SOGO | WEEK 05 | 01/26/2020


1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Reps of:
Dumbbell Bicep Curl + 10 Second 90 Degree Hold
Alternating Curl & Press (Each Arm)

Score: Weight Used
Goal: Choose a load you can make through round 5 without breaking.

Here's how it will go:
First do a curl with both arms then lower halfway down and hold for 10 seconds. Lower your arms and perform 1 curl into a press with your right arm, then same thing with your left. Next, 2 curls with a 10 second hold, lower the dumbbells and do 2 curls into presses with each arm, alternating your arms as you go.

You will definitely have to break this up but pick a load you thing you can get through the round of 5 curls.

Keep your elbows tight to your body and your shoulders drawn down away from your ears the whole time on the curls. Squeeze your belly tight.

When you press, straighten your arm all the way at the top with your bicep by your ear. Lower to your shoulder then reverse curl back down.

10 Rounds:
30 Seconds to Complete

Round 1: 1 Tricep Extension + Overhead Hold with Remaining Time
Round 2: 2 Tricep Extensions  + Overhead Hold with the Remaining Time

Keep adding 1 rep of the tricep extension until you get to 10.  Rest as needed between rounds in order to work for the full 30 seconds.

Score: Weight Used (hint - go lighter than you think you need to)

Annnnd for this part, ideally you will use dumbbells but you could do an empty bar or a plate.

Do these standing up. Holding your implement behind your head with upper arms vertical and biceps by your ears the whole time, extend your arms straight up overhead and hold until the 30 second mark.

Then do 2 extensions and hold overhead until the 1:00 mark. Keep adding a rep and  holding until the next 30 second increment until your complete 10 reps AND the remaining hold.

If you go unbroken it will be 5 minutes.  Can you make it???