SATURDAY 04/18/2020
PRE (best before main workout): OLY - POWER
POST (best after the main workout): SUNS OUT GUNS OUT
EITHER (can be warm up or finisher): GYMNASTICS
* Indicates the original version of the workout. This means when the workout was programmed, this is the version the coach had in mind. We adapt this workout to fit the other equipment variations. As always, pick a version of the workout that works for you, your schedule, and equipment available.
Full Body Simple Warm Up
Running Warm Up
6 Rounds
Run 200 Meters
100 Meter Farmer Carry
50 Meter Overhead Carry Right
50 Meter Overhead Carry Left
RX Men: 40-45# DBs/KBs
RX Women: 25#ish DBs/KBs
RX+ Men: 50-55# DBs/KBs
RX+ Women: 35#ish DBs/KBs
Score: Total Time
Goal: 19-24 Min
We are shooting for 3-4 minute rounds on this one. This will definitely test your shoulder stamina and stability so choose your loads wisely because it will burn!
For the 200m run, you're working with a minute or less. Shorten the distance as needed to fit the time window. If unable to run due to space or weather purposes - 1 min double/single unders, low step ups, Mtn Climbers or toe taps to a low target.
For the Farmer Carries, you will hold a dumbbell in each hand. Keep your chest up, shoulders back and belly tight. Take rest rather than allowing yourself to fall into a bad position.
For 100m, it should take about a minute. If it's much slower or you are breaking a lot, go to a single dumbbell and switch hands at the halfway point.
For weather/space issues, go with a minute of low step ups, this time holding the dumbbells.
For the overhead carries you will only need one dumbbell. You will do the reps with one arm locked out - bicep by the ear and then the other at your side. Keep the belly tight and press up!!
If you are unable to do overhead carries you may do them with the dumbbell at the shoulder.
And if you are limited by space or weather, you can switch to 30 seconds each arm of low step ups with the dumbbell in the appropriate position.
Choose a height that allows you to just keep moving, ideally 8-12 inches.
Full Body Simple Warm Up
Running Warm Up
6 Rounds
Run 200 Meters
100 Meter Barbell Overhead Carry
100 Meter Barbell Front Rack Carry
RX Men: 75#
RX Women: 55#
RX+ Men: 95#+
RX+ Women: 65#+
Score: Total Time
Goal: 19-24 Min
We are shooting for 3-4 minute rounds on this one. This will definitely test your shoulder stamina and stability so choose your loads wisely because it will burn!
For the 200m run, you're working with a minute or less. Shorten the distance as needed to fit the time window. If unable to run due to space or weather purposes - 1 min double/single unders, low step ups, Mtn Climbers or toe taps to a low target.
For the barbell overhead carry, focus on a good overhead position over moving fast. Arms should be locked out overhead, hands gripping the bar slightly wider than shoulder width apart.
Keep your chest up and belly tight the whole time.
If you are unable to maintain a stable overhead position, even at a lighter weight, switch to a front rack then a back rack carry.
For the front rack carry, make sure the bar is resting on the shoulders with a loose fingertip grip and elbows high! Keep the chest up, but do not overextend the back. Keep the belly tight!
For weather/space restrictions, switch the carries to 1 minute of low step ups. Go 1 min front rack and then 1 minute back rack. Height should be around 8-12 inches.
Full Body Simple Warm Up
Running Warm Up
6 Rounds
Bike 15 Cal (Men) / 11 Cal (Women)
Row 250 Meters
100 Meter Farmer Carry
50 Meter Overhead Carry Right
50 Meter Overhead Carry Left
RX Men: 40-45# DBs/KBs
RX Women: 25#ish DBs/KBs
RX+ Men: 50-55# DBs/KBs
RX+ Women: 35#ish DBs/KBs
You can also do this with the barbell option in Program B, or the fun sandbag option found under "Street Parking SANDBAG" today!
Score: Total Time
Goal: 19-24 Min
We are shooting for 3-4 minute rounds on this one. This will definitely test your shoulder stamina and stability so choose your loads wisely because it will burn!
For the bike/row, you're working with a minute or less. Shorten the calories/distance as needed to fit the time window.
For the Farmer Carries, you will hold a dumbbell in each hand. Keep your chest up, shoulders back and belly tight. Take rest rather than allowing yourself to fall into a bad position.
For 100m, it should take about a minute. If it's much slower or you are breaking a lot, go to a single dumbbell and switch hands at the halfway point.
For weather/space issues, go with a minute of low step ups, this time holding the dumbbells.
For the overhead carries you will only need one dumbbell. You will do the reps with one arm locked out - bicep by the ear and then the other at your side. Keep the belly tight and press up!!
If you are unable to do overhead carries you may do them with the dumbbell at the shoulder.
And if you are limited by space or weather, you can switch to 30 seconds each arm of low step ups with the dumbbell in the appropriate position.
Choose a height that allows you to just keep moving, ideally 8-12 inches.
Full Body Simple Warm Up
Running Warm Up
4 Rounds
Run 400 Meters (Together)
400 Meters Farmer Carry
200 Meters Overhead Carry Right
200 Meters Overhead Carry Left
All will be done together. Each person runs the entire 400 (but run together). Then the other parts you may share and break up as much as you like.
RX Men: 40-45# DBs/KBs
RX Women: 25#ish DBs/KBs
RX+ Men: 50-55# DBs/KBs
RX+ Women: 35#ish DBs/KBs
Score: Total Time
Goal: Under 30 Min
We are shooting for 5-6 minute rounds on this one. This will definitely test your shoulder stamina and stability so choose your loads wisely because it will burn!
For the 400m run, you're working with 2:00-2:30. Shorten the distance as needed to fit the time window. If unable to run due to space or weather purposes - 2 min double/single unders, low step ups, Mtn Climbers or toe taps to a low target.
For the Farmer Carries, you will hold a dumbbell in each hand. Keep your chest up, shoulders back and belly tight. Take rest rather than allowing yourself to fall into a bad position.
For a shared 400m, it should take less than 4 minutes. If it's much slower or you are breaking a lot, go to a single dumbbell and switch hands at every break.
For weather/space issues, go with 4 minutes of low step ups, this time holding the dumbbells.
For the overhead carries you will only need one dumbbell. You will do the reps with one arm locked out - bicep by the ear and then the other at your side. Keep the belly tight and press up!!
If you are unable to do overhead carries you may do them with the dumbbell at the shoulder.
And if you are limited by space or weather, you can switch to 2 minutes per round of low step ups with the dumbbell in the appropriate position. So you'd go 2 minutes with the right arm, then 2 minutes with the left arm. Switch with your partner every 30 seconds.
Choose a height that allows you to just keep moving, ideally 8-12 inches.
RUN/JOG - To avoid the added pressure to the pelvic floor that the impact from running can create, sub: Taps, Row, Bike, Farmer Carry, Sled Push/Drag, Quick Step Ups. If you're postpartum and working towards rehab-ing your core and pelvic floor you can choose from the same subs for pregnancy and/or scaling the distance that you run so that you can focus on your posture, breathing mechanics, and managing the pressure of your or and pelvic floor.
FARMER CARRY - This can be a great movement for pregnant and postpartum Mamas. Focus on your posture, aligning your pelvis under your rib cage, and your breathing mechanics.
OVERHEAD CARRY - Pay attention to your posture and breathing mechanics. Make adjustments to the load or distance if you notice coning in your belly. Feel free to sub seated single arm strict presses!