squat Warm Up
Box Jump Warm Up
11 Rounds (For Time)
13 Sandbag Squats
9 Jump Overs
NO RX or RX+ - just use the bag you've got! If it's way too heavy or too light - change the reps up a bit to fit the time goal!
Goal Time: Under 25 Min
Gunnie was 11 Years Old. He was born on Sept 13. This is how we will honor him. Going to be an emotional one for us...
For the squats try to do all 13 unbroken each time. If you end up having to break them a little bit toward the later rounds - that is ok, but this weight should be relatively light for you.
For these reps the sandbag will be on the back or one shoulder. Reach the butt back and down, keep the heels down, drive the knees out, fight to keep the chest up. Butt should be lower than the knees at the bottom. Stand all of the way up at the top of each rep.
For the jump overs the goal is to jump COMPLETELY over something! So find a height and object you are comfortable with. You can even just set up a broomstick between 2 chairs or something! Get creative! If possible, this should be higher than just your bar with the plates on it.
If you cannot jump for injury or other reasons you will sub 9 no push up burpees.
DB/GOBLET SQUATS - If you have a hard time maintaining control and a stable midline in the bottom of the squat or if you find yourself bearing down to get out of the bottom, try subbing a target or assisted squat to shorten the range of motion. A box squat is always a great idea especially during pregnancy to strengthen the posterior chain and balance out the growing belly.
JUMP/SKIP OVERS - To avoid the added pressure to the pelvic floor that the impact from jumping and hopping can create, sub: Taps, Quick Step Ups, Skip Overs, Lateral Hop Overs, Lateral Skip Overs, Row, Bike, Farmer Carry, Sled Push/Drag.