OLY | WEEK 06 | 02/02/2020


5 Sets (Lightly builiding)
2 Muscle Cleans + 3 Front squats

These are to be warm up sets starting with an empty bar and lightly building per set.


(Every Min on the Min for 14 Min)

1 Clean + 2 Front Squats

Score: Weight
Goal: Unbroken.  Heavy.  But safe and solid movement.

Choose a weight that will challenge you.  If at any point you need to go up or down, that is totally fine.

For the squat clean you will start with the bar on the ground.  Hands will be outside the legs with about a hip width stance with the feet!

You will have a slight bend in the knee, heels down, arms straight, bar close to the body, chest up.

Stand keeping the arms long and bar close to the body.  Drive through the heels and pick up speed after you pass the knees.  Almost jump with the bar as you shrug the shoulders, and pull yourself underneath as the elbows shoot through and the bar lands on the shoulder.  You will land in the bottom of the squat with the elbows high.  Knees are out, heels are down, chest is up. Do not collapse in this position.

To stand, lead with the chest and elbows. Stand fully for each rep.

For front squats, make sure the bar is resting on the shoulders with a loose fingertip grip and elbows high!  Keep the chest up, but do not overextend the back.  Keep the belly tight!

Reach the butt back and down trying to keep the elbows and chest up as you descend. Drive the knees out and keep the heels down throughout. The bottom position should be where the butt is lower than the top of the knee.  Do not collapse in this position.  Do not go so low that the back starts to round.

To stand, lead with the chest and elbows - keeping the bar on the shoulder and not out in front.  Stand fully for each rep.

1 1/4 Front Squat (3 x 4)

Squat down to depth, up to just above parallel then, back down to depth and up.Rest as needed between sets.