GYMNASTICS | WEEK 05 | 01/26/2020


Pull Up Warm Up


For the next 5 weeks we will be using workouts from each our Gymnastics Extra Programs (+ a little bit of extra) that can be found on the Members Only website for our gymnastics programming.  These programs are designed to help you target specific weaknesses/work toward specific goals.  They include: Toes to Bar, Strict Pull Up, Kipping, Pull Up, Push Up, Handstand Push Up, or Pull Up Stamina.  To learn more about these programs - head to Members Only and click EXTRA PROGRAMS!

If you are participating in the Choose Your Own Adventure Challenge - Skills Track - you will have chosen one of those programs to follow!  You can find everything you need on Members Only!

This pull up skill work in today's workout is from the Pull Up Program Level 1

7 Min Handstand Hold Practice
Put 7 min on the clock and practice holding a handstand or kicking up into a handstand.Options here are free standing - back agains the wall - facing the wall - just practicing kicking up (even if you aren't comfortable going ALL of the way up - or even just holding a pike handstand on a box.

It's 7 min of practice so take breaks as needed.

Main focus here is spreading the fingers and learning how to balance across the whole hand.  Keeping the belly tight and butt squeezed (no overextension).  And really pressing the ground away - keeping those shoulders active.

10 Min EMOM
Min 1: 4 Inchworms with a 5 second pause in the plank or 2 Wall Walks with a 5 second hold in the handstand
Min 2: 10 Strict Hanging Knee Raises or 5-7 Strict Toes to Bar

No real need for a score here - but since it will give you credit in Wodify just put your total Knee Raise or TTB reps - and put which version of each you did in comments.If you are doing inchworms you will place your hands down in front of  your feet and  walk them away from you until you are in the top of a plank position.  Focus on keeping the belly drawn in and the shoulders, hips, and ankles in one straight line.  Hold for 5 seconds.  Walk hands back to the feet and stand.

For the wall walk option start in the bottom of a push up at the bottom - press to the top of a push up - walk the hands back toward the wall as the feet go up the wall.  Keep the belly tight.  Get the belly and nose all of the way against the wall in a handstand position and hold for 5 seconds.  Then lower by walking hands away from the wall and walking the feet down the wall.  Go all the way back down to the bottom of a push up.

For the hanging knee raises you will hang from your bar and without adding any swing bring the knees up as close to the chest as possible.  Lower under control.

For the strict toes to bar this means NO swing!  Press against the bar as you contract the core and lift the legs working to keep them as strict as possible.  Pick a number that is sustainable for you.

Skill Work from Level One Pull Up Program

See below for sub options and instructions.  Do all 5 sets of pull ups with rest between before the hollow/arch part.BANDED STRICT PULL UPS:

Use a band that will allow you to get sets of 3, but no more than 5-6 per set. If it makes it TOO easy, we miss the point. Make sure you start from a complete hang position in the bottom and get your chin all of the way over at the top.

If you don't have bands you can also do a jump and slow lower for this part.

Tabata means you will work for 20 seconds and then rest 10 seconds. For this tabata you will alternate back and forth between a hollow position and an arch position. These are the positions we need when we are hanging on the bar to create the proper kip swing. You will do a total of 4 minutes or 4 rounds of each movement.

For the HOLLOW position:
Lie on your back with your hands over your head and legs straight. You will think of lifting your shoulders off of the ground, and the feet also. To do this you will pull your belly in and press your lower back into the ground. The goal is to get your WHOLE lower back in contact with the ground while the shoulders and arms, as well as the legs and feet are lifted. Think of making a banana shape! Hold this for 20 seconds.

Rest for 10 seconds and then...

For the ARCH position:
Roll onto your belly, hands still over your head and legs still straight. This time you will lift your arms and chest, and feet and legs by arching the back and squeezing the butt. Don't crank your neck back. Keep your head in a neutral position. Hold this position for 20 seconds.

Rest for 10 seconds and then go back to hollow.

Repeat for a total of 4 rounds.