GYMNASTICS | WEEK 16 | 04/12/2020


Full Body Simple Warm Up


7 Min Handstand Practice
This can be done against the wall, freestanding, or even just practice kicking up into a handstand to a level that you are comfortable.

Remember to spread the fingers. Hands should be placed shoulder width apart. Engage and use ACTIVE shoulders - pressing the ground away. Tuck the chin and either look at the heel of the hand or even less out in front.

Keep the belly tight. Squeeze the cheeks. Work to keep the feet together.

For an added challenge for those of you that are good at free standing - draw a 3' x 3' box and stay in there! Or work on not moving around at all!!!

4 Rounds (Not for Time)
15 Handstand Push Ups
30 Alternating Pistols (One Legged Squats)
50 Double Unders

This should be PRACTICE for all 3 movements. You will list your time just to have a score but focus is QUALITY!!

For the handstand push ups, hands should be slightly wider than shoulder width and about 8-12 inches from the wall. When you lower to the floor, your head should be closer to the wall than your hands. Keep your belly tight to avoid over extension of your spine. You may perform them strict or kipping. Control your descent down and lock out your arms at the top!

If you are working on these, you can modify to a pike up with feet on a box or bench. You can also practice kicking up to a handstand on the wall, then lowering down into a tripod position.

For the pistols, it is basically a one-legged squat with the other leg extended out in front of you. Alternate legs so you end up doing 15 per side.

Modify these by lowering to a target like a bench or wall ball. You can also do them standing on the box so the floating leg is off the side.

Finally, you can do them using the roll up technique. For this you basically roll on your back and come up from the bottom of a pistol using momentum.

For the double unders, your rope will pass two times under your feet for every one jump. Keep your chest up and your landing soft. It's just like a single under but you jump a little higher and spin the rope faster using your wrists, not your arms!

If you struggle with these, simply practice them for 2 minutes each round. Don't forget to check out the double under progression on Members-Only under Extra Programs!

3 x Max Effort L-Sit
Rest 2 Min between efforts.

Score is total  time from all 3 attempts combined!

For the L-Sit, place your hands on two objects equal in height so your body is in between them. Press into the objects (box + bench, plate stacks, parallettes etc), squeeze your legs together and extend them out in front of you.

You can modify by tucking in one or both knees. If you don't have two objects that will work, try an L-Hang!